Pros and Cons of Being Natural

i feel like me
dont run from the rain
hair is much healthier
hair seems thicker(but its not lol)
i retain much much more hair
i dont get many tangles
dont get many knots

some people just dont get it
The biggest pro for me is that no matter how I style my hair, it looks like NO ONE elses. Even if I replicate a 'do I see on another natural, that will become MY style. I love that I can be uniquely me.

The only con that comes to mind regarding natural hair for me is the frizz. Me and frizz fight at least twice a week and she usually :kick:.

Hope you enjoy whatever you decide.
For the women that are reporting there are no CONS to being natural- If your texture is 4a-CNAPP, do you consider knotting to be a PRO of natural hair? I mean that with all seriousness. Are you saying you don't experience knotting at all?

What am I doing wrong?! LOL

I feel you on that one!

Those SSS were killing me. As my natural hair grew, I saw more little circles being washed down the shower as I combed my hair with every conditioner. It became more of a chore. I relaxed after six months of being natural. I do like the softness or silkiness of my hair now. The natural was nice as long as my hair was a half an inch. I'm in small box braids for the next six months. What I love most is the versatility of my 4a texture.

I agree with everyone that has posted. I dont experience the SSK's as much as my hair is constantly in twist. I luv being natural and the variety it brings. I am able to wake up, shake my hair, put on my running shoes, sweat like a man, wash my hair, apply some conditioner and go to work all w/in 2 1/2 hours....I wouldnt trade that for nothing.
okay ill do the bad first...

Cons: Shrinkage... honestly this isnt a huge problem if you can get comfortable with a convenient routine.

Knots: :rolleyes:This also something that i had a problem with. The best solution for that has been adding protein to my regimen and keeping an eye out on my ends.


Versitility: Im sure you already know this one. No one can deny the benefits of going from a curly fro to straight within an hour or so.

No restrictions: (I) can pretty much do any style i want at any time, period. You dont have to worry about having a "fresh" relaxer for a certain style/special occasion. Just wash, set, dry and go.

Shrinkage: This is my opinion... shrinkage adds a regal and unique element to tightly curled hair, even in a stretch style. The volume and bounce is beautiful to me. I love it!:grin:

Standing out! To me thick curls just seem to compliment black skin and/or features the way no the other style can.
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-get to wash my hair whenever I like, and then just braid it and leave it. Some people can do this with relaxed hair, but airdrying NEVER worked for me when I was relaxed.

- playing in my hair is so much more fun now that its coily (is this really a pro, haha)

-Healthier hair that has grown longer since I stopped processing it than it ever did relaxed (and I was a relaxed member of LHCF for more than a year)

- no stylists! I never could relax my own hair so I definitely wasn't a do it at home chick.

-shrinkage will make you think your hair is not growing, even when it is :/
- Hair takes more effort to style, I can't just wake up and brush out my wrap and keep it moving anymore :/ Particularly if you have short natural hair that needs to be stretched and all that jazz
-straightening is always a painful process for me. It's not as easy as it seems to be for others. Blowdrying ALWAYS makes my hair break, and I can't seem to get it straight enough when I flat iron, and if I got to stylists to do it, it looks good but it is expensive for short term results and they always yank through my hair even if I try my best to detangle beforehand.

I do get some SSK's but I just leave them alone...I don't get that many since my hair is ALWAYS stretched and almost never out. (it doesn't look that great out anyway, lol)
I'm new to being natural. recently had my BC in November 09 and I LOVE THIS POST!!!!

speaking from personal experience. Now right, my biggest PRO of being natural is not having to worry about going to the GYM. I love working out and now I no longer worry about sweating my hair.. It feel great =)
^ Tightly coily 4a/b checking in! I've only experenced SSK's once in my natural journey, and thats when I did pixie braids with iffy ends, thats it.

If I was regularly getting SSK's then I'd feel I was doing something wrong and I need to tweak my regimen.

I keep my hair in a stretched state 100% of the time braid-out, twists, pressed straight, bantu knots, flat twists, senegalese twist extensions and thats pretty much how I avoid them lol

I still have the SSK when my hair is stretched but they don't present a big problem when streched. :spinning: Thanks for the reply.
I love having natural hair.... here are my reasons why:

I can go swimming without worrying about getting my hair hair loves water and responds well to it!

