Need Vitamin Recs


New Member
Hello Ladies, it's time for me to restock some vitamins here. Currently I take 2, 500mg EPO gelcaps and I'd like to get a good brand that has 1000mg gelcaps. What are you all taking?

I'm also looking for another source of silica, other than the horsetail. If anyone is taking pure silica or close to it, please let me know what brand you are taking and from where. TIA
Armyqt, on the confused about silica thread someone mentioned cellfood silica. Click here for their website.

My vitamin regimen is on this thread
I'm not sure about the silica--I take Natrol Vegetal Silica which has 32 mg of silica from 400 mg of Springtime Horsetail 8% extract. Whatever that means!

For evening primrose, I like Nature's Plus EPO 1500 and Vitamin Shoppe EPO 1300.
Thanks ladies. Those EPO 1500 sounds great to me. I'm gonna get some of those. This way I can take 1 gelcap and get even more EPO.

Seamist, I checked out the website for the cellfood, but I didn't see any ingredients listing. I like to know what I'm getting before I purchase. I guess I'll just have to keep looking.
I believe it was Imogin who said the silica contains 500mg of silica, no horsetail. As for protein powder, I think the 100% Whey Protein by Optimum Nutrition works extremely well! I have the vanilla flavor. The same way the PPB makes the hair "tingle, bristle, etc.), this does the same thing! Below is there amino acid blend:

Aspartic Acid---------2,315mg
Glutamic Acid---------1,629mg

I wasn't going to say anything because many of the forum members are on a budget and already are real PJ's to heart. But I feel this product is so worthwhile! If you notice, one-scoop has much more amino acid in it than the HF37 and Hairtopia and you don't have to take all those pills which don't equal nearly as much as this product does in terms of mg usage per amino acid! One-scoop= 22,000mcg of protein. The vitaminshoppe and GNC sells this product also!

Sorry Guys. But All I Can Say Is...

SeaMist you are so right when you say that a person would have to take at least 4-6 pills with both brands to just get under 200mg per amino acid! With the Whey Protein the lowest mg is 350mg and the highest is 2,443mg
Wow, thanks for posting this SeaMist. Most of the amino mg run in the 1,000mg and 2,000mg range I see. I'm looking for a powdered protein drink too and I'll be sure to look it up at the vitaminshoppe next time I go!
Wow Seamist, that is just what I need to take care of the protein thing. I don't have to worry about about taking any huge pills, or suffering through that nasty syrup. I'm going to get some today. Thanks a bunch for the rec. Oh, and the next time you hold out on me.....IMA have ta
Hey Armyqt, listed below is my vitamin regimen:
1500 mg MSM
600 mg Biotin
500mg L-Cysteine
HF 37 Program
Prenatal multi-vitamins
Protein Powder-GNC brand

I started this routine 12Mar, I'm going to see how my hair will look by next year...I hope this works!
I take Centrum and People's choice
. Is this good to take? How lont should you take vit. before you notice any good changes in your body? I notice that I get sleepy
I dont feel any energy just tried
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Cami said:
Hey Armyqt, listed below is my vitamin regimen:
1500 mg MSM
600 mg Biotin
500mg L-Cysteine
HF 37 Program
Prenatal multi-vitamins
Protein Powder-GNC brand

I started this routine 12Mar, I'm going to see how my hair will look by next year...I hope this works!

[/ QUOTE ]

Hey Cami, is that 600mg or 600mcg. Biotin is usually measured in MCG? If it is MCG, you may consider upping your biotin to get optimal results. Many here, including, myself, get optimal results taking 5000mcg and from the Puritans's Pride biotin
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Armyqt said: Wow Seamist, that is just what I need to take care of the protein thing. I don't have to worry about about taking any huge pills, or suffering through that nasty syrup. I'm going to get some today. Thanks a bunch for the rec. Oh, and the next time you hold out on me.....IMA have ta

[/ QUOTE ]

