New and needing help with this bad haircut i got =(


Well-Known Member
HI ALL!! i'm new been lurking for some months now. Been pretty good about haircare until I moved to tallahassee and didn't have a salon and its just been downhill. But anyway so I went home this summer because my hair was super damaged (whole nother story) so my hairdresser at home could fix it. It was fine in a bob (pics posted) but there was no movement and my hair was so stiff so I got some layers put it in it but I hate it and now i dunno what to do with my hair. She cut my bangs entirely too short but they grow back pretty quickly so I'm not too worried about that. But i'm not really sure to style my hair to my liking. Here are some pics.

The one with the longer hair was when my hair was normal (before damage), the one with the bob is right before i put layers in, and the ones with the red are my new layers. the bottom layer is still the same length as my bob. soooo yea! any help would be grand!


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Maybe you could give some curly styles a try?

The first one (on Corinne Bailey Rae) is really cute especially.

You're a beautiful girl, by the way!
Maybe you could pull your bangs back like you have in your first picture. And try to add some loose wave or curls to your layers. Try out some accessories and headbands too.
the problem with that is i need a perm and the edges are def. not behaving, so I don't know how good that would like right now.
Would curlformers be able to achieve the curly style more like wavy, cuz my hair is extremely short as u can see in the pics.
You might not need something as expensive as curlformers especially since your hair is short. Why not go to the BSS and get a 2 dollar pack of perm rods. A short curly style like the pics someone posted will look great with that length. Or you could try a braidout a.k.a. braid and curl hair style where you braid your hair and roll the end on perm rods. Once it dries just undo the braids and fluff. I'm sure there are lots of threads about that style if you do a search.
You might not need something as expensive as curlformers especially since your hair is short. Why not go to the BSS and get a 2 dollar pack of perm rods. A short curly style like the pics someone posted will look great with that length. Or you could try a braidout a.k.a. braid and curl hair style where you braid your hair and roll the end on perm rods. Once it dries just undo the braids and fluff. I'm sure there are lots of threads about that style if you do a search.

I agree. I dont think you would need curlformers for that style. Try a braid out or some perm rods.
Maybe you could try a wash and wear style. Wash, condition, moisturize and scrunch until dry. HTH
I've tried to do braidouts. many many times, and i just can't seem to master it! i wish i could use the crimping rollers or w/e but i might have to wait till my hair is near the bottom of my neck which will hopefully be in december.