New 4 Months Comparison Photos


Well-Known Member
Hi all! I just updated my album for a 4 month comparison shot from November 2005 when I cut my hair till now. I see some growth (YAY!!!) but boy is it moving S-L-O-W. I have an appointment scheduled for May at Miss Jessie's Salon (formerly Curve Salon) where I will get it "trimmed" this time around.
Beautiful! Enough to me make go natural. How long have been natural to get your current legnth? What is your regimen? What made you go natural?

Thank you sharing, thank you for your time?
Plenty706 said:
Beautiful! Enough to me make go natural. How long have been natural to get your current legnth? What is your regimen? What made you go natural?

Thank you sharing, thank you for your time?

Oh wow! That's one of the biggest compliments ever!

I've been completely natural since about April of 2004. I've had plenty of cuts here and there, which is why my natural hair is only the length it is now, but I'm making and effort to let it grow out. I'm not that skillful with stying, and have some personal issues with the lack of "texture" in the front part of my hair, lol, so mostly, I just conditioner wash daily/everyother day or so, apply my leave in's (BBD Stretch and Fantasia IC Cactus leave in), a moisturizer (lately Miss Jessie's Buttercreme) and just slick my hair back into a low pony tail. I also use a Micro Fiber towel after applying the leave in condioners, I apply the product to soaking wet hair, wrap up in the micro fiber towel, and go about getting read for work. After most of the water has been absorbed (it dries faster this way) I apply my CB, some Fantasi IC Thick n' Shine Gel over the hair that will be smoothed back and use my ouchless ponytail holder and go. I don't wear my hair out much, but I want to when it starts getting warm again and after my next trim.

What made me go natural? Well, back in December 2002 I had an unpleasent relaxer experience. I had graduated from college that year and moved back home. I had no stylist and used my Mother's. Well, she was in a bad mood and was very careless with her relaxer application. She didn't even use a conditioner AFTER rinsing the chemical out! I ran home and treated my hair. Luckily, no damage. I decided to hold off on my next retouch until I could find someone I though i could trust. Well, time flew, no relaxer...about a year with no retouch, I decided that I might as well keep going (of course with the encouragement of two natural friends), and the rest is history :)
OneInAMillion said:
Your hair is lovely :) . It may seem like slow growth to you, but it looks like you're making very good progress!

Seems slow isn't the word, lol! I'm so paranoid that it hasn't grown out enough that when I do go get my trim, even with the smallest amount taken off, I'll be back where I started. Other than the cost of going to the salon, I think this is what's had me delay going to get a trim, LOL. I really want my hair to grow out for the summer. Keeping my figers *crossed*. I have about two months to grow out before the trim, so I should be ok :)
Thank you ladies! My goal is to get the front to grow to chin length in its natural state. It just seems like it's going to take me forever.