New *2010* Transitioners Support Thread!

Yeah that's cute! But I want cheap lol how old are you btw if you dont mind. Your other pics make you look very young but the one you posted you look upper 20s/30s.....and whose grave were you violating lol

LMAO! The wig I'm wearing is Evony,she's a half wig and she costs $15.99 on

I'm 27. It all depends on my makeup. In the grave shot, they made me up to look like a really old lady. I'd have to show you a close up shot. they even did the lines around my mouth like wrinkles lol

birthday 010.jpg72020_140698455976877_124027387643984_203574_3908069_n.jpg
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OH girl evony is ALREADY on my christmas list and I just entered a contest on youtube for evony.

yeah you know I really meant 40s/50s but I did not want to offend lol thanks for the explanation! But yeah 27 is older than what I thought. I thought you were early 20s. You still look young but thats a good thing for the future!
awww thanks Femme!!! If you like Evony, check out Creta Girl too by Freetress. she's $19.99 and she's even fuller. She's on my Christmas list too lol
I'm still fact it's no longer a challenge, more like a way of life - lol.

15 months post.
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SO I CHOPPED LAST NIGHT :lachen:.....I couldn't post pics because the site was down. I don't know how I feel right now. I thought I was going to literally vomit last night when I was doing it. I AM very happy with my decision but I DO felt like I lost my mind last night. LOL I honestly put 3 different products in my hair, let them dry a bit, then washed them out. LOL I did NOT want to look a H.A.M this morning. I ended up putting some leave-in conditioner/shea butter mixture, went to bed. I woke up this morning in disbelief BUT excited. I still have some strands but for the most part it is ALL gonne. I will try to post pics today before I head out of town for the weekend.

SO I CHOPPED LAST NIGHT :lachen:.....I couldn't post pics because the site was down. I don't know how I feel right now. I thought I was going to literally vomit last night when I was doing it. I AM very happy with my decision but I DO felt like I lost my mind last night. LOL I honestly put 3 different products in my hair, let them dry a bit, then washed them out. LOL I did NOT want to look a H.A.M this morning. I ended up putting some leave-in conditioner/shea butter mixture, went to bed. I woke up this morning in disbelief BUT excited. I still have some strands but for the most part it is ALL gonne. I will try to post pics today before I head out of town for the weekend.

WOW congrats! Thats awesome. Can't wait to see pics!


SO I CHOPPED LAST NIGHT :lachen:.....I couldn't post pics because the site was down. I don't know how I feel right now. I thought I was going to literally vomit last night when I was doing it. I AM very happy with my decision but I DO felt like I lost my mind last night. LOL I honestly put 3 different products in my hair, let them dry a bit, then washed them out. LOL I did NOT want to look a H.A.M this morning. I ended up putting some leave-in conditioner/shea butter mixture, went to bed. I woke up this morning in disbelief BUT excited. I still have some strands but for the most part it is ALL gonne. I will try to post pics today before I head out of town for the weekend.

Congrats! Enjoy your journey! i shampoo'd and co-detangled (detangled with conditioner) and deep conditioned and did a regular flexi rod set.

How come why....nobody told me about the magic of a pin brush?? I have a regular pin brush...but now i HAVE to have the Denman!!! I have NEVER detangled so well! I had NO matting at all!!! I could run my hand down my hair and not get a snag on anything...and shed hairs?? GONE!!! I'm definitely gonna try the Denman now....i've been waiting to see how many months post i should be before i buy one....looks like i can use it now:D
Hello ladies!!! 2 more weeks before i BC!!, does anyone else have a specific date on when they will end their transition, i havent really noticed that lately. i know there are many that go off of impulse and frustration of the two textures but not too many with an actual date as opposed to the time frame.

just curious. hhg!! i will be updating in a week!!
:hiya2: SherylsTresses checking in at "15 months" post

I just did another mini chop (3+ inches) because my ends were fragile. I'm hoping the mini chops will continue to carry me to my goal of BCing on Feb 1, 2012. Maybe, maybe not but we'll see. I tried the finger-detangling regimen but it didn't work for me. I NEED to comb through my hair. I will use it as my lazy regimen from time to time.

Lately, I've been opting for slick bun instead of flat-ironing for special occasions.
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Aaw sorry to hear that sheryllstresses but at least you know what works. It would be nice if you could post pics of your beautiful hair for some encouragement :-) no pressure
Hey LaFemmeNaturelle...! I thought about taking pics but I felt that my braided ponytail was just too boring and it shows no length since i keep it pinned up with a claw.
Oooohh ok that's a good idea. I feel like I won't be able to tell what needs to be trimmed unless I straighten but I havent straightened since my last relaxer lol
IDK why, but I've been feeling kinda blah about my hair lately. IDK if it's b/c it's braided up and I can't see the progress or if I'm just getting discouraged seeing everyone else's progress. Just feeling funky I guess. Bleh :(
IDK why, but I've been feeling kinda blah about my hair lately. IDK if it's b/c it's braided up and I can't see the progress or if I'm just getting discouraged seeing everyone else's progress. Just feeling funky I guess. Bleh :(

NikkiQ, probably both reasons.... You made it 6 months so no turning back now :naughty: You'll feel better when you see your hair and progress.

Hang in there!!
Thanks dr.j

I planned on taking my braids down tomorrow at the 5 week mark, but my stylist has gone MIA on me and I haven't been able to find another one yet. I might have to resort to individual braids under my wigs for a while until I find someone. IDK. Just hoping things get a little better I guess.
Checking In!!!
Almost 14 months post :yay::trampolin:bdance:, 11 months to go.

Transitioning with braids and cornrows under wigs. I tried a weave for 3 months and left out hair in front. Big mistake! Blow dried and flat ironed leave out hair every week for 3 months and now have 2 bald spots in front. NEVER AGAIN!!!:wallbash::wallbash:

All in all, i'm a happy transitioner who's too lazy to do anything except KISS.
HHG Everyone!!!
Popping in to say I'm 17 months post and freshly braided up.

After taking a critical look at my hair, I def can't see cutting before the 2 year mark and the longer i transition, the more I think I will be a gradual snipper.