On break

Several ladies were discussing how much folks miss Fotki and the wonderful knowledge and photos it contained. (Please see this thread https://longhaircareforum.com/threa...anything-similar-out-there-we-can-use.822959/.)
Someone came up with the idea of using the LHCF photo album system for recreating the Fotki experience/knowledge. The description and comment features should allow for knowledge sharing and discussion.

What do you think? Do we want to try it?
I tried to think of how we might have an album-naming scheme to yield some uniformity for ease of sharing, navigation, etc. So far this is what I came up with. If interested, please feel free to make improvements, reductions, additions, etc.
[2018] Hair Length Checks
[2018] Hair Regimen
[2018] Hair Faves & HGs
[2018] Hair Styles+Tools
[2018] Product Combos
[2018] Reviews (Hair Ed.)
I thought about combining the last 2, but reviewing an individual product or tool is different from assessing a unique product-technique combination.
This is what it would look like when you go to a user's album page.
Not necessary at all, but it might help if we named our photos for easy finding:
- 2018Jan23_blablahblah (e.g., 2018Jan23_HairRegimenUpdate)
- ReviewOfOyinHairDew or 2018Jan_ReviewOfOyinHairDew

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