NEW touch up pics


Well-Known Member
I had to get a well needed trim this time around. My left side was a whole 1.5- 2 inches longer than the right. :eek:

She evened it up even though it was against my better judgement. I must admit, my hair looks better though. I was shocked after relaxer, with wet hair that my longer side was APL! But I know I would look crazy with a lopsided hair cut... I wish my hair grew in a real V and not a lopsided V.:(

I feel like I take 2 steps forward and 1 step back ALWAYS! ARRRRGH!

FAMU, your hair looks great. I know it's frustrating to have the different growth patterns, but nothing you can do to change it. APL is fast approaching!
chocomom said:
FAMU, your hair looks great. I know it's frustrating to have the different growth patterns, but nothing you can do to change it. APL is fast approaching!

Thanks! I guess now I'll have thicker looking ends.
Your hair looks good, it's done a whole 360 as far as thickness and your ends. It looks like it has caught up quite a bit w/your longest length. Maybe now it will grow in almost the same length, Congrats!!!
Thanks ladies! You all are so encouraging!

I will be incorporating roller sets and flexirods with my bunning. I was starting to get frustrated and feeling ugly with the buns only.

Y'all give me hope. THANKS!:)
Wishin4BSL said:
I love it! It looks great! Plus it looks much healthier now! Great progress!

I agree! I love it. I need to trim my ends too. I'm going to do it when I wash my hair this week.
Thank you ladies! Y'all make me feel so much better! I know I needed the trim. My hair is typically very healthy, but when the left side takes off running, it leaves the right side!

I think I get 3/4 in growth per month on the left, but only 1/2 or less on the right!