Negative effects if using Evening Primrose Oil/pills?

judging from all the post I have read only those who have large breast are the ones getting extra and those who aren't aren't getting any. I like the EPO because I have notice a difference in my scalp since I been using it and my legs has stopped hurting me. So I will continue using it then switch to Flaxseed, I would love to have bigger boobies but I guess that will remain a dream.
Trudy said:
judging from all the post I have read only those who have large breast are the ones getting extra and those who aren't aren't getting any. I like the EPO because I have notice a difference in my scalp since I been using it and my legs has stopped hurting me. So I will continue using it then switch to Flaxseed, I would love to have bigger boobies but I guess that will remain a dream.

I haven't noticed any change in my bra size taking EPO and I am abundant in breast size. I love both EPO and Flaxseed Oil. I pour both oils in my OJ every morning. My nails are stronger, my hair is soft and moisturized, and my scalp (which usually suffers from seborheic dermatitis) has had no problems since I began taking them. It's amazing! I have had no side effects since using.