New to LHCF -- Need Advice on Where to Start


New Member
First let me say that this place is AMAZING!!! I have been up until 2 am in the morning for the last few nights since I joined just floored by the amount of information on this forum.

But therein also lies my dilemma -- I'm becoming overwhelmed with all the info :spinning:

Here's the deal: I have relaxed hair (just 4 weeks since last relaxer), but since the birth of my first child 3 years ago (I have 2 children -- one is 3 and the other is 19 months old), have been struggling with keeping it healthy. I'd say my hair is about a 4a/4b texture, but through poor maintenance on my part (i.e., the mommy takes care of everyone but her thing), it has grown increasingly thin, dry, and lifeless over the last three years. Most of my hair is between shoulder and APL HOWEVER, the nape/kitchen area is all to' up and broken off to you know what, and my hair is no where near the thickness and level of health that it was back in my younger days.

So between that, and falling in love with my toddler daughter's beatiful, natural 4a/4b hair, I have decided that I want to transition to a texlax (with my intended final destination being totally natural). I should note that I'm committed to keeping my length while I try to do this thing because I need the versatility in terms of hair styles and, to give me time to figure out how to care for my own hair. I did a BC back in my mid 20s, and loved loved loved my natural hair. But through lack of knowledge (God I wish I had this forum back in 1998!!) and inexperience, I ended up back in relaxer land within a year. I'm trying to do this thing right this time so that I can really set myself and my daughter up for success.

Any books, blogs, discussion threads or other resources that someone can recommend to get me started on a simple basic regimen while I continue to farm through the info on this site? Advice on how best to do this thing?


welcome! since you are planning to transition, there is a transitioning support thread rolling around, you can start.

bumping for you for more responses!

Welcome!! Good luck with your new journey and please remember just because it works for so and so doesn't mean it will for you....I could go on on the warning but I'm not gonna lecture just welcome to the world of experience and trial, error, and perfected hair world!!!
Welcome!!! I'm glad you've decided to start your healthy hair journey (HHJ). If you want starter's advice check out the Newbie Manual as posted above. It really helps. HHG (happy hair growing).....definitely take a look at the acronyms thread or else you'll go nuts trying to figure them out LOL
Welcome sweetie! You've got some good ones in here giving advice. Remember that we've ALL been overwhelmed at some point. So it's okay and it WILL get easier. Your on the right track (you know this) so keep researching and asking questions.We're here for you.
big follow-up thank you to all of your for your quick and helpful replies. Did my first braid out after a co-wash last night, and so far so good. Working this thing out :yep:
Hello and welcome! :welcome4:

I'm still a newbie myself, and just a month ago posted a similar thread asking for starting points. Many of the veteran users here are super helpful! I know I was starting off pretty clueless and definitely overwhelmed, and a lot of the info others suggested was helpful! These articles by a forum user named sistaslick are very helpful in particular! Sorted by hair subject. Beware you'll be reading for probably like 2 hours, lol! I know I just kept clicking and clicking different articles. ^__^ I still am on some of the articles, lol.