Finished my relaxer this morning. Everything went well. I decided to do the half and half technique that I saw on the Just Grow Already blog. That was a good decision, since I wasn't nearly as fast as I thought I would be.

I based with Vaseline, and coated my hair with coconut oil overnight, and then used conditioner with some extra Vaseline on the ends just before starting. I used Affirm sensitive scalp normal. I think that I probably should have used the super to really get my hair straighter. It looks more texlaxed now.

I used Aphogee 2 minutes reconstructor as my mid step protein for five minutes, and then shampooed with Affirm neutralizer. The lather turned white almost immediately ( pink indicates relaxer is still in the hair.). I deep conditioned under the dryer for twenty minutes with ORS Replenishing Conditioner over a layer of my fenugreek oil.

Today was the first time in months that I've used my blow dryer and flat iron, but I really wanted to see my length. I probably added 1 1/2 - 2 inches overall. I would say 2 inches in the front where it is noticeably longer. The back is very uneven, but I will wait till my next relaxer before trimming it.

Overall, I am very pleased and very proud of myself. I am grateful that so many people have shared their tips and techniques. My next hard decision will be to decide if I want my hair to be bone strait or more texlaxed - but I have three months to decide.
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Welcome back! ^^^^^^^

I keep forgetting about this thread. I'll be back in here soon........

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I'm tired of dealing with this newgrowth so I'm checking my relaxing supplies. Plan to relax next weekend. :yep:

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I'm dc'ing right now after relaxing earlier this morning. Wanted to remind self-relaxers to have everything you need laid out before hand.

It only takes me an extra few minutes to put everything out in the open so I don't have to look for anything. I mentally walk through the relaxing process to make sure I'm not missing anything.

I lay out towels, open my conditioners, put the neutralizing shampoo in the shower, etc. All these little things make relaxing at home a breeze! :yep:
Applying something to Previously Relaxed Hair to add an extra added barrier from overlapping, overprocessing and/or run-off.

A good coating of either a Product especially for this or Oil or Conditioner all help with this.
Know how long you plan to process and stop about 5 minutes prior. This allows you time to get to the shower/sink, get the right water temp, then begin rinsing.

I process for the full 25 minutes. I set my timer for 20 minutes though. By the time I get situated and actually begin rinsing, another 5 minutes has passes. That 5 minutes is processing time.
Welp, this is my third time self relaxing and I'm getting better... next time should be perfect. What I shouldn't do next time:

- Parting my hair into 24 sections. That was a large pain in the behind to work around all those clips. Next time I'll do 8 sections, which is what I ended up with towards the end of smoothing

- Base my scalp so well with my shea butter mix that it turned my relaxer yellow. Like literally looking as if I had a shea butter mask on my head instead of relaxer, which caused me to be underprocessed

- Spraying protein directly on my hair AND mixing it with the relaxer. I feel like this, along with way too much basing, diluted the effect of the relaxer.

Things I did before that I won't do again:

- Not basing my scalp enough

- Not smoothing thoroughly enough

- Not sectioning my hair enough

I swear, I go from one extreme to another lol... either I do too much or not enough... but I think I have a good idea of what's just right. Thank God I haven't overprocessed... that would be so much worse than underprocessing

Edit: I can't use coconut oil to do anything on my hair except include it in the mid-protein step. I tried using it as a protectant before the relaxer and a strengthener after and both times it caused my hair to come out in clumps. This time I used it in conjunction with a protein treatment a few days prior to my relaxer and it made my hair shed/break. I thought it was the relaxer but during this process I only used it in the mid-protein step and my shedding was down to 1/5th what it was the first two times I self relaxed and used coconut oil along the way.
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I'm dc'ing right now after relaxing earlier this morning. Wanted to remind self-relaxers to have everything you need laid out before hand.

It only takes me an extra few minutes to put everything out in the open so I don't have to look for anything. I mentally walk through the relaxing process to make sure I'm not missing anything.

