Need advise on growing out layers


New Member
Ok, by using the advise of everyone on the forum, I have now have 7-8 inches of relaxed hair on my head. Loving it! Now, though, I want to know what is the best way to start easing my hair to all one length. I haven't had even a trim in about 6 months, because the hairdresser says that I don't need it (surprise, surprise!!). How do all of you do it? Do I ask her to just trim the bottom of my hair and not touch anywhere else, with the hope that the hair on top will just catch up? Or do I just keep trimming all over and just wait untill the all of the hair at the top and sides can all go into a ponytail, and then cut it? I'm afraid that if she just keeps trimming the bottom, that the hair on top will be stringy looking and the bottom will look you know what I'm trying to say? I want all of it thick, but not necessarily in one big CHOP, ya know? Thanks.
When I had layers, I trimmed the bottom the most becasue it grew the fastest. As for the front of my hair, I would still cut, but not as much as I would the bottom. But my hair grows in layers anyway, I figured this out after I kept getting my hair in a blunt cut, only to have it grow back out with the longest being the back.
When I grew mine out in the past, I'd get my trims regularly like clock work and always trim the bottom layer more while lightly trimming the shorter layers....if I was ever daring and impatient at a particular trimming, I would just the longest layer up to the next level...