New Mobile Applications


Crazy Greek
Staff member

We have started pushing out two new mobile applications, available for free for our members, on the Android and App Stores.

The applications will be available shortly and support is already in place for the new functionality. Please note that these are brand new applications and will not work with the previous vendor's network.

What's new:

  • Smoother interface and navigation
  • Instant PUSH support of subscribed topics (requires activation)
  • Support for a lot more devices than before and.... (drumroll)
  • Thanks support (you select the post and hold your finger and choose Like in the popup).
  • iPad support

There will be many more features coming in the next few weeks and updates will be automatic for all of you.

Some key notes:
The application will be updated once you choose to either manually (or it happens automatically on your device) from the app store. Our app has gone to the App store today so it is still under review. Hopefully it will be approved this week.

Users MUST uninstall the old application and install the new one. This is again due to the fact that this is a brand new application with a totally different platform than before.

We will continue to support both platforms (i.e. old applications and new applications) until the end of this month at which point we will decomission the old code from the forum. This is done to aid with the transition from one app to another.

More to come on this.
dimopoulos, Hi Nikos, I uninstalled my app because it would no longer log on. I went to reinstall and I cannot find it anywhere on the Android Market, I do believe I got it from there before. I've searched hi and low, thru google as well, to no avail. Can you tell me where I can get it, please?!!! TIA!!! :rolleyes:
dimopoulos, Hi Nikos, I uninstalled my app because it would no longer log on. I went to reinstall and I cannot find it anywhere on the Android Market, I do believe I got it from there before. I've searched hi and low, thru google as well, to no avail. Can you tell me where I can get it, please?!!! TIA!!! :rolleyes:

Same here. It does not appear in the search.
dimopoulos, Hi Nikos, I uninstalled my app because it would no longer log on. I went to reinstall and I cannot find it anywhere on the Android Market, I do believe I got it from there before. I've searched hi and low, thru google as well, to no avail. Can you tell me where I can get it, please?!!! TIA!!! :rolleyes:

Same me
dimopoulos, Hi Nikos, I uninstalled my app because it would no longer log on. I went to reinstall and I cannot find it anywhere on the Android Market, I do believe I got it from there before. I've searched hi and low, thru google as well, to no avail. Can you tell me where I can get it, please?!!! TIA!!! :rolleyes:

Same here. Droid X.
Hey Ladies,

The Android app should be on the market within a day or so. I will let you all know :)

Thanks for your patience!
You can also move the app to your sim card.

The thanks to the above post was using the app :)

Sent from my Nexus One using LHCF

At the risk of sounding terribly ungrateful, when I try to open Participated [threads], an error occurs. I have tried this on 2 different android phones with the same result. Thanks!

Eta: And THANK YOU for the THANKS button!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And it is very easy to edit a post too! Woohoo! You are amazing!
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allmundjoi Could you please file an error report when you see it? This way we can check the underlying data on why the error occurred and correct it.

Thanks and happy that you like it.
I love the new app. The fact that we thank alone is a major plus for me. :yep:
ETA: I'm having the same problem as mentioned by a poster upthread regarding the "Participated" tab.
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The new app doesn't seem to be in Itunes. I tried uninstalling the old one (which crashes whenever I try to change settings)and installing the only one that appeared when searching for longhaircareforum, but it looks and functions exactly the same.
stryed said:
The new app doesn't seem to be in Itunes. I tried uninstalling the old one (which crashes whenever I try to change settings)and installing the only one that appeared when searching for longhaircareforum, but it looks and functions exactly the same.

The new iPhone app is still under review in the app store so installing and uninstalling the app will not work.

Sent from my Nexus One using LHCF
I am really happy that I can now thank. This app upgrade is awesome. Great update, really enjoying it:yep: thanks Niko!

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF