New book from one of our own!!


Relaxed, 4B
One of my favourite Niko's cousins would have to be Sistaslick (aka Audrey Sivasothy). I was very excited to see on Associated Content that she's coming out with a book in the new year. Like a nerd I print off several of her articles and keep it in my hair journal for future reference, now I'll have a book to reference - this is very exciting!!

The Science of Black Hair
Unfortunately it's not out yet - I've started this thread hopefully so I'll get a friendly reminder (subscribing) when it does come out. I do like the website though looks real sharp:)
One of my favourite Niko's cousins would have to be @Sistaslick (aka Audrey Sivasothy). I was very excited to see on Associated Content that she's coming out with a book in the new year. Like a nerd I print off several of her articles and keep it in my hair journal for future reference, now I'll have a book to reference - this is very exciting!!

The Science of Black Hair

I guess that makes me one too..:grin: because I printed off those articles also..:blush: Her articles are very informative.. I hope her book does well I will certaintly getting a copy soon as it comes out
Nice. I'm sure it's going to be very, very informative, just like her articles.

I will check it out.
How exciting! Her articles helped me through the first year of my journey. I had them all bookmarked. I now have them memorized :)
One of my favourite Niko's cousins would have to be Sistaslick (aka Audrey Sivasothy). I was very excited to see on Associated Content that she's coming out with a book in the new year. Like a nerd I print off several of her articles and keep it in my hair journal for future reference, now I'll have a book to reference - this is very exciting!!

The Science of Black Hair

Aw! Thanks guys! :kiss: I will definitely let you all know when its published! It's been years in the making, but it's almost complete-- for real, for real! It's headed to my editor next month (if God says the same), and I know you guys will find that it was worth the wait. :yep: :lol:

If you like the articles, then you'll love the book. It's a full color book with amazing images of hair, and really in depth explanations for things. It's not a pocket guide or a "regimen made into a book" by any means-- it's written almost like a textbook/reference book. :yep: This is something that I've felt has been missing, for us anyway. Something a bit more technical, yet understandable and affordable.

The book is in color, but there will be an option to purchase it in black/white as well to keep costs within affordable ranges for everyone. Color printing fees are astronomical unfortunately. But either way, the interior will translate nicely!

You guys can join my FB fan page for updates on the book's progress and hair tips as well! It's The Science of Black Hair

I'm also on twitter--@ blackhair101

& Thanks Nix :kiss:
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Wow, and congrats Sistaslick on the new book! The website looks very exciting and professional. Thanks in advance for putting this information out there. I have enjoyed reading and learning from her many published articles in the past. Good luck, and much success with the new book!
This is awesome!!! I also printed your articles and they really helped me get on the right track when I first joined years ago. I was relaxed back then but even as a natural I've gone back to the articles because hair is hair. This book sounds like it should be in every woman's home library. I'm so excited!
She is one of the few people I’ve encountered who I would wholeheartedly support because her information is not only sound, but presented in an unassuming and user-friendly fashion. I would purchase multiple copies and present them as gifts to friends and family members. Simply put, an excellent product + an exceptional attitude = you got my vote.

Congratulations to her, and I wish her well in her endeavors!
Sounds like a much needed book. I'm looking forward to reading it. Hope you can make sure your publisher has versions available for e-readers like kindle and nook.
Aw, Thank you guys! :kiss: Tiye-- duly noted!

Nowadays its important to keep the e-community in mind-- even for the website. See, I'm really big into flash websites (I need the music + moving graphics and everything to get me in the mood :lol:), so I was bit peeved when I realized I couldn't view my site from my iphone (Ipad ,etc). So there's now flash and Html versions the site for this reason. So yes, I will definitely keep the kindle and ipad folks in mind!

Thanks everyone for your kind words and your faithful readership over the years! :kiss:
Aw, Thank you guys! :kiss: Tiye-- duly noted!

Nowadays its important to keep the e-community in mind-- even for the website. See, I'm really big into flash websites (I need the music + moving graphics and everything to get me in the mood :lol:), so I was bit peeved when I realized I couldn't view my site from my iphone (Ipad ,etc). So there's now flash and Html versions the site for this reason. So yes, I will definitely keep the kindle and ipad folks in mind!

Thanks everyone for your kind words and your faithful readership over the years! :kiss:

No, thank you for sharing your amazing articles and your writing gift!
Awesome ! I reference her articles all the time, infact I give her articles to my friends that want to learn about haircare but dont like forums. My one friend is hooked on the articles. They are so easy to understand and break down the hair basics. I am buying a copy.
Just tell me when/where I can order!!

Sistaslick....make sure your publishers knows to burn the midnight oil printing non-stop because I think LHCF just might put you on backorder...which is an outstanding thing to be loved and wanted. I know I want in and in color too!
Sistaslick please please please ensure that fellow Canadians will be able to order too, please ship to canada or I'll meet you at the border:)

Like several of the others I intend to buy at least 2 (one for me and one for my daughter for when she grows up).

Also, I'm not on twitter or facebook so I've sent a note via the website to include me on the mailing list hopefully that will suffice.
Sistaslick please please please ensure that fellow Canadians will be able to order too, please ship to canada or I'll meet you at the border:)

Like several of the others I intend to buy at least 2 (one for me and one for my daughter for when she grows up).

Also, I'm not on twitter or facebook so I've sent a note via the website to include me on the mailing list hopefully that will suffice.

Thanks so much everyone for the support- you guys are the best :kiss: I'm taking notes!!! I'll definitely keep you guys updated once we are in print :yep: I'll end up having to get a seller account here eventually to stay in Beverly's good graces :giggles:-- So you guys will definitely know!!!

The book will be available on Amazon as well as traditional "Brick & Mortar" outlets. We're also trying to make sure that the UK and Canada will be able to purchase as well!
This is exciting news...

The first thread I read on LHCF was a thread created by Sistaslick. After that informative thread I had to join this site!

Looking forward to purchasing the book because I can never get enough of hair knowledge!