I lay out towels, open my conditioners, put the neutralizing shampoo in the shower, etc. All these little things make relaxing at home a breeze! :yep:

That is so important, especially if you're using a lye relaxer and you don't have a "kit" full of shampoo, conditioner, gloves, etc.

So far my list includes:

-Petroleum or hair grease to base edges.
-Oil to protect my processed hair.
-Comfortable gloves that fit properly. I use latex-free gloves due to my allergy.
-The proper combs, sticks, etc to part and smooth.
-2nd hand mirror to check the back.
-Relaxer applicator
-Old t-shirt
-Neutralizing shampoo(s)
-Proper conditioners
-Processing cap for DC
-Since my husband and I have one bathroom, I relax my hair when he's not home to avoid emergency bathroom trips when I need to wash my hair. If he's home, I make sure he knows I need the bathroom for X amount of time. :couchfire:

I may be leaving something out but I will add a checklist in Evernote to make sure I don't leave out an important element.
I'm tired of dealing with this newgrowth so I'm checking my relaxing supplies. Plan to relax next weekend. :yep:

Sent from my SCH-I545 using LHCF

@ the bolded: I'm glad I'm not the only one who does this. I felt kind of crazy laying everything out a week before and just looking at it to make sure I had everything... Then I remembered some thread (maybe it was here?) where a poster was like "I don't have any neutralizing shampoo and it's time to rinse. Help!!!!". Welp I'd rather be crazy than bald :lol:
@ the bolded: I'm glad I'm not the only one who does this. I felt kind of crazy laying everything out a week before and just looking at it to make sure I had everything... Then I remembered some thread (maybe it was here?) where a poster was like "I don't have any neutralizing shampoo and it's time to rinse. Help!!!!". Welp I'd rather be crazy than bald :lol:

I agree completely!

I have to get my supplies in order for week after next.
Self relaxed last night..I didn't want to bother with the half and half method or preparting because I was feeling lazy...so I just went at it old school style with the four sections.. Took way too long.. Any way lesson learned. I will have to at least prepart. I do know that I want to do my whole head in one shot.. the half and half method is great but I don't wanna be relaxing my hair all day..

Blackberry815, what relaxer do you use?
Have a clock or stomach handy (I use one on my phone) So you can see when you started relaxing, smoothing and how long you neutralized.
Gathering my supplies and reading this thread as inspiration.

I haven't decided to definitely relax tomorrow, but I know I'm relaxing very soon. :yep:
I've been going through my supplies. Tomorrow is the big date.:yep:

This time, I going for the max time. I don't think that texlaxing is helping my hair. I need it to be straight; less breakage when I comb during the stretches.
where can I buy a sprush? does Sally's or BSS sell it?

eta: nevermind found it..
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I have been noticing some breakage in the middle of my head. The hairs are about 3 inches long then stop. I am thinking it has broken off because of the relaxer or flat iron. You know sometimes when you are relaxing some of the relaxer gets on the length of the hair? Well I'm thinking that's what might have happened, even though I protect the length with a poo/condish combo. I have to find a way to baby those hairs until next touch up time and see how they are progressing. I'm also going to try and stop flat ironing after my rollerset and see if that makes a diff. Always something I tell ya, anyone have this happen?
Hey ladies! I've read and re-read this post, it's predecessor, and all the links I could find, and I think I'm ready to attempt to self relax!

I've put my current plan below but I still have some questions - I'd be grateful for any help you can offer :)

Week before: aphogee 2 minute treatment followed by moisture DC.

