New Pics..Hair Update

lol talk bout beeeeeeeeeutiful hair coz thats exactly what u have got growin from yo hair!!
lik all the ladies on the group i belive that hair health is more important that length and well u're lucky enuff to have both of these so dont worry
i also cant belive how simple yo hair regiment is and u've made me a beliver bout not usin heat on hair coz the difference is definatly showin
Hey Armyqt,
Your pictures are really great. Your hair is an inspiration
I know you mentioned underprocessed hair; I used to have that problem until my hairdresser and I finaly ralized that I wasn't using a clairifying shampoo too get rid of build up. Over a period of time that can cause the relaxer from penatrating. A ACV rinse probably would help to...just a suggestion...happy hair growing
Army -- I have to agree with everyone else and say that your hair is gorgeous and has come a long way. I'm currently at the length you were in oct 02 (i believe it was) and I would luv to get to the length you are at now. When you transitioned from a no-lye to a lye relaxer how long did you wait to use the lye relaxer? Also your hair looks thicker from using a lye relaxer. How did you get it to thicken up? My hair is extremely straight from my last no-lye relaxer (african pride). I would like to get it to thicken up a little. I'm in my 9th week of my relaxer and have been tryin do single braids to make my hair look fuller. (seems to be working) My deep conitioning seems to allow me to go longer between relaxers. I am goin to try to do the lye relaxer thing on June 21 (11 weeks). Do you take any vitamins?

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Thanks for the compliments Lengthwanted
. I attribute the thickness of my my hair to taking B-5 (thank Tracy
) and also to using the lye realxers. The lye relaxer does not break the hair shaft down like no-lye, thus my underprocessing nightmare. However, I now know that I just need to leave the lye in a lil longer to acheive the results I want. I'm definitely sticking with the lye though, becuase my hair is much stronger and healthier now.

as far as vitamins go, this is what I take:

Doctor's Best Powdered MSM 4000mcg
Vitol Great Hair
Foti- about to give this up after this bottle is done
B5 - 800 mg
PP Biotin 5000 mcg
PP B-Complex
Girl you and your hair are so beautiful. You look so much like my oldest daughter from behind especially in the underprocessed picture. That's what her hair looks like. I guess her hair must be underprocessed. Could you please let me Know how you fixed this. Your hair looks so good.

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. Ginn1, my hair has been like this since like October of last year. This time around I left the relaxer on for 25 min VS 15-18. It really made a difference in my hair. After 2 days, I'm still satisfied with the outcome. I have to see what's gonna happen after I wash it
. That will be tomorrow. I had to chill with my straight, dry hair for a minute first.
Armyqt your hair looks GREAT
! Everything always seems slow when you pay attention to it, you know like weight loss, pain, and hair growth
! It's when you stop paying so much attention that you notice a difference. I know it's hard especially because these hair boards are so addicting, you have no choice but to think about hair so much
. I wish my hair was as long as yours, you have me beat by about 5 or 6 inches! Hopefully, I will be there one day, I can't wait. Don't give up, keep growing
Armyqt do you think the added pp Biotin made a difference for you? I am taking 5mg and I am still trying to figure out whether or not it has made a difference. I saw someone else using 8mg but I didnt know if they had seen any greater results because of this. God bless you all.
Hi Azul,

I would venture to say that the B5 along with healthy hair habits and using lye relaxers have contributed to the new thickness of my hair. It really does work. I only take one 500mg pill, but the Vitol Great hair has another 300 in it. Oh, and I take all my vitamins at the same time. hth
Goodness, gracious! Underprocessed or not you have some beautiful, lush hair!!

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I have to agree with Pebbles here. The underprocessed hair looked good girl. But i know what you mean there are some parts of mine that need doing again, and because I rarely blowdry I never see it, just put it in a bun and go, so I know what you're going through. It was that motions lye and Bodiphier that did me in. Try not to focus on the hair length for now and just the health, I sometimes wonder what's happening with my hair growth also sometimes and wonder where the growth is at, but it could be your top layers are growing quicker than the back or something which is why you're not seeiing too much of the length.

Keep it up ArmyQT you're hair is looking Fan-tab-u-lous baby
Your hair is beautiful! I really like the underprocessed pics. It looks as if your hair is getting thicker in the June pic. All in all your hair looks great

Slowly, but surely
Armyqt... your hair looks gorgeous and so do you.... Girl in the older pics I didn't see your face so I had no clue you were a diva