The pros are
Need to take extra care to detangle properly
Ensure you get enough mositure
healthy hair
thicker hair
curls!!! coils!! waves !! ! oh my
husband loves to play with my hair.. ;)
i love to play with my hair
wash an go/ simple to take care of
no worries: bring on the wind and rain!
its unique (around here anyway)
shrinkage: can be fun :) and shocking to some ppl
even with fine strands i too can looks like i have big hair

shrinkage: to show length ( unless your a longlonghairednatural) must flatiron
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I can wash my hair everyday if I chose
I don't have to worry about not having money to buy a relaxer
Cheaper (for mi it is)
Mi man loves natural hair

Attitudes from people around you
I have no curls not even a little bit (never had them before relaxers either)
Mi hair always looks straight and bushy but soft
Going natural has been one of the best things I've done.

My experince have been more postive than negative(some ssk's). I wouldn't change my experinces for anything.
healthy hair
thicker hair
curls!!! coils!! waves !! ! oh my
husband loves to play with my hair.. ;)
i love to play with my hair
wash an go/ simple to take care of
no worries: bring on the wind and rain!
its unique (around here anyway)
shrinkage: can be fun :) and shocking to some ppl
even with fine strands i too can looks like i have big hair

shrinkage: to show length ( unless your a longlonghairednatural) must flatiron

I agree...And OMG, I am LOVING watching your growth!!!
No cons....? Even just the people giving you grief about it is a con. :look:

There's a lot of pros & cons in my one lonely blog entry.

And here's a little checklist I made for myself of ALL my options when I was considering changing my hair:


  • Pros
    • no more breakage
    • no more daily styling
    • no more detangling
    • easy length retention
  • Cons
    • excessive frizz with frequent washing
    • re-tightening sessions (salon dependence?)
    • permanent unless I big chop yet again
  • Variables
    • thickness, fullness
    • dandruff getting stuck in them

  • Pros
    • less severe tangling, knots
    • easier daily styling
    • easier access to scalp
    • aesthetically pleasing to others
  • Cons

    • [*]salon dependence
      [*]permanent unless I chop yet again
  • Variables
    • thickness, fullness
    • ease of maintenance
    • dryness
    • breakage
Brazilian Keratin Treatment:

  • Pros
    • less tangling
    • easier styling
  • Cons

    • [*]salon dependence
      [*]results not as good for virgin hair
      [*]takes many applications for full benefit
Straightened Natural:

  • Pros
    • easier daily styling
    • less tangling
    • aesthetically pleasing to others
  • Cons
    • dryness; can't moisturize daily
    • easy reversion
    • heat damage
  • Variables
    • breakage increase?
    • high-maintenance? time consuming?
Nappy Natural (Current):

  • Pros
    • wash whenever I please
    • moisturize as often as I please
    • difficult to mess up beyond repair
  • Cons
    • breakage
    • dryness
    • constant tangling
    • difficult styling
    • time consuming
    • constant frizz
Mt aunt relaxed my hair at 5 years old, I was natural till I was 20, relaxed for 5 year and now I’m back to natural. My pros & cons:

Pros –
Styling options/more versatile
Healthier, stronger and thicker hair
The WOW factor!!
No more burnt scalp
Less expensive for me cos I keep it simple
Too many to talk about

Cons –
Single strand knots (I will conquer this)
Shrinkage (I don’t mind it so much but I’m looking forward to full ponytail puffs)
NappyHeadDon'tCare here :)

4AB/Z hair texture 12 months natcha in a month---

(For me)

1. EASY OF STYLING---OMG I can't believe how easy it is to now style my hair. I am a twist/braid out bandit and my hair is thriving. When I was relaxed, I was a rollersetting professional---takes about the same time for either style so there is no "additional" time or burden as a natural.


3. CHEAP-My hair care consistent of water, gel, Rusk Deep Shine conditioner and that is it really---anything else is fluff right now cuz I don't need it.

4. UNIQUE--My curls, my kinks, my hair.

5. No more dependencies on hair stylists---I don't have to wait on Tasha or Sheena to get my hair "did"(not that I did as a relaxed head either.)

6.SENSE of COMMUNITY---I feel like I am in a sisterhood of natural heads..whenever I see a chick with natural hair that is banging, I give her props...that wasn't the case with relaxed hair unless it was a BADASS cut or she had LONG hair.

7. HEALTHIER HAIR---My hair isn't breaking, damaged or mangled.

8. NO MORE STRETCHING---I was relaxing like 3/4 times a year and I still had to flat iron so I was like really, what is the point(might as well go natch).

9. HAIR LOVES WATER---I can go swimming, in the rain hair drinks up moisture versus looking like a wet dog.

10. AFRO PUFFS--Yes, this is a pro cuz I have wanted a Penny afro puff forever, now I have one and I am too ecstatic!


Now for the CONS...

1. SSKs...don't get them often and compared to the matting of relaxed hair(especially when I was stretching) it isn't that bad---gel and stretching my hair combats this problem nicely though.

2. Time to go "straight"---it is going to be a beast when I do finally straighten my hair(not looking forward to that).