NEW Photo Sharing Site: Blows Fotki out the water!!!


New Member
I came across this site called

this online photo community allows members create their own personal site... like fotki: this website allows you to store pages, videos, photos, blogs, journals, all for free includes an e-mail: all comprised on your site.

My "new fotki" is

I'm still converting all my photos and information from my fotki to shutterfly but it looks like a great website...better than fotki (for free at that).

You can still allow comments, all your videos and photos can be grouped together and organized your own personal way.


ETA: Sorrry pw: LHCF
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ive got a lot of history with fotki, i just dont know if i could ever really part with it. but ill have a looksee
looks cool, u get unlimited space.. so far ( im scared of the whole bait an switch, like other sites that start out free then go paid) but it looks cool, sort of like a hair blog. only better than a blog in that its not ordered by post. i doubt ill ever close my fotki, but i may test this one out and see how it goes.
its unlimited space and they'll never delete your photos

i remember the first fotki site i had. there were over two years worth of pictures, i went away out the country for 6 months and didnt update anything during that time. and when i came back ALL my pictures were deleted! i was PO.
i remember the first fotki site i had. there were over two years worth of pictures, i went away out the country for 6 months and didnt update anything during that time. and when i came back ALL my pictures were deleted! i was PO.

they have the same thing "Shutterfly reserves the right to cancel the Service or to discontinue accounts that have been inactive for more than 180 days"

shutterfly will at least notify with email. with fotki i never got any warning. :(
Omg I didn't know Fotki did that. I never go on there. Every once in awhile I do. I would be devstated if my pics were deleted because there are pics from the BEGINNING of my journey that I don't have anywhere else.
they have the same thing "Shutterfly reserves the right to cancel the Service or to discontinue accounts that have been inactive for more than 180 days"

shutterfly will at least notify with email. with fotki i never got any warning. :(

I didn't know Fotki did that. Maybe that's why some of my fave fotki's are unavailable for viewing.

ETA: Missi your page is really nice. I may consider moving my photos over and phasing out Fotki.
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LOL Yep Shutterfly allows you to have albums. I've had the same one for 5 years and they never delete but the quality shows horribly.
ive got a lot of history with fotki,

Same. It does look much better than Fotki though. However, Fotki has something that many of these other photo sharing sites do not - a hair community :ohwell:. Since so many of us are on there, there's a pretty big network now. It's easier to discover new hair albums or for people to leave comments because they already have an account. If Fotki gets annoying, I may switch to this. Thanks, OP.
well.....i decided to try it out, its super easy to use and looks fun. I like the setup it actually makes me want to go make some videos now. Im surprised how fast i was able to upload most of my albums.

i'll always be part of fotki of course... but just in case some evil should happen to it, or if shutterfly ever develops the sense of community fotki has ive got an alternative now, thanks.

heres mine so far
ive got a lot of history with fotki, i just dont know if i could ever really part with it. but ill have a looksee
Same here. I've got so much info on fotki and so many friends that I'd hate to leave them all. I would like to try another photo sharing site but I don't know. I'm gonna look around this one.

Thanks for sharing.
Wow! Thanks so much- I love the layout. I may transfer my pics here as a backup! Thanks again for sharing and I love your hair- commented on your album :yep:!
I had shutterfly since Yahoo photos closed down. I never thought to use it for this, but I should continue there, as long as my other pics look private
I really like the design of shutterfly.Im now gonna have to debate between regular usage of that or