New Hair Cut! Picture Updates


Well-Known Member
Hi all!

Last week I cut my hair. The layers are gone for the most part and straightened my hair slightly below shoulder length, so the almost armpit length layer is GONE. I can say right now I am enjoying the shorter length and new shape. Just a few updates are in my photo album.

OMG I love it so1913- After seeing these pics- I think I'm gonna take that plunge and get my longest layers cut too!
OK!!! You are my new hair idol!!! topic, what mary kay products do you use? I have some serious scarring on my face from acne and i'm doing my darnest to get rid of them, but it aint working... back to the hair now... it's gorgeous...when my hair grows up i want it to be like yours!
OK!!! You are my new hair idol!!! topic, what mary kay products do you use? I have some serious scarring on my face from acne and i'm doing my darnest to get rid of them, but it aint working... back to the hair now... it's gorgeous...when my hair grows up i want it to be like yours!

Hi there, I don't really use Mary Kay...before I was just using their Conceler but I've switched to MAC. As far as facial care, I've been using Avon products for quite a while and they have turned out to work well keeping my skin under control, I can let you know what those are if you like.

And thanks!
Your hair looks really really nice. :yep:

You are one of my natural hair idols. I was having doubts about transitioning, but then I saw this post and the pics, and I'm going to continue on my natural hair quest. :yep:
I too have ALWAYS loved your hair.

I would like to know how you get your curls to look defined without looking greasy but still looking moisturized.
I'm digging it so1913. You and your hair are awesome. I too am going for a more blunt look. I beleive in "strength in numbers". The thicker the hair, the less loss during manipulation.