New Pics..Hair Update


New Member
Hello ladies...I've added a few new pics to my Yahoo album. I have been struggling with underprocessed hair for a very long time now and today I took care of it. I used Revlon Realistic lye and left it in for 25 min. I'm very happy with the results of the relaxer, but I seriously thought I would be at the top of brastrap by now. I guess my hair grows a lot slower than I thought. I really don't understand, cause I always seem to have so much new growth.

Maybe this is the longest my hair can get. I'm not upset about it or anything, but just a lil discouraged. Where the hell is all the newgrowth going? I did trim about a half an inch btwn March and Today, but I could have sworn I had much more new growth than this. Can't figure it out. anywho, I was hoping that my max growth cycle would get me to at least btwn brastrap and waist. I guess it's just too much to ask for.

I guess now, I will focus on keeping my length and keeping my hair very healthy. I will continue with the summer challenge and see where I'm at in September when I relax again. For now, I will continue with the daily rinsing, but I'm definitely gonna chill on trying to grow this hair out. I believe, my hair has reached it's growth max, what do yall think?

Here's the link to my album Armyqt Pics
Thanks for sharing your pics. You have a great regimen, and you use great products. I'm sure you will reach bra strap length very soon (and longer). Please continue the good work.
I love your hair, it's so shiny, thick and long.

Don't fret, you will reach your goal...I believe that you haven't reached your max just yet.
It looks like it is growing to me. Just keep doing what you are doing.

I like the wavy style, was that a braid out?
Your doing a great job. And i heard that everyone can grow there hair to ATLEAST 3ft long. Thats what keeps me encourage i hope it helps u to do the same, because u have a beautiful dome of hair girl im telling u!
I agree with everyone, your hair does look really good and it looks gorgeous wavy. Thick long and v. sexy IMO.

Keep up your routine of maintaining health and the length will look after itself. I find when I'm close to a certain goal its easy to obssess about getting there asap as that hair length is most on your mind at that time. Just try and reverse that by concentrating on nourishing it and being healthy.
Armyqt, your hair is beautiful sweetie. You'll get there... just keep up with your current regime, but don't worry yourself over it... u've gotten this far & u can get further

God Bless,
Beautiful hair, Armyqt
I think your hair looks lovely and healthy. If you think you've reached a plateau, maybe you should holla at one of the vitamin gurus to see if there's something you can do to increase your growth. For some reason, I remember someone on the old board saying that seaweed salads (which really are good) helped them get over their hump. In the meantime, though, keep up the good work.
Hey ArmyQT!

Congrats on your successful relaxer touch-up. Girl, don't give up on your hair!! It's looking really good. It WILL grow, come on now, you know there's no such thing as reaching your maximum!! At least, I don't think so!!

The reason it doesn't seem any longer must be due to the trim you got. I bet you'll be at bottom of bra-strap by December!!
Armyqt, I took a look at your pictures and your hair is beautiful. Keep up the good work!

Your post brought up a question that Ive had for a while, is there a such thing as a maximum length?
Your hair is beautiful!! I've always liked your pics of your hair. To us it is growing, maybe it's just slowed up a bit. I'm going thru a slump too, and I've decided for me the easiest thing to do is just to keep what I've been doing, cause I'm not going to be doing much else(smile). You keep up your work and I'm sure the heat of the summer will really speed things up!
Thanks for the wonderful compliments ladies. After carefully examining my hair again a few minutes later, I now realizr that my hair still didn't get straight. I wonder wht the hell is going on with this. I left the thing on for 25 min and still nothing. It does look a whole lot better than it did before, but maybe this is wy my true length is not showing. I never had this problem before I started using lye. I wonder if this could be it. Used to be as soon as the relaxer hit my hair, it was processed. Now I have to let it sit and it still doesn't straighten. too weird

My hair seems to be growing, but when I relax, it's just inching. Anyway, I'm gonna quit obsessing about it. It will come in time.
Hi ArmyQT,

I am not sure about the maximum growth thing, but, your hair looks beautiful regardless.

What's your regime?

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PrettyBrownEyes, thanks for the kind words

My hair regime is very simple. I rinse daily and apply coconut oil, olive oil and Loreal Vive Smooth Intense Serum. I then put it into a ponytail and leave it that way until the next day and repeat. Once a week I do a pre-hotoil treatment with various oils (EVOO, castor, jojoba etc), mixed with some essential oils. I wash deep condition and then airdry. I use heat on my hair about 2x per month.

Products I use:
Shampoos: L'anza Protein Plus shampoo, CON, Elucence MB, Elucence Clarifying

Conditioners: For conditioner washes: Fantasia Tea Tree Naturals, Pantene Smooth and Sleek, Herbal Essences Intensive Blends conditioing balm, Pantene Smooth and sleek. For deep conditioning: Motions Silk Protein (new), Fantasia Penetrating Moisturiser (new), Nacidit Avocado, and ORS hair Mayo.

Leave-In: Motions, Nexxus Headress, coconut oil, EVOO and Smooth Intense serum (not all of these at the same time of course)

That's basically it. Once in a while I do a Sebastian's Clear Colorshines for added strength and shine (doing one this weekend).
It looks like it is growing to me. Just keep doing what you are doing.

I like the wavy style, was that a braid out?

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Hey Chipmunk, the style in the underprocessed pic is just that...underprocessed
. No braidouts here girl. I just wash it and let it airdry out. That's it.
Armyqt, your hair is gorgeous and I honestly do see progress! I am also guilty of getting discouraged so i understand but your hair looks long and healthy so don't be!
I agree with everyone, your hair does look really good and it looks gorgeous wavy. Thick long and v. sexy IMO.

Keep up your routine of maintaining health and the length will look after itself. I find when I'm close to a certain goal its easy to obssess about getting there asap as that hair length is most on your mind at that time. Just try and reverse that by concentrating on nourishing it and being healthy.

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BRH, girl you are so right about obsessing so close to my goal. I'm gonna chill and stop stressing about it. I know it's the damn underprocessing that's doing me in. September is it for me. After that, I'll just be happy where I'm at. Some people have no hair at all, so I thank God for he's blessed me with what I have now
Armyqt, I took a look at your pictures and your hair is beautiful. Keep up the good work!

Your post brought up a question that Ive had for a while, is there a such thing as a maximum length?

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I'm not 100% sure, but the way I understand, each strand of hair has a certain length of time on your head before it sheds. The length of time depends on how long your growth phase is. It can be anywhere from 2-6 years. The longer the growth phase, the longer lengths you can achieve. hth
I'll trade spots w/ you ArmyQt
. Just remember it always someone who wish they could have those beautiful locks you have.
Your doing a GREAT job.
Once you stop thinking about it you'll start to notice some growth. I used the Revlon Realistic and I think my hair turned out ok. Maybe when/if you use it again it will turn out better. Girl your hair still looks good to me.

I know you don't want to hear this but I think the underprocessed hair still looks great and healthy. It appears to be growing to me. Overall, your hair is beautiful and thick. Your regimen is working. Keep it up.

"Patience is a virtue."

Thanks to each and every one of you for such positive comments and feedback. Yall are the best
Your hair looks really pretty and healthy. It looks like those ends just want to reach out and touch that bra strap! I think you'll be there in no time! It looks like you have a great regimen too! What benefits have you seen from the coconut oil?
Your hair looks really pretty and healthy. It looks like those ends just want to reach out and touch that bra strap! I think you'll be there in no time! It looks like you have a great regimen too! What benefits have you seen from the coconut oil?

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Hey JenJen, I've really just started hitting the coconut oil on the regular since May. I love the way it makes my hair look and feel. It penetrates the hair shaft and moisturises my hair from the inside out. It also makes my hair feel strong. The biggest difference I notice though is moisture. Even after the hair is dried the moisture is still there.
It looks great and I see that you have very little to go before you reach bra-strap. It will happen by your next retouch I'm sure (if you stay away from the you know who's)
Your hair looks really good. And no, I don't think you've reached your potential. I'd also like to make an observation---your bra strap looks awfully low, down your back. I was kind of wondering about that the other day. I think everyone's bra stap, depending on height, weight, bra type etc..would be postioned a little differently. Oh well, maybe I'm not making any sense, but the top of my bra strap is higher than yours. Good luck and don't give up hope; many people would love to have your hair
Ugh! Will my hair ever get your length??????

Armyqt, you have such long, healthy looking hair. Can't even tell it was underprocessed.

Re: your last pic, Isn't it funny how stylists can hide that they underprocessed your hair by flat-ironing it? That's happened to me a couple of times, till I wised up and looked in the mirror before it was blow dried.

Anyhoo, mission accomplished! Consider me inspired.

You are lovely and have great skin!
