New Growth and Relaxer..What to do.....


At the start of BSL! Patiently waiting for full❤️
I'm a little confused about what to do with my hair before getting a relaxer:perplexed. My last relaxer was the end of February. I clarified and conditioned my hair a few days before my appointment. I put a little coconut oil on my hair daily to keep it soft.

When I went to the salon, I was a little embarrased because I had so much new growth and it was very difficult for the stylist to relax my hair.

So my question is, what do YOU do prior to going to the salon or doing your own relaxer? Right now I'm 10 weeks post and would like a better experience next time. Thx
Do you want your ng more managable, so the stylist won't have as much difficulty?
Yes. I heard not to put too much product in my hair before relaxing, so my ng is very thick and unmanagable. Have any suggestions Tiffers?
Spend some time trying to detangle as much as possible, because those stylists raking that comb through your new growth is no joke.
A few days before you get your hair relaxed, massage castor oil into your scalp every day. Castor oil is wonderful for softening ng. It can also serve a double purpose, a scalp base :)

Also, like Cream Tee suggested, gently finger comb your ng (working in small sections, to be as thorough as possible) before going to the salon
I do my own touchups, usually at about 13/14 weeks post. The week before I plan to texlax, I wear my hair in a spiral set. Then, when I apply the relaxer cream the following week, I just follow along the parts previously made by the spiral set...makes the whole process go so much smoother.
Thanks ladies. I will start applying castor oil a few days before my relaxer and Prospurr4 when I start doing my own relaxers, I will be using your spiral technique.:yep: