Need advices from ladies in long term relationship


New Member
I suspected my husband had an affair because of phone calls I found about him and his coworker and his behaviors in meantime. I gave him a lie detector test, he passed it and I still don't believe it. I think he learned how to beat it. It's been three years and I can't get over this. I can't over the scratch he had in his back that he said he scratched himself, several phone calls etc. I am miserable because of this as well as my marriage and my two kids. What do you advice me to do? I will be back with the whole story; I am feeling very depressed.
Hi Cheveux!

Honestly I was going to do the lie-detector test to my boyfriend of 3 years and yes, there is a way to beat them. There are certain things you can do to make the results inconclusive I believe- One of them is rather gross (such as clenching and releasing the anus etc.,) but there are actual techniques that many are well-versed with and, if he had time to prepare, then he DEFINITELY couldve.

I think what i'm learning about relationships is if you can't trust them for any reason, then you shouldn't be with them. You should never subject yourself to be miserable if that fine trust has been broken. if you don't trust them for some reason then in my honest opinion you most likely never will again especially if that trust has been broken before its DOUBLY harder to earn back.

And about your suspicions...with them but 9.9 times out of 10 if you feel like you're being two-timed, call it women's intuition or what have you but you are RIGHT. Listen to your heart, Cheveux. It never lies.... I'm upset that there are kids and your heart in the middle but before making any rash decisions, weigh your own happiness and well-being (because it matters as much to the situation as your childrens') and make a strong decision and stick by it. But i'm curious, was there something that he did to make you start feeling this way (had he cheated on your or something prior to that would harbor suspicions?)....

I do want you to know that its NOT your fault....My father did the same thing to my mother after almost 30 something years of marriage and I tell her constantly it isn't her fault. You do what you can for people and, for some reason or another (genetics, part family history, etc.,) this is how people choose to carry on but I do honestly believe if he loved you and your family together enough, he wouldn't do anything to bring any pain to any of you.

So I guess if i'm to sum it up:
If you feel the relationship is salvageable, then go forth and get some therapy sessions with him- sometimes if a man hasn't had any strong role models he's more likely to need some one on one therapy with a GUY.
if you feel the relationship isn't salvageable and you don't feel like he's 100% commit to you and your family's happiness and you know you can do good all by yourself, keep it moving. You don't need someone like that to drag you down and given a little more time, you'll find a glorious man who would sacrifice everything for you and certainly WOULD NOT be so selfish as to compromise everyone's happiness for his own.

HTH and PM if you'd like to talk! I'm here!:yep:
I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm not married but I'm in a long term relationship.
What I can say is that trust is everything. Worrying constantly about his faithfulness and commitment to you and your marriage is a leach on your bond, whether or not he is innocent. You can't continue a relationship in constant distrust. Beyond anything else, its unhealthy for you. Go with your gut instinct. Lay all of the facts that you do have and go with your gut. The only way to get over a bump in the relationship called adultery is to truly forgive and learn to trust again, but if after 3 years you still can't do this, it may be time to move on.

I'm a child of divorce, and all I can say is that children are very intuitive and they see everything. They may not know the details, but they feel the environment they're in. At the end of the day, to be the best mother that you can be, you need to be happy. You come first. Your children are a close second but they can't strive with parents that are in constant dismay.

You need to confront him again. The answer may be separation to weigh things out or it may be time for divorce. Pray on it, speak to only those you truly trust about it, and most of all go with your gut.
Whether he has cheated or not, your man does not sound very trustworthy. Even if he didn't have sex with someone else, he probably did something else just as bad. Love shouldn't feel this way. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
I think that if even after a lie detector test you still don't trust him then nothing probably will make you trust him or at least it won't be easy to regain that trust. I agree with MsKipani a separation may give you time to sort out your feeling so you can determine where you really want to be. Also, you should both consider therapy. Life is too short to live it miserable and with someone you don't trust.
I suspected my husband had an affair because of phone calls I found about him and his coworker and his behaviors in meantime. I gave him a lie detector test, he passed it and I still don't believe it. I think he learned how to beat it. It's been three years and I can't get over this. I can't over the scratch he had in his back that he said he scratched himself, several phone calls etc. I am miserable because of this as well as my marriage and my two kids. What do you advice me to do? I will be back with the whole story; I am feeling very depressed.

You gave him a lie detector test? :huh:
I think if your relationship has reached that level of distrust there are some major issues that need to be dealt with regardless of whether he beat the test or not.

Frankly, if my husband (if I were married) would ask me to take a lie detector test to prove something that I had said I did not do I would be angry.

I hope you guys can work it out, but if you choose to move forwards together you need to put the past in the past and start out fresh. If he said he didn't do it and passed the lie detector test I would choose to believe him.
Good luck :rosebud:
You gave him a lie detector test? :huh:
I think if your relationship has reached that level of distrust there are some major issues that need to be dealt with regardless of whether he beat the test or not.

Frankly, if my husband (if I were married) would ask me to take a lie detector test to prove something that I had said I did not do I would be angry.

I hope you guys can work it out, but if you choose to move forwards together you need to put the past in the past and start out fresh. If he said he didn't do it and passed the lie detector test I would choose to believe him.
Good luck :rosebud:

You gave him a lie detector test? :huh:
I think if your relationship has reached that level of distrust there are some major issues that need to be dealt with regardless of whether he beat the test or not.

Frankly, if my husband (if I were married) would ask me to take a lie detector test to prove something that I had said I did not do I would be angry.

I hope you guys can work it out, but if you choose to move forwards together you need to put the past in the past and start out fresh. If he said he didn't do it and passed the lie detector test I would choose to believe him.
Good luck :rosebud:

That makes the relationship a wrap right there to be honest:ohwell:

you can rack your brain about whether he cheated or not, will cheat or whatever but NO MATTER what you do a person is going to cheat if they desire to. Its not about YOU, its about them and their personal integrity.
all i can say is that be prepared for an emotional roller coaster ride if you stay. you will definately have lows and highs and in-betweens. if you really want your marriage then roll up your sleeves and fight (believe it or not most of your fight will be with your very own inner voice) for it. start anew; fresh clean slate - no throwing the affair in his face. that's your part.

your husband's part is to be accountable for everything and every minute and work his ass off to build & restore your trust. (some men can't pull this off. they can screw up majorly but can't (or won't) fix their indiscretions if their life depended on it. if your husband is doing what he is supposed to do by you then things will improve. it may be better than before.
A lie-detector test? Darn, you don't play. I've been cheated on before. I checked my ex's e-mail and found out everything I needed to know. Now, I'm more cautious. I would suggest counseling if you think you can still live with him. I don't know if this will help, but if he's exhibited any of these behaviors, maybe he did cheat.

12 Signs He's Cheating on You

Yes, men really are this predictable. If a man cheats on his wife, there is little doubt that he will display a series of predictable behaviors. Ladies, don't be a fool. Learn the signs of infidelity so you can protect your relationship.

Infidelity expert and New York therapist Dr. Bonnie Eaker Weil, author of "Make Up, Don't Break Up," told the Toronto Sun the 12 signs of cheating man:

He picks fights with you.

He acts unappreciated.

He becomes critical and finds fault with you.

He becomes distant and uncommunicative.

He changes his image or style, such as losing weight or buying new clothing.

He tells you there is something wrong with you and says you need to seek professional help.

He changes his behavior when it comes to money.

He changes his sexual behavior, including patterns, positions and frequency.

He buys you unexpected gifts and does good deeds, such as chores around the house or helping more with the children.

He has absences that he cannot explain.

There are hang-ups on your home phone.

He leaves earlier for work and arrives home later.

The statistics are cruel and heartbreaking. Some 35 percent of married men cheat on their wives, although Weil insists the number is closer to 70 percent of men. She also says that one partner has cheated in 80 percent of all marriages. So beware if he ever says this to you, which is typically the opening line of a cheating husband: "I would never cheat on you." If you hear this, you'll know instantly he's having an affair. Elizabeth Landers and Vicky Mainzer agree with Weil that men exhibit very predictable behavior when it comes to infidelity. They wrote "The Script: The 100% Absolutely Predictable Thing Men Do When They Cheat" in which they claim cheaters follow the exact same script. Landers and Mainzer know this because they interviewed hundreds of women nationwide whose husbands cheated on them. Believe it or not, all of them heard the same lines and experienced the same actions over and over.

Call them the red flags of infidelity. Knowing them can help you identify the problem and possibly fix it so your marriage can survive. It won't be easy
all i can say is that be prepared for an emotional roller coaster ride if you stay. you will definately have lows and highs and in-betweens. if you really want your marriage then roll up your sleeves and fight (believe it or not most of your fight will be with your very own inner voice) for it. start anew; fresh clean slate - no throwing the affair in his face. that's your part.

your husband's part is to be accountable for everything and every minute and work his ass off to build & restore your trust. (some men can't pull this off. they can screw up majorly but can't (or won't) fix their indiscretions if their life depended on it. if your husband is doing what he is supposed to do by you then things will improve. it may be better than before.

You are so on point.
forgive him or leave him sweetie. you must get past this hurt & pain so you can enjoy life & family. have you tried individual and or couples counseling?.
Thanks for all your replies and advices.
Here is my entire story:
It happened three years ago and I was pregnant with my second boy. My husband started a new job where he was training retarded people teaching them how to work. He started the job in July and two weeks later he told me that there was a new job coach who was going to be working with him one day a week. He said that it was a divorced woman with two children who seemed to be retarded too meaning that she was stupid. From there I got an idea of not worrying about my husband messing with that kind of woman. They worked together one day a week, they drove together an hour to work with their clients (retarded people). They worked from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m and part of the time they stayed in building themselves with the disabled people who didn't know what’s going on around.

Few week later my husband started to seem emotionally distanced and I could feel and see that he wasn’t close to me anymore but I didn’t think that he could be having an affair. He worked two jobs; he would be gone everyday from morning to 10 p.m. He usually came home not in mood but I would think that he was tired. At the time our relationship had not been going well and we were under financial struggle. One time I saw a scratch on his back and I asked him what happened and he said that he had a pimple and he scratched it but it didn’t look like a pimple at all. I asked him how he scratch himself that bad and he said :"so who do you think scratched me?" I said I am not saying that someone scratched you, I am just asking and I stopped there. Another time he came home with his finger hurt so bad and he told me that he had smashed it in his car door. He also came up with a new sex position. With all this I had never thought that something was going on until three months later while I got home from hospital after I had a baby and the woman called my home number. My husband picked up the phone and I got confused about who it was because my husband spoke with a very nice respectful voice and even I head him saying sorry when he went to pi ck up the baby crying. Later I realized it was her because they were talking about work, they talked for like 20 minutes; I was lying down on sofa, I got upset went in another room when I got back he had hanged up. I asked him what’s going on and he said:” I am sorry she was telling me about the clients because she covered for me.” From there I suspected something was wrong, a week later I went to his work and I told her not to call my husband again. She put a tongue in her chick and said that she talks to my husband about work and she wasn’t interested in him. I left and my husband refused to come home that night until I called and apologized to him. He came home about 1 a.m. and told me he was sleeping in car because he was upset and he didn't want to come home and argue with me about my distrust of him.

A week later I found a multimedia message with puppy looking lonely. I didn’t know whose the number it was from, I called it and found out that it was from her but I didn’t talk to her. I also found a voice message from her saying she wanted to talk to him about work report, on the same day. I got upset and told my husband that I want to meet both of them and hear him telling her to stop calls and message; at the time I didn’t know that my husband called her too. He said let me just call her. He called and said:” don’t call my cell phone again because this is putting me in trouble, it’s making my wife upset and I don’t want it to happen again.” He hanged up. She also blocked my husband number from calling he, as well as mine.
The next day the lady went to complain to the manager saying that my husband and I offended her. She said that she had sent the multimedia message to the wrong number. The manager separated them from working together, but few weeks later she complained about him not doing well his job ( I think she was upset about something and she wanted him to be fired).

Couple weeks after the incident I received cell bill and I found out about the calls there were also two text messages. I checked the passed bills and I found out that calls were going on for three months and the woman had changed her number every month. I confronted him and sewore with bible that it was all about work and nothing else. He told me that the clients had a lot of issued which they would be talking about; he also said that the woman talks a lot. I couldn’t believe it and I couldn’t move on; so a year later I suggested a lie detector test. First he denied but later he accepted. We done it four months later because of financial situation (he had time to learn how to beat it if he wanted to). He took the test, passed it and he was upset afterward. He said that he had planned to leave me after test but his heart had told him to stay.

Now it’s been three years and I still think that probably he beat the test and when I think that he could have cheated and lied it destroys me. I deal with it myself I can’t even bring it up to him anymore because he told me that taking himself to be plagued so I can believe him was the last thing he could take about that situation; so if I bring it up again he may leave and I don’t want to do that in case he didn’t cheat, I would be destroying my own family. I don’t know what to do. My husband is a very social person and he likes to talk on phone too but those phone calls were more than I can understand. The first call was the longest one, they talked 36 minutes and then 27 minutes on the same day; others were average of 8 minutes and they spoke almost every day for like three times a day. Whenever he wasn’t working the lady would be working, whenever they talked on phone one of them would be at work. I also have another problem with my husband because wherever he works, his female coworkers call him often and when I say that it bothers me he says that I should let him talk to people or help them.

Sometimes I think that something is going on but he says there is nothing and I don’t think that he would be having an affair with all those women, so I don’t know yet if it’s just being too friendly. I worry about him being unfaithful because his father had children with 5 different women and cheated on his mother through their whole marriage and they are still together. My husband hid of that until we got married. When he finally told me about it he said that he didn’t want to be like his father and he didn’t want his wife to be treated like his mother. He wanted to name our baby (I was pregnant with at the time) after his father and I refused because of his father's behaviors.

That was my story, I am sorry it’s long. This is still hurting me and destroys me! How can I move on now? Do you think this was an affair or something else? Give me advices please.
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((((cheveux2))))) I can tell this is really eatinig you up inside and destroying your spirit. This happened three years ago, but it seems like your feelings on it are still fresh like it happened yesterday.

I really don't think I can say whether or not or think he is cheating from what you've written. I would have to know your husband and more about your history and relationship. It sounds like it could go either way to me.

After all this time, I think you will have to accept that you will never know for sure whether he cheated or not. It's time to stop dwelling on the past and look toward the future. You have to decide whether you want to be with him or whether you want to leave. If you're going to be with him, you have to be able to trust him. You seem to have a lot of insecurities, and no relationship can survive that. I don't know whether this insecurity is because of something he is doing, or if it's coming from you.

I don't know what else your hubby can do to prove to you that he is sincere unless you just follow him around 24 hours a day. I think you two should seek out counselling.
Thanks for all your replies and advices.
Here is my entire story:
It happened three years ago and I was pregnant with my second boy. My husband started a new job where he was training retarded people teaching them how to work. He started the job in July and two weeks later he told me that there was a new job coach who was going to be working with him one day a week. He said that it was a divorced woman with two children who seemed to be retarded too meaning that she was stupid. From there I got an idea of not worrying about my husband messing with that kind of woman. They worked together one day a week, they drove together an hour to work with their clients (retarded people). They worked from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m and part of the time they stayed in building themselves with the disabled people who didn't know what’s going on around. Few week later my husband started to seem emotionally distanced and I could feel and see that he wasn’t close to me anymore but I didn’t think that he could be having an affair. He worked two jobs; he would be gone everyday from morning to 10 p.m. He usually came home not in mood but I would think that he was tired. At the time our relationship had not been going well and we were under financial struggle. One time I saw a scratch on his back and I asked him what happened and he said that he had a pimple and he scratched it but it didn’t look like a pimple at all. I asked him how he scratch himself that bad and he said :"so who do you think scratched me?" I said I am not saying that someone scratched you, I am just asking and I stopped there. Another time he came home with his finger hurt so bad and he told me that he had smashed it in his car door. He also came up with a new sex position. With all this I had never thought that something was going on until three months later while I got home from hospital after I had a baby and the woman called my home number. My husband picked up the phone and I got confused about who it was because my husband spoke with a very nice respectful voice and even I head him saying sorry when he went to pi ck up the baby crying. Later I realized it was her because they were talking about work, they talked for like 20 minutes; I was lying down on sofa, I got upset went in another room when I got back he had hanged up. I asked him what’s going on and he said:” I am sorry she was telling me about the clients because she covered for me.” From there I suspected something was wrong, a week later I went to his work and I told her not to call my husband again. She put a tongue in her chick and said that she talks to my husband about work and she wasn’t interested in him. I left and my husband refused to come home that night until I called and apologized to him. He came home about 1 a.m. and told me he was sleeping in car because he was upset and he didn't want to come home and argue with me about my distrust of him. A week later I found a multimedia message with puppy looking lonely. I didn’t know whose the number it was from, I called it and found out that it was from her but I didn’t talk to her. I also found a voice message from her saying she wanted to talk to him about work report, on the same day. I got upset and told my husband that I want to meet both of them and hear him telling her to stop calls and message; at the time I didn’t know that my husband called her too. He said let me just call her. He called and said:” don’t call my cell phone again because this is putting me in trouble, it’s making my wife upset and I don’t want it to happen again.” He hanged up. She also blocked my husband number from calling he, as well as mine.
The next day the lady went to complain to the manager saying that my husband and I offended her. She said that she had sent the multimedia message to the wrong number. The manager separated them from working together, but few weeks later she complained about him not doing well his job ( I think she was upset about something and she wanted him to be fired). Couple weeks after the incident I received cell bill and I found out about the calls there were also two text messages. I checked the passed bills and I found out that calls were going on for three months and the woman had changed her number every month. I confronted him and sewore with bible that it was all about work and nothing else. He told me that the clients had a lot of issued which they would be talking about; he also said that the woman talks a lot. I couldn’t believe it and I couldn’t move on; so a year later I suggested a lie detector test. First he denied but later he accepted. We done it four months later because of financial situation (he had time to learn how to beat it if he wanted to). He took the test, passed it and he was upset afterward. He said that he had planned to leave me after test but his heart had told him to stay.
Now it’s been three years and I still think that probably he beat the test and when I think that he could have cheated and lied it destroys me. I deal with it myself I can’t even bring it up to him anymore because he told me that taking himself to be plagued so I can believe him was the last thing he could take about that situation; so if I bring it up again he may leave and I don’t want to do that in case he didn’t cheat, I would be destroying my own family. I don’t know what to do. My husband is a very social person and he likes to talk on phone too but those phone calls were more than I can understand. The first call was the longest one, they talked 36 minutes and then 27 minutes on the same day; others were average of 8 minutes and they spoke almost every day for like three times a day. Whenever he wasn’t working the lady would be working, whenever they talked on phone one of them would be at work. I also have another problem with my husband because wherever he works, his female coworkers call him often and when I say that it bothers me he says that I should let him talk to people or help them. Sometimes I think that something is going on but he says there is nothing and I don’t think that he would be having an affair with all those women, so I don’t know yet if it’s just being too friendly. I worry about him being unfaithful because his father had children with 5 different women and cheated on his mother through their whole marriage and they are still together. My husband hid of that until we got married. When he finally told me about it he said that he didn’t want to be like his father and he didn’t want his wife to be treated like his mother. He wanted to name our baby (I was pregnant with at the time) after his father and I refused because of his father's behaviors.
That was my story, I am sorry it’s long. This is still hurting me and destroys me! How can I move on now? Do you think this was an affair or something else? Give me advices please.
Can you hit the edit button and break that up into paragraphs? :look:
((((cheveux2))))) I can tell this is really eatinig you up inside and destroying your spirit. This happened three years ago, but it seems like your feelings on it are still fresh like it happened yesterday.

I really don't think I can say whether or not or think he is cheating from what you've written. I would have to know your husband and more about your history and relationship. It sounds like it could go either way to me.

After all this time, I think you will have to accept that you will never know for sure whether he cheated or not. It's time to stop dwelling on the past and look toward the future. You have to decide whether you want to be with him or whether you want to leave. If you're going to be with him, you have to be able to trust him. You seem to have a lot of insecurities, and no relationship can survive that. I don't know whether this insecurity is because of something he is doing, or if it's coming from you.

I don't know what else your hubby can do to prove to you that he is sincere unless you just follow him around 24 hours a day. I think you two should seek out counselling.

You're right, I think I am insecure :wallbash: so I need to work on changing that.
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You gave him a lie detector test? :huh:
I think if your relationship has reached that level of distrust there are some major issues that need to be dealt with regardless of whether he beat the test or not.

Frankly, if my husband (if I were married) would ask me to take a lie detector test to prove something that I had said I did not do I would be angry.

I hope you guys can work it out, but if you choose to move forwards together you need to put the past in the past and start out fresh. If he said he didn't do it and passed the lie detector test I would choose to believe him.
Good luck :rosebud:

I agree!!!!!!
Hi , I'm married and I think that you have two choices.

1. Forgive him completely and move on with your relationship.

2. Leave him and move on with your life.

You can't keep bringing up the past because you just can't have a happy life like that.
Bumping for more married women!

wow cheveux ((((hugs))) to you. your story made me sad. it's been three years but you told it like it was yesterday.

i agree with the other posters that you only have two choices in the matter. stay and forgive or leave and start over. you have to decide if you'll ever be able to forgive your husband for what may have happened. 3 years is too long to go unhappy and unsure about your marriage. this is not a way to spend the rest of your life.

You gave him a lie detector test? :huh:
I think if your relationship has reached that level of distrust there are some major issues that need to be dealt with regardless of whether he beat the test or not.

Frankly, if my husband (if I were married) would ask me to take a lie detector test to prove something that I had said I did not do I would be angry.

I hope you guys can work it out, but if you choose to move forwards together you need to put the past in the past and start out fresh. If he said he didn't do it and passed the lie detector test I would choose to believe him.
Good luck :rosebud:

I definitely agree with your post. One valid component of a healthy relationship is "Trust." If you don't have it, then you might as well have a lie-detector attached to his arm or something!

My question to the OP, if your Husband had of said "Yes, I'm having or had an affair..." What were you prepared to do then?
I worry about him being unfaithful because his father had children with 5 different women and cheated on his mother through their whole marriage and they are still together. My husband hid of that until we got married. When he finally told me about it he said that he didn’t want to be like his father and he didn’t want his wife to be treated like his mother.
I don't know if he cheated or not. It is possible. I have to say that he would never cheat on her, because he saw how his dad cheated on his mom. Well, of course that was his smoke screen, and he cheated a lot. Some men think they can't be with one woman, and they think cheating is just being a man. Since he's seen his father do this all his life, I wouldn't put it past him to cheat. He probably thinks it's normal, although he says otherwise.
I want to try my best and see if it can work. Soon or later I will find out if this man is faithful or not :yep: that will determine if I will spend the rest of my life with him :yep:.