New to the gane of being a 4a Natural..So please help!


Well-Known Member
Could you all please tell me what you all are using onyour hair. Also, I am trying to figure out a good gel that lay down edges even in humidity. Ilive in North Carolina and though it is cool as I speak we are still encountering some mid 80 degree heat. I would like to know what works. I use Elasta QP Glaze which I love but it reverts when humid. I have tried Ampro Clear Protein gel which would work but it doesn't have the shine. Soooooo, do you ladies know of one that would do both? As long as it doesn't flake, I don't mind if it is hard because it is just for my edges. I will not be putting all over.

If you don't mind though can you also tell about any other good products for 4a/4b hair (leave-ins, etc. things that would make it soft, pliable, and the texture to "pop". Thanks in advance!
I had the same problem with the QP Glaze which I LOVED as a relaxed head. Have you tried the fantasia gel with sparkelites? That's what I use. I like the blue one the best. I've heard the green one is good too but I haven't seen it in my area yet.
Hi and welcome :)

Umm, i would say it really is all trial and error getting to know what your hair loves or hates.

For gel i use the fantasia ic clear gel and it works great for me.

For products some of my staples are : infusium leave in, coconut oil, bumble and bumble curl conscious line, cheapie conditioners (white rain, suave) for my wash and go's, biolage detangler, my maxiglide for straightening, cholesterol, i guess i have a lot of staples depending on the style.

There are quite a few 4a women here so don't feel that you are alone! Pm me anytime and i would be happy to help if I can :)
Prior to clipping the last few pieces of my relaxer, the Fantasia Clear Gel worked. This had become my all time favorite. It made my hair wave nicely. I still love it. The thing is I don't know if I have to let the edges completely dry or what as it is tied down. My hair still reverts (POOF). I will keep checking.
i don't get good holds from fantasia ic gels even though i like them (wierd, huh?).

if your hair isn't anti-protein, don't forget about brown protein gels (or any protein gel really) like ecostyler or ampro - something about those gels........... :lachen:

if your hair seems to dry too hard with brown gel, than just mix a batch and add some oil to it. the amount of oil will vary to how you like your hair to feel vrs. the hold you'll get. i like to add coconut oil, i like the shine.

i also like LA looks gels too.
Welcome to the world of being natural! I would suggest that you wait until your hair dries before heading out. I usually don't have that problem. Are you using the gel on dry hair or wet/damp? Also, you need some product that are really moisturizing. Are you using heat? Did you transition or Big Chop? I don't use heat so I rarely need protein treatments or anything like that. I use Qhemet Biologics(the heavy cream, hydrating balm, gel), extra virgin olive oil and castor oil for Dcing, CON detangling Shampoo(green one), CON deep conditioner,etc... I used to use Fantasia gel (blue and green) for wash and gos, but now I use Long Aid curl activator gel (extra dry) with QB heavy cream (just a little). I cowash with Suave Naturals conditioner and I clarify once a month with Suave clarify shampoo. That is pretty much it.
I don't comb my hair, but only pick it for detangling or puffs/afro. And I only do that once in awhile. I shampoo once a week and DC for about an hour or so. I twist my hair once in awhile too. I use the ouchless bands for puffs. I tie my hair up at night or sleep with a satin pillowcase. That is about it. I hope this help.
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i like Garnier Fructis... they had a gel that was stong hold and left a lot of shine. also it helps to tie your hair down for the smoothest look possible.

like the other girls said, there is a lot of trial and error. i find that the longer my hair gets, the less coily it looks. the weight of my hair is pulling it into an S-shape, and i only get coils at the end. i have to use a Denman-knockoff brush on wet hair with leave-in to get my hair to coil from roots to ends. also plopping helps with coil definition (if you don't know what that is, PM me and i'll explain) as does rinsing in cold water. and shaking helps separate the coils so they don't dry in one big tangly clump - yes, i shake my hair like a wet dog after a flea bath... :lachen:
I love the Creme of Nature (Green) shampoo and conditioner just make sure you clarify about once a month to remove buildup while using them. I still have not found a gel that I am totally satisfied with yet but so far IC gels work best.
Elasta QP Glaze? Alcohol in a tub? lol Someone recommended I use that to stop the fuzz I always get. I scooped some up rubbed it in my hands *poof* it was like magic it was gone lol some serious evaporation went on :ohwell::perplexed:spinning:

But on a serious note, I'm having this problem myself but not with the edges, my hair is fine and wispy and it's slick when I ponytail it wet but once it dries cos it's fine, it's really soft and fluffy and fuzzy. Not really the corporate look I'm aiming for :nono: So like I said I tried the glaze. That really didn't work, especially not on wet hair, so I went back to the sparkle lites IC gel (the clear one) that again slicks when it's wet but once my hair's dry or if I put it on dry hair it does nothing, not even give it sparkle :cry: So as I think back, when I was originally natural I used to use Smooth and Shine conditioning gel, it's in a black tub with a pink lid (kinda like lets jam) but it's a soft gel. Honestly, I used to mix it with pink oil moisturiser, but lets not go there... but that worked for me then so maybe it will work for you.I'm gonna get some to try tomorrow.

It's this one, but I'm not sure it was "extra hold" you have to open it up and see, it defo wasn't like Let's Jam.

I'm pretty sure everyone given you good advice on the curls popping and good products, it really is trial and error, but I swear by Main n Tail conditioner as a leave in. That and a denman brush and I'll have coils for days. Just co-wash or watever you do and detangle. Rinse, squeeze the water out, put a little bit on your hands and run through then let it dry and it leaves your hair all shiny and soft.