New Mobile Applications

Are there some instructions, or an online guide on how to use this new app? I can't figure out how to access my subscribed threads. I get little red notifications, but when I tap on it nothing happens. The app won't load my subscribed threads. When I refresh the page it times out.
It also doesn't recognize that I have a favorite forum, and I've clicked through all the options and can't see one to add a favorite.
I can't get it to download on my ipod :(

ETA: now i downloaded it...but i can't get it to open. The logo screen pops up and the it just goes away.:ohwell:
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It seems like 75% of the time I click into the site or into a topic, there's an error or it flat out doesn't load. I really do like the thanks and the fact that if you tap the post, it opens it like you would see on Safari (web browser), but the excessive errors makes it a rather aggravating process.
It seems like 75% of the time I click into the site or into a topic, there's an error or it flat out doesn't load. I really do like the thanks and the fact that if you tap the post, it opens it like you would see on Safari (web browser), but the excessive errors makes it a rather aggravating process.

When an error happens, please click the Report button so that we know what happened. Otherwise it is impossible for the developers to fix anything. Reporting errors does not reveal ANY of your personal information. The report contains what phone you have, what OS you are running and what happened at the time on the code level.

This way we know where and what happened. With so many mobile OS versions and phone models (especially in the case of Android) it is very easy for an application to work for one and not for another. In some cases there is little that we can do since certain devices contain code from the carrier that we cannot interfere with.

As soon as we find bugs, updates will be issued.

I can't get it to download on my ipod :(

ETA: now i downloaded it...but i can't get it to open. The logo screen pops up and the it just goes away.:ohwell:

I am not sure it will work on an iPod - I haven't tried it since I don't own one. I will ask the developers for more information on this.
dimopoulos said:
When an error happens, please click the Report button so that we know what happened. Otherwise it is impossible for the developers to fix anything. Reporting errors does not reveal ANY of your personal information. The report contains what phone you have, what OS you are running and what happened at the time on the code level.

This way we know where and what happened. With so many mobile OS versions and phone models (especially in the case of Android) it is very easy for an application to work for one and not for another. In some cases there is little that we can do since certain devices contain code from the carrier that we cannot interfere with.

As soon as we find bugs, updates will be issued.


I've indeed sent several already. It's truly weird, I'll get three pop ups in a row. I'll mostly just hit report once or twice but now I'll try to do so every time the pop up shows up! Hopefully you don't get report spammed. Hehe.
what's the issue of the app showing the red circle number in the corner yet nothing is new when I open it, it's getting annoying. Thanks!!
Maybe i'm doing something wrong. I have a droid and after my app stopped working i uninstalled it and tried to install it again. But for some reason it won't download. It looks like the same app. Maybe i'll have to just pay and download tapatalk. What's the difference between the lhcf app and tapatalk? Also what am i doing wrong? TIA.
JessieLeleB said:
what's the issue of the app showing the red circle number in the corner yet nothing is new when I open it, it's getting annoying. Thanks!!

I just got that too on the iPhone and iPod. I've checked everywhere on both apps for a message and can't see any. My only thought is someone has tagged/mentioned me and the app has picked it up. Only way to know is to jump on the desktop.

Sent from my iPod touch using LHCF
Sunrise said:
I just got that too on the iPhone and iPod. I've checked everywhere on both apps for a message and can't see any. My only thought is someone has tagged/mentioned me and the app has picked it up. Only way to know is to jump on the desktop.

Sent from my iPod touch using LHCF

Right, figured it out!

I THINK the circled numbers are down to subscribed threads. Once I read the threads and exit the app, the circled number went.

Sent from my iPod touch using LHCF
I'm having problems with the application loading as well, it will begin, but never load the page. I have an android phone.