Anyone out there growing out layers?

I am so glad I'm not the only one suffering through this awkward stage. My longest layers are half way to apl and the shortest to chin length. I just had a good trim about a month ago to kind of even it up a little, but i didn't want to cut everything to chin length after so much work of growing. :nono: I've been thinking of growing to apl and then trimming and trimming until everything else catches up. I figure that way, I'll feel like I have a lot of progress, but I also hate the idea of stalling my future progress for a year before I can continue.

I hate the layers!

That's how I felt, but then I looked at my hair, and my fotki, and realized that the only way for me to do this right was to sit at SL until me and my hair get it together. My hair is soooo healthy right now, but the uneven lengths just takes away from it's appearance. :perplexed In the end, if the hair is healthy, it must look the part. Besides, my hair is getting easier to style, which means less damage, which means more length :yep:
I got layers a couple years ago and then I decided to grow them out. I saw no progress, so last year around this time I just cut my hair to the shortest layer length (around shoulder length). My hair is uneven, but there are no morelayers and it's definetly growing. I'll never get layers again.
I don't even know what to do :sad:, im open to advice. :lick:

Your hair is pretty thick...maybe trim as you go?

TBH, if that was my hair, I'd probably cut just one inch underneath, and then trim 1/4-1/2 every 3-4 mos till the layers caught up. The difference between the top back layer and the longest one doesn't look bad, so I don't think it would take that long.

But seriously that is JMO. I know people around here fight over scissors talk :lol:

Edit: Or you could wait until your hair reached bra-strap and then do the above. But if it were me, I'd do it now. Either way, I think the best thing is to just pick a spot length you are comfortable with chilling at and just wait it out while you trim.
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I guess I am, but I am going to wait until my longest layer gets closer to my goal and then I am just going start trimming then. I was going to trim this coming month but decided to hold off indefinitely, so we'll see :)

This is what I plan on doing. If I were to just cut it all even with the shortest layer, I would be chin length all around, and that's definitely not going to happen :nono:
I think I will forever be some type of layered.. I just want my shortest one to be between SL and APL.. I like layers; makes the hair look fuller. Just want them to be longer!

I like them too. I would admit that with my current length it can be inconvenient at times.

IMHO: (just a thought)
For the most part I think that hair grows somewhat "in" layers. It is just more distinctive for people who have worn specific hairstyles that un-evens the length of the overall hair. If we really think about it in terms of life stages; we know that all hairs life cycle is not the same and you will always see shorter strands that is "new hair" not hair that has broke. IMHO once the hair grows out it balances itself in appearance but you would always be able to search through your hair and find strands that are layered within.
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I am but I'm not doing anything - The layers are finally growing out all on their own. I was wondering why the hair at the crown of head was growing like a weed but the front and back of my hair were not growing nearly as fast anymore. It's actually a blessing because taking care of layers has been so hard for me. I can't wait to see where my twists are going to be a year from now!
*jumps up and down* Me Me!!!

:lol: I hate my layers. I can't wait until they go away. Layers IMO only look good when you want to keep your hair the same length and in the same style. I cut a good amount of hair off this month and it looks better in terms of getting rid of some of the layers. I will never cut layers in my hair again.
layers suck, im trying to grow my hair should length, i did my BC a couple of months ago, the worst part is that as a natural, it looks like a afro/curly mullet...not hot!
My hair naturally grows in layeres so it doesnt bother me much. Even with layers I have heavy hair and at times the ends can be so thick and heavy that it doesnt hold a curl for too long. So the layers help with that prob. Also a blunt WNG aint cute :look:. I think blunt hair works well for people who are relaxed or are natural and press their hair 90% of the time. So as I grow my hair I will rock long layers.
I guess it all depends on how your layers got there and how short the shortest one is in comparison to the longest one. For me, some of them are from a haircut I had a long while ago, and some are from breakage I had a long while ago. Mine suck and they take away from the overall appearance of my hair. Therefore, I'm growing them out :ohwell:
I will never do them again. When I first got them, I loved them. Sooo pretty. I only got it to have my hair cut with healthy ends all over since my hair was different lengths all over, but now that I'm growing it out it is causing more problems than I could have imagined. When wearing down, it is a complete thin mess because the fullness of a blunt is missing. I hate it tremendously.
Mine are taking forever :look: I want to be full/even SL before I move on to the next goal--APL. So I'm trimming the bottom layers regularly and waiting...and waiting...and waiting. :yawn: It's kinda boring. Thank goodness for Fotki and cameras, but yeah, it's getting old...:look:

Is anyone else waiting for their hair to be even before they move on to the next check point? What are you doing to bide your time?

