Need some encouragement: How many inches in 5 years w/ trims?


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Pic incl, Need some encouragement: How many inches in 5 years w/ trims?

Hey Ladies,

I need some encouragement. When I do my reveal Dec 25, 2011, It would have been almost 5 years (January 2012 will be 5 years) and my growth/retention thus far is kind of laughable. :sad: I should technically have 5*6=30-2inches per year at least for trims (right?) which equals 20 inches.

Do I have that about right? At the end of the year, after I retain all 6 inches and barely trim I'll have 14 inches.

By God's grace I'll have a couple extra inches from the sulfur oil I made so maybe 8-9 inches next year.

All in all, I'm unhappy with my growth so far, but I am very thankful. I started with no hair and when people see me now they are like :blush: Your hair has GROWN!!

lol because they remember when my hair was .25 inches long.

I also struggled the first 2 years so I didn't get much growth. These last 3 years have been my real health care years.

So what is the normal expected amount of hair to have in that amount of time even though the normal growth rate is .5, where do alot of people fall in this time.

Also right now Im at 4 years and im 1 inch from APL (just trimmed, was practically at APL). That's pretty crummy right?

I'm expecting to make BSL on Christmas...even more actually :). Im about 1 inch form APL and APL-BSL is about 4 1/2 inches which I KNOW (by God's grace) I can make by next Christmas.

I'm actually confident that I will surpass it.
Speaking things into existence. :grin::grin::grin::grin:

Pic is from a Dominican blowout (im natural) in August. Its a bit longer than that now.


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Your is beautiful. Shiny and thick!

I'm not too sure how long your hair should be, because I don't know what your growth rate is. I realize you're using the 0.5" per month, but maybe:

1) Your growth rate is slower than 0.5" per month.
2) Your growth rate is about 0.5"per month or even more, but you're not retaining it. How much breakage do you normally experience?

Since length seems to be important to you, have you considered just doing 'search and destroys' instead of trimming. You might want to weigh up whether the trims are absolutely worth it vs your desire for length.
Thank you for your reply Urban :) .And thank you for the hair compliment!!!!! Its my first one on the board..(granted its my first time posting a picture of my hair lol)

I am thinking my growth rate might be a bit slower than I think. I believe It may be around .3-.4. For example, with my last install I kept it in for 3 months and I got a little over an inch, but not quite an inch an a half. So I'm thinking if I get say, .4 inches a month, that means .4*60= 24 inches of hair and if we do about 2 inches of trimming a year, thats about 14 inches, which I KNOW I'll hit by December. Of course I didnt retain every bit of length and I may not have trimmed as much.

Lets say I only trimmed 1 inch per year, that means I should have about 19 inches meaning I loss 5 inches over the years for lack of retention. Whatever it is, its not too bad after all.

Thank you for that reply!! I'm definitely feeling encouraged :) .

Also search and destroys sounds like a good idea for 2011. I'm really afraid though of not trimming. Like I have this nightmare that my hair will split all the way up the shaft lol.

But if I take care of my ends and keep my hair moisturized I should be fine right?
Your hair looks very pretty healthy! I have been having a problem with trimming too much in the past couple of years so my hair has been hanging around APL. So I have incorporated dusting my end (and S&D whenever needed) into my regimen instead of trim. I always thought I had to trim my hair but that is not so. Just as Urban said that might make a big difference for you too.

Thank you DesignerCurls :)

Okay, so I'm going to get one trim next year. Maximum 2. That is all. I'm going to just baby my ends the rest of the way. Ill snip splits as I see them. I cannot wait till the front/side of my hair hits my arm pit in the front *drool* I will fall out lol.

Can't wait to swang that thang!!

I'll be flat ironing my hair for my bday next month. I better be APL by then lol.
girl you can swant that thang now!!! I am over hear drooling... uh I mean admiring your hair, it looks healthy and thick. If I had your hair I would 'whip my hair' so much my neck would break off:lachen:
Honestly, I am new to this so I don't really know how much hair people have at 5 years, and I know you may be a bit disappointed at the lenght but don't let that keep you from letting the wind gently lift your hairrr or running your hands through your hair in public... oh sorry getting carried away with the daydream.
Thank you DesignerCurls :)

Okay, so I'm going to get one trim next year. Maximum 2. That is all. I'm going to just baby my ends the rest of the way. Ill snip splits as I see them. I cannot wait till the front/side of my hair hits my arm pit in the front *drool* I will fall out lol.

Can't wait to swang that thang!!

I'll be flat ironing my hair for my bday next month. I better be APL by then lol.