New Year's Hair Resolutions


New Member
New Year\'s Hair Resolutions

Since my mini-chop just today, I brainstormed on what I would do to ensure my hair grows healthy and stays thick at the ends during my transition which will definitely go throughout 2004. Instead of coming up with a specific regimen, I just came up with a list of things that I want to make sure to do for my hair in the new year.

1. Moisturize my ends every single day
2. Moisturize my nape area every single night with moisturizing spray
3. Moisturize front hairline at least every other day
4. Spray crown area with rosemary growth spritz every night
5. Deep condition once a week with or without heat
6. Shampoo with gentle shampoo only once a week
7. Condition wash once a week
8. Condition rinse twice a week
9. Wear protective styles (ends tucked in) at least twice a week
10. Wear hair in updo at least 6 days a week (includes above)
11. Straighten hair at most only once every 6 weeks
12. Get hair trimmed every 4 months if needed
13. Don't pull hair too tight for buns or ponytails
14. Use only safe hair accessories like satin scrunchies and good days hair pins
15. Exercise at least 5 days a week for 30 minutes for hair and overall health
16. Continue to stick with vitamin regimen.

This isn't a challenge, just a set of resolutions that I'd like to start off with for the new be udpated and changed as needed.

What are your plans for the new year?
Re: New Year\'s Hair Resolutions

1.Continue daily co washes
2.Keep nape area especially moisturized
3.Always have my hair in braids or some sort of protective style
4.Stop using brushes
5.Continue with no heat regemin
6.Keep stretch relaxer 14-16 weeks
7.Stop trimming everytime I get frustrated with my length
8.Continue my vitamin regemin
9.Make sure I moisturize my hair on a daily basis
10.Stop touching my hair so much
Re: New Year\'s Hair Resolutions

1. more co washes
2. moisturize
3. stretch out relaxer
4. protective styles
5. no heat
6. no brushing
7. vaseline ends
9. No split ends
10. drink more water
11. exercise
12. Take vitamins
13. No raggedy ends
Re: New Year\'s Hair Resolutions

buffalosoldier said:

Stop obsessing over my hair --- just joking that will never happen.

[/ QUOTE ]

Re: New Year\'s Hair Resolutions

1. Keep doing what's good for my hair (and body).
2. Remain positive about reaching my next hair goal.
Re: New Year\'s Hair Resolutions

I want to learn to do basic cornrow styles on my hair - nothing elaborate. Right now all I can do well is a single braid down the back, or two (one at each side). This week I started doing between six and ten cornrows, going straight back from hair line to nape. They ain't perfect, because I can't part straight yet, but I'm getting there.
Re: New Year\'s Hair Resolutions

1. Start exercising 5 days a week again.
2. Eat more fruits and vegetables.
3. Drink more water.
4. Trim my ends every three months.
5. Straighten hair every three months.
6. Put hair grease on my ends each time I conditioner rinse.
7. Conditioner rinse 5 days a week.
8. Wash once a week.
9. Deep condition twice a month.
10. Hot oil treatment twice a month.
11. Take my time and be gentle with my hair.
12. No tight hairstyles.
13. Wear scarf every night.