Well-Known Member
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
zoya_j said:
I actually cringe when she's doing my hair, so I make sure to wash, treat and condition my hair before letting her braid or weave it.
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Zoya, I'm telling you! I was so angry
with my hairdresser. I asked her to rebraid some of my natural cornrows, because it was untidy and slightly matted, and what did she do? instead of detangling my hair, she yanked them out with her fingers. Now, at the time I did'nt realise what she was doing, until afterwards I noticed my hair ends were on the carpet and the ends of my hair were breaking off. The other day I confronted her about it, I explained in a reasonable manner to handle my hair gently. She told me it is because I wash my hair on a weekly basis and use no heat. I explained that the breakage is a direct cause of it being mishandled. She is a really nice person, but sensitive too, consequently, she took this the wrong way. I spoke with her on another occasion, and explained about hair care tips I had learnt from this forum and Robin's technique. She now understands how i would like my hair to be cared for
. You really do need good sense of comminucation with a hairdresser that way you get less disappointments.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
zoya_j said:
I actually cringe when she's doing my hair, so I make sure to wash, treat and condition my hair before letting her braid or weave it.
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Zoya, I'm telling you! I was so angry