New book from one of our own!!

I ordered my book from B&N, got a shipment conformation the next day and then an email saying it didn't ship. I left for vacay with no book :(. Went to B&N in my little hick town and no book. So it's off to Amazon....I will get this book no matter what :) !
Wow I wasn't expecting the book to be that expensive. How many pages is it? I will still support Sistaslick because she is the one who taught me about breakage and moisture/protein balance.

Hey Destine, it's 258 pages, 7 x10 inches.
There are 4 different versions of the book. The most expensive are the 2 color versions (paperback and hardcover). Those are special edition books and what we are primarily marketing to salons, schools, and professionals.:yep: These have a gold seal on the cover.

The black and white versions are much more economical- and they are the standard, mass market editions. They are also available in hardcover and paperback starting at $24.95.

The text is the same, so if you just want the information you are definitely fine with the BW version. :yep: The pics still look great.:yep: The only other difference is that the color versions are thicker, and heavier because they are printed on a heavier paper. Thanks!
I ordered my book from B&N, got a shipment conformation the next day and then an email saying it didn't ship. I left for vacay with no book :(. Went to B&N in my little hick town and no book. So it's off to Amazon....I will get this book no matter what :) !

Aww sorry to hear that!!! The same thing happened to my mother with BN. They sent her a follow up email saying, sorry we'll let you know when it ships. :perplexed

Crazy thing is when it finally got to her from BN, there was half of another random book printed before it in the same book! She got 2 books for one. :lachen: The first 20 pages of her book was a dreamcatcher short story. :look:
Took the plunge and ordered from Amazon UK its now a waiting game btwn 1-3 weeks.Cant wait.Congrats Sistaslick
this book is so great!!!!!!
Sistaslick please have it translated in French or you can be reported for discrimination (lol).
thumbs up!
my book got here today. i ordered the special edition hardcover. just glanced through it so far. looks great! i will start reading later so i can give my review.
I ordered mine from B&N a few days ago. Congratz Sisterslick! You are such an inspiration on so many levels! I wish you great success!
Doing a happy dance:) I received both books today. My hubby and dad had to pry us off the couch as we were reading:)
Sistaslick this may have been asked already but do you have articles or books coming out about natural hair. How to keep and maintain the moisture.

I stopped writing the articles to finish up the book, but if I pick them up again, I'll definitely have some specific to natural hair in the future. :yep:

And thanks everyone for your comments and well wishes. I appreciate each and every one of you, and I soooo look forward to hearing your reviews (good/bad/whatever ya got) about the book or how we can make it better. :yep:
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Took the plunge and ordered from Amazon UK its now a waiting game btwn 1-3 weeks.Cant wait.Congrats Sistaslick

I was expecting to receive my book btwn late June and early July as AmazonUK had advised me.Then they emailed and said the date had change to the 15th of June .
Yesterday morning 11/06 the book was dropped on my door step.I was so excited ,I have not put the book down and my little girl has given the book a name and Its called Mummmy's black book lol.

The book is well written ,to the point no more guessing games with my hair .Every home should have this book
I will write a review at amazon.Girl the book is awesome.May the Lord continue to bless you.
I received my book Thursday and didn't put it down until i finished. This book is excellent! It is definitely THE hair care book for black women. There was so much info in it i will be reading it again to make sure i didn't miss anything. Great info about the purpose of different products and how they affect your hair. Now i know why my hair kept breaking despite of how well i took care of it (had never heard of a chelating shampoo before :ohwell:). All black magazines should spotlight this book to get the word out. Thanks Sistaslick for sharing all your knowledge!

I missed the UPS man yesterday and drove to Mykawa last night to get my book:D

I fully expect you to autograph it at the next meetup:cool:

LOL :lachen: Deal. :lol: It's been too long!

I was expecting to receive my book btwn late June and early July as AmazonUK had advised me.Then they emailed and said the date had change to the 15th of June .
Yesterday morning 11/06 the book was dropped on my door step.I was so excited ,I have not put the book down and my little girl has given the book a name and Its called Mummmy's black book lol.

The book is well written ,to the point no more guessing games with my hair .Every home should have this book
I will write a review at amazon.Girl the book is awesome.May the Lord continue to bless you.

I am so glad to hear this on the shipping time! Thank you so much for the kind words, and I can't wait for your review!

lol@ Mummy's black book:lachen:

I received my book Thursday and didn't put it down until i finished. This book is excellent! It is definitely THE hair care book for black women. There was so much info in it i will be reading it again to make sure i didn't miss anything. Great info about the purpose of different products and how they affect your hair. Now i know why my hair kept breaking despite of how well i took care of it (had never heard of a chelating shampoo before :ohwell:). All black magazines should spotlight this book to get the word out. Thanks Sistaslick for sharing all your knowledge!

Wow, thank you Dachsies! I'm glad you guys are liking it.:yep:
I posted this on The Science of Hair's Facebook page too, but figured I'd post here as well:

Hey folks! Great news! We are working on translated versions of The Science of Black Hair book. The English version is doing very well, and we appreciate your amazing support! Keep the reviews coming!

We are planning French and Spanish translations of this book.

If we have any bilingual readers (fluent) who would be interested in reviewing one of the translated versions, please email or PM me- thank you! Ideally, we are looking for people who already own the English version for comparison. We'll send you the translation of your choice once they are available.
