***New YT Video-DSD's Hair Update**

Good Job Girl and your hair is Beautiful.
I need stop by your shop the next time I pass thru Georgia.
Ooh your hair looks beautiful! So healthy and thick. You are a beast with the blowdryer and flat iron! It doesn't look like you have had any damage to your ends as a result of your long transition. Is there anything in particular you are doing to avoid this? Also how long do you plan to transition before you cut? I'm debating a transition myself but don't know if I will ever be able to bring myself to cut the relaxed hair off.
Ooh your hair looks beautiful! So healthy and thick. You are a beast with the blowdryer and flat iron! It doesn't look like you have had any damage to your ends as a result of your long transition. Is there anything in particular you are doing to avoid this? Also how long do you plan to transition before you cut? I'm debating a transition myself but don't know if I will ever be able to bring myself to cut the relaxed hair off.
Thanks!! :yep:
Keep my hair from breaking at the ends I use the keracare intensive restorative mask. It is wonderful from helping to maintain the hair's integrity. I use it on every shampoo. I am going to keep transitioning until I reach around BSL or MB and then I'll slowly trim the ends maybe an inch at a time until it is completely natural.