Thanks :kiss:

I've got the same problem. My longest layers are collarbone to shoulder, but my shorter layers are chin to nape.

I'm not cutting it until I can get full APL to BSL though.

But, they are surprisingly growing out on their own in the back especially. :yep:
I'm growing mine out to. However my hair is so thin that the layers work best for me, especially when trying to where certain hair styles. But I'm learning to work with it.

For a minute I thought that my hair wasn't growing. But when I went thru my hair I've been noticing that my layers has been growing and catching up with the rest of my hair. I've only trimmed 1x this year and took off about an inch. I won't trim again until about mid 09 hopefully my hair would be almost there (almost even).

I'm in quite a few challenges, however I think that I would be most satisfied at full BSL!
I HATE my layers. I feel that they are slowing down my progress so much I also think they make my hair look thinner than it really is.

I have to keep cutting the back to catch up its put me back years..
I Hate my layers it was a total setback for my hair, it would be much longer now if I didnt get the layers back in july plus layers makes thin hair look thinner IMO.
Your hair is pretty thick...maybe trim as you go?

TBH, if that was my hair, I'd probably cut just one inch underneath, and then trim 1/4-1/2 every 3-4 mos till the layers caught up. The difference between the top back layer and the longest one doesn't look bad, so I don't think it would take that long.

But seriously that is JMO. I know people around here fight over scissors talk :lol:

Edit: Or you could wait until your hair reached bra-strap and then do the above. But if it were me, I'd do it now. Either way, I think the best thing is to just pick a spot length you are comfortable with chilling at and just wait it out while you trim.

Thats what I should do trim as I go :ohwell:, but that is a good ideal too, trim underneath, until the rest catch up.
My hair naturally grows like i have crooked laryers ugh so i'm just going to get layers any way to make the shape of my natural crooked layers look better and to get rid of my splits and i like the shape it makes my hair when it's all afro like.
my hair is pretty thick so my natural layers don't look thin so i don't mind
i'm still growin out mine! Just wanted to day as the layers grow out, my hair is getting thicker. Ladies, don't get discouraged if the layers are making your hair look thin and flappy. The ore you grow your hair out, the thicker it will look.
i'm still growin out mine! Just wanted to day as the layers grow out, my hair is getting thicker. Ladies, don't get discouraged if the layers are making your hair look thin and flappy. The ore you grow your hair out, the thicker it will look.

Thanks sweetie, because i'm still growing mines out. I will hang in there. :drunk:

I'm tired of these layers yall, my layers are played out, I had them since high school.

HELP: I don't know what eles to do, I trim on relaxer days.
I just recently had a blowout and the layers are almost gone. Instead of my hair being lots of different layers, it's now just two, with one being about 3 inches longer than the other. I will go blunt at full MBL and then shoot for waist length:yep:
Yeah like a week or two ago i noticed i had layers. Not sure if my hair lady cut it like that! Its like a lil above my ear line and up its SL/APL and then a lil above my ear and down it is near BSL. Then I have layers in the fron that come close to my chin and the other past my eye. I hate that. I know my hair would be a lot thicker if it were even....
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I have natural layers because my nape grows so fast!!!! My nape is apl and the rest of my hair is in between sl and apl and my bang is an inch past my chin. I really want to cut my hair, so I just wear a bun 90% of the time because I am so frustrated with my hair. Once all my hair reaches apl I will cut it blunt.
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I am..I feel like my nape grows a little faster.. I am stcuk with using a growth aid on my crown and doing 2 inch chops on my nape.. I baby my crown but I want it grow faster..Oh well back to running
I am... when I get to APL I will try to start gradually get rid of them b/c they are the bane of my existence right now