OKay. Next time I'll tell you everything I know. It comes in three flavors vanilla, strawberry and chocolate. I bought the 2lb. jar and the recommended dose is 1-3 scoops daily. The only reservations some people may have with this brand is that it contains aceselfame, an artificial sweetner. Other than that, this stuff goes to work immediately! I think Optimum Nutrition makes a brand with no sugar at all. I have to check and see for that though
Hey, I just went to Puritan's site and they only had 1000mcg of Biotin. Where did you order yours?
I'm still taking:

Pantothenic Acid
Super B Complex

On the back of my Silica, it reads: horsetail extract 500 mg std. to 7% Silica 35 mg.
I'm taking Cellfood silica and the ingredients are:

CellFood Proprietary Blend 63mg- a unique blend of 78 ionic minerals, 34 enzymes, 17 amino acids, electrolytes and dissloved oxygen

Silica 250mg

It's in liquid form you put 15 drops in your water or juice. I put mine in my tea or gatorade.I take it twice a day as directed, in the mornings after my workouts and again in the evenings before dinner. It's supposed to be taken on an empty stomach.I read that somwhere on this board, can't remember where. I've been using this for about 2 weeks now. This along with the MSM has helped with muscle and joint recovery(knees and shins especially) after workouts.The MSM alone improved my recovery, but it wasn't enough. My hair is weaved right now, I won't know about it's effects on my hair til I take it out next month.

Slowly, but surely
Here's what I take:
Day 1: HF 37 1 stp 1, 2-4 stp 2,vivscal,biotin 600mcg, vit C, folic acid, liq geritol complete, liq B12
Day 2: Shou wu, biotin 600mcg, flax seed oil caps, viviscal, vit C, liq geritol, liq B12
Day 3: Vit C,E, calcium, liq geritol, liq B12, algae caps, vivscal
Day 4: Nothing, lots of water like vitamin days then start over, vit A &amp; D once a week only, msm 2-3 times a week.
1. I changed from every 3 days 1 day break to alternating days or every other day (1 day hair vit's 1 day multi, viviscal spread out over 4 days) I'm taking viviscal everyday 1x a day.
2. I've upped my excersize to 6 days a week (30-45 mins, more water.
Wow, thanks ladies. Keep em coming

Seamist I went and got the protein powder from GNC today and I already had some. This is gonna work real good for me? The taste is really good and no giant pills. My plan is to take it every morning since I don't eat any breakfast. I think it's gonna contribute to a lot of hair growth.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Cami said:
Hey, I just went to Puritan's site and they only had 1000mcg of Biotin. Where did you order yours?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes Cami, they have 1000mcg caps, but I take five of them. They a really small and I can't take all five at once. Your hair really cannot afford not to take these
Zoya I'm gonna have to take a good hard look at this cellfood stuff. It really sounds good and 250mg of silica is the highest I've heard of in any supplement. I also like the fact that it's in liquid form (I hate swallowing pills). If I get this, I'll be able to cut down on my pill intake. Thanks alot, I'm gonna check the price of it.
Does the high amount of protein in this product affect the texture of your hair? Would a steady amount of it change it overtime? God bless you all.
I got some brochures when I purchased the cellfood. For any info you guys may need here's the website: luminahealth

I paid $40, but take note that I live in The Bahamas. There was a store online that had it for about $28 but I can't find it anymore. I see alot of other stores selling it anywhere between $23-$30, but it's packaged different from the one that I have, maybe they changed the packaging or something. I have a white bottle and it's a 40-day supply and I see them advertising a black bottle with only a 30-day supply. But the website can give you a list of healthfood stores that carry it in your area.

Oh, and armyqt if you do get this I recommend getting a medicine dropper as well.

Slowly, but surely
Not yet Allandra. I'm gonna order this week coming up. But first I wanted to get a few recs so I can revise my regimen a little.
I take Body Essential Silica which contains 440 mg of pure silica(per tablespoon), not horsetail from Chamberlain Foods for 16.95 per bottle.
OH Wow, Ms Jadu..that sounds great!! More silica and less money. That's right up my alley. I'm gonna do a search for them, but where do you get yours? Thanks a bunch