New Growth Withdrawl

After a relaxer I wait impatiently for about three weeks just to feel a little bump on my roots. I constantly play with it as weeks pass and get excited when it is long enough to stretch. At this point I begin thinking, "hmm..this is a good 1/2 to 3/4 inch by now."

It feels good to know that my hair is progressing..growing..there is proof!
Relaxer day comes, and I have about a week of swinging hair..then it is the impatient wait all over gain.. Am I the only one who misses the new growth after a relaxer??
Are you sure that you miss the NG? or You just can't wait for more NG so you can feel all excited about the NG since NG=Longer hair/more hair which = getting closer to your goal. At least that's what it is for me. I don't really miss all those kinks and coils I just can't wait to see more NG since it means I'm getting closer to my hair goal.:D
:lol: Serenity, sometimes I wonder that the point of getting a relaxer is, lol, since we started on this hair care journey, it's more about growth than actually having a relaxer...
As soon as i get my relaxer, i already think about how long i'm going to stretch, what i'd like to try for more new growth, etc... i dont even care that my hair is straight and that i could wear it out if i wanna b/c i'm trying to protect those ends, man! :lol: two weeks after my touch-up, i'm like yup, starting to feel that bump and i begin to examinate my shed hairs, it's funny... so basically a touch-up only means something to me for two weeks and then it's all about the new growth. But i don't mind, though :D
BeautifulWideEyes said:
Are you sure that you miss the NG? or You just can't wait for more NG so you can feel all excited about the NG since NG=Longer hair/more hair which = getting closer to your goal. At least that's what it is for me. I don't really miss all those kinks and coils I just can't wait to see more NG since it means I'm getting closer to my hair goal.:D

This is me all the way. I'm 1.5 weeks post relaxer and when I'm doing my scalp massages I'm already feeling for new growth. It means progress to me and I look forward to progress.
CarLiTa said:
:lol: Serenity, sometimes I wonder that the point of getting a relaxer is, lol, since we started on this hair care journey, it's more about growth than actually having a relaxer...
As soon as i get my relaxer, i already think about how long i'm going to stretch, what i'd like to try for more new growth, etc... i dont even care that my hair is straight and that i could wear it out if i wanna b/c i'm trying to protect those ends, man! :lol: two weeks after my touch-up, i'm like yup, starting to feel that bump and i begin to examinate my shed hairs, it's funny... so basically a touch-up only means something to me for two weeks and then it's all about the new growth. But i don't mind, though :D

Yes, Yes, Yes!! This is it...I guess what I was trying to say is it is amazing how getting newgrowth has just over shadowed the excitement of getting hair relaxed.

Remember when we used to get our hair relaxed and it was all about having the long swingin hair, etc. Now its it is just a new starting point to grow more hair..hahaha.. And then I don't care much to wear it down, Why? because I am protecting my ends..just like you said.

BeautifulWideEyes - I think I do miss stretching out the new growth and playing with it..Some how it just feels gratifying seeing/feeling the growth. I can measure it, see how much progress I made. After I relax, I seem to get over the legenth so quickly because I begin focusing on more to come. At least when it is coiled, I can stretch it and constantaly be reminded something is happening. Perhaps I am not wearing it down after relaxers to "see" the previous two months progress made. I am making any sense?
I feel ya girl, I'm a week post relaxer, and last night, I was playing with my hair, felt a lil rough, and I'm like wow could it be new growth?? :D LOL I'm looking forward to getting more new growth, need to water this plant and let the bush grow!!!!
SerenityBreeze said:
After a relaxer I wait impatiently for about three weeks just to feel a little bump on my roots. I constantly play with it as weeks pass and get excited when it is long enough to stretch. At this point I begin thinking, "hmm..this is a good 1/2 to 3/4 inch by now."

It feels good to know that my hair is progressing..growing..there is proof!
Relaxer day comes, and I have about a week of swinging hair..then it is the impatient wait all over gain.. Am I the only one who misses the new growth after a relaxer??

No, you're not the only one! :D I thought I was the only one. lol* I relax my hair every 12 weeks, and by week 12 I'm itching for a relaxer. But as soon as I get my relaxer, I go through new growth withdrawal symptoms. :( I miss my newgrowth! I miss the intricate little hairstyles I have when I'm stretching my relaxers (ie. twist outs, bantu knots, curly-do's). I even play in my newgrowth hair more when I stretch relaxers. It's strange! LOL* After my touch-up I'm like: "That's it?? No more intricate designs? Just straight hair??" haha... :lol: It's really boring for about 2 or 3 weeks after my relaxer.

Funny thing is, when I was getting my hair relaxed every 6-8 weeks, I could not WAIT until my next relaxer! But now days, I can wait. I think when I was relaxing at 6-8 weeks I didn't really get a chance to like/appreciate my new growth. Now that I stretch, I can appreciate my newgrowth more. :)
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You're not the only one. I'm a week post my relaxer and I can feel new growth so I'm anxiously waiting to see my progress.