Day of:

- Base scalp with jcbo/emu oil mix
- Spray all hair with water/saa mix
- Cover previously relaxed hair with leave in conditioner (is there something better to use here?)
- Pre-part hair and twist sections from just below new growth
- Mix saa powder into relaxer (Beautiful Beginnings no-lye). Would it be overkill to add oil as well?
- Apply relaxer with a tint brush. I would like to do the whole head at once (I practised last week and can get it on in time) but I'm a bit worried about rinsing. I have a shower attachment so I usually kneel in front of the tub facing forward, and wash one side then the other so I don't have to flip the hair over...does that description make sense? If I was going to do that I guess I'd have to apply the relaxer side to side.
- Rinse relaxer and apply aphogee 2 minute, leave for 5 minutes, then rinse.
- Apply Elasta QP neutraliser, leave for 5 minutes, repeat until suds are white.
- Is this the right time to apply ORS creamy aloe shampoo for its chelating properties? I have hard water and have read here that no-lye relaxers leave calcium deposits, and chelating can do wonders. But is it too much straight after a neutraliser? Or is the fact that the ORS is also a neutraliser problematic?
- Moisture DC - most likely a mix of motions moisture plus, tresemme moisture rich, coconut cream & honey. Does that sound ok or is it best to stick to one thing?
- I haven't decided whether to air dry or blow dry on cool and flat iron for a length check.

Phew! Sorry for long post :)
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So I just finished my first self relaxer. I'm pretty pleased all in all!

Bad points first:

- I underprocessed. I suspected this might happen: I had to choose between a relaxer I knew my hair would tolerate but might underprocess, and trying a brand new one. I wasn't brave enough for the latter on my first try!
- I shouldn't have bothered trying to blowdry and flat iron to do a length check. I'm terrible at both and was using low temperatures, so all I really got for it was a head full of heat protectant!

But other than that...everything went pretty well! I got the relaxer on ok and in good time, smoothing went ok, and I didn't burn. My hair felt really soft and strong after the mid protein step and even more so after the moisture DC, so I'm happy with all the products I used. So next time I just need to either adjust the processing time, or switch relaxers. I'm tempted to switch to lye and try Mizani butter blends...
So I just finished my first self relaxer. I'm pretty pleased all in all!

Bad points first:

- I underprocessed. I suspected this might happen: I had to choose between a relaxer I knew my hair would tolerate but might underprocess, and trying a brand new one. I wasn't brave enough for the latter on my first try!
- I shouldn't have bothered trying to blowdry and flat iron to do a length check. I'm terrible at both and was using low temperatures, so all I really got for it was a head full of heat protectant!

But other than that...everything went pretty well! I got the relaxer on ok and in good time, smoothing went ok, and I didn't burn. My hair felt really soft and strong after the mid protein step and even more so after the moisture DC, so I'm happy with all the products I used. So next time I just need to either adjust the processing time, or switch relaxers. I'm tempted to switch to lye and try Mizani butter blends...

what is the mid protein step that you mentioned?
what is the mid protein step that you mentioned?

It's when you apply a protein conditioner for a few minutes straight after rinsing the relaxer, but before neutralising. The idea is to get some protein back into your hair while the cuticle is still raised. I learned about it here and decided to try it as most people seemed to like it :yep:
I used Aphogee 2-minute and it worked really well!
I just did my texturizer TU on Saturday. Im finally seeing consistent retention and thickness thanks to 100% PSing (wigs) and only combing for LCs and relaxer prep.

I used a lot of protein this time and my hair is loving it!

I covered my roots with coconut oil to soften and the hair shaft and ends with Joico Kpak reconstruct conditioner and put hair into sections. I added 4 oz of sunflower oil to the texturizer. App and smoothing time took 20 mins. I rinsed and used the regular kpak conditioner as the mid-protein step. Then neutralized and added Roux porosity control conditioner. Then DCd with SM Tahitian noni & monoi smooth & repair masque for moisture.

I tried the Roux 233 leave in treatment. My hair was hard and tengly but it softened up with the HH Soft Coconut Marshmallow creamy leave in :2inlove:

Im very close to APL!!
I was gathering my supplies in preparation to relax Thanksgiving week and realized I have everything I need. :)

On a whim, I decided to take advantage of being off work today (love working for the govt!) and relax. 16 weeks was enough for me this go 'round.

Yet another reason I love relaxing myself. No appointments! I do it when I feel like it!

Gotta go dc........