Need Advice feel like giving up (long)


Well-Known Member
Let me start off by saying i am a newly saved christian i hope i said that right, i am having a few issues and i could really use some helpful advice. Im pregnant with a little girl due in October and honestly she is the reason why i am trying hard to be a better christian every day (i want to be an example for her and i want her to know god from the time she is born bc i believe i didnt have that and it would have made a big difference.) However, living in my household makes that very difficult for me and i know the bible says that god wont give you more then you bear but in this case i feel like he is giving way more than i can handle.

I am 20 yrs old i live with my mother(i cant afford to move and i am currently in school) i am the oldest of eight siblings the youngests being one year old triplets and the other children ages range from 18-15. I am constantly watching these babies and they are alot for ine person to handle and yes my mother is there but i feel like sometimes i need a break to get away for a few days, bc they are a handful. None of the other children help except my 15 yr old sister and my mother doesnt make the others help bc they are so disrespectful she doesnt feel like arguing with them. If i dont help her she lets me know that i am lazy and i do nothing.

My brother and sister who are 18 and 17 are so mean and nasty they curse all the time, are very disrespectful, fresh, sneak out my sister even tried to kick me in my stomach a few days ago which is hard for me to forgive knowing what Jesus wants me to do. i feel done i don't want anything to do with them anymore and don't care to ever speak to them and because of them i constantly feel sad, angry,and depressed and just don't know what to do and i cant talk to my mom about them because she does nothing believe me i tried. i have so much more i can complain about but i will stop here i want to be a good christian and have joy and teach that to my daughter but i feel so lost and don't know what to do.
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I have no advice for you. However I will pray that God will make a way to get you out of this situation and give you a safe and peaceful place of your own to raise you child. God Bless you!
I hope someone can come in here and give you some scriptures to help build you up.

I can only speak on the natural part. There's a few things you need to do so that you can get out of that house and focus on having a healthy environment for you and your baby.
1. Go to your church and ask if they know of any services available for pregnant mothers. Find out if there is any way they can help support you so that you can get into your own place. And of course, ask for prayer and counseling if you need it.

2. Go to your school and ask the same thing. Can you get family housing through them? And make sure you're getting everything you can financially. You may be able to get some extra grants or scholarships that will help you have enough money to move out on your own, or at least reduce your school expenses.

3. The next thing I would do is go to your local public services agency and sign up for whatever benefits are out there that can help you in your situation. You may be able to receive cash assistance, food assistance, and WIC. You may also be able to get healthcare. And usually you have to sign up for all those things in order to be eligible for housing assistance. Also, the assistance may make it easier for you to save up money.

4. So the most important thing is to get your own housing. Hopefully by going through the public housing authority you can get a voucher or some other reduced fee housing that you can afford. That way you can be out of your mother's house and away from the stress (and danger).

I hope you can figure this all out and soon. I don't think there's much you can do to change your mother or your siblings so the best thing you can do is to take yourself out of the situation. I'll be praying for you and pm me if you have any questions.
No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

2 Cor 12:9
But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfect in weakness."

2 Cor 9:8

And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

God is already making a way for you right now to work things out for you miraculously and beyond your expectation. He is your strength through this tough time.
I have no advice to give but just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you and that the situation improves. *Hug*
Hi, lin1luv,

You and your baby are in my prayers. ... I sent you a pm, but I'll also say this.

Cast your Weight upon the Lord as you Wait for him. God has promised us he'll never leave or nor forsake us. He says this to us quite a few times throughout the Bible (in Hebrews, Deuteronomy, Joshua, and even in 1 Kings). I believe this phrase is sprinkled throughout the Bible to constantly remind us that God is always near.

We have to speak the Word into our lives. (It's easier said than done to cast our cares, but if you practice saying "God will never leave me, nor forsake me) every time you feel this sense of despair or you feel overwhelmed, you'll defeat the Enemy every time!) It really works. Once we learn to replace bad/negative thoughts with the Word, we'll start defeating Satan's wiles on us...when we stand up to Satan, his spirits will FLEE.

A good example: A crying baby. All that's on their mind is a reason to cry, but the minute we start to do funny things to make them laugh, their mind is altered and the crying turns to laughter almost instantly. This physical manifestation of the mind is I'm talking about.

I encourage to try this and hopefully we'll get a good report from you concerning your situation.

Stay Blessed, because you ARE. Your are protected. You are Wealthy. You are Strong.

Awesome post Laela! :yep:

OP, I am so sorry that you are going through such a rough time but I pray that you will make it through your situation. I am really impressed by what you said:
Im pregnant with a little girl due in October and honestly she is the reason why i am trying hard to be a better christian every day (i want to be an example for her and i want her to know god from the time she is born bc i believe i didnt have that and it would have made a big difference
. Your unborn child needs you more than anyone right now. Continue to make God your focus, pray and stay into the Word. :rosebud:

Hi, lin1luv,

You and your baby are in my prayers. ... I sent you a pm, but I'll also say this.

Cast your Weight upon the Lord as you Wait for him. God has promised us he'll never leave or nor forsake us. He says this to us quite a few times throughout the Bible (in Hebrews, Deuteronomy, Joshua, and even in 1 Kings). I believe this phrase is sprinkled throughout the Bible to constantly remind us that God is always near.

We have to speak the Word into our lives. (It's easier said than done to cast our cares, but if you practice saying "God will never leave me, nor forsake me) every time you feel this sense of despair or you feel overwhelmed, you'll defeat the Enemy every time!) It really works. Once we learn to replace bad/negative thoughts with the Word, we'll start defeating Satan's wiles on us...when we stand up to Satan, his spirits will FLEE.

A good example: A crying baby. All that's on their mind is a reason to cry, but the minute we start to do funny things to make them laugh, their mind is altered and the crying turns to laughter almost instantly. This physical manifestation of the mind is I'm talking about.

I encourage to try this and hopefully we'll get a good report from you concerning your situation.

Stay Blessed, because you ARE. Your are protected. You are Wealthy. You are Strong.

Just know that there is nothing too hard for God.

A lot of new Christians find their initial steps in their walk with God trying to say the least.

So far you are doing the right thing by seeking godly counsel and prayers.

You will find that if you hold on to God and do what His word says you will find:

Rom 8:28
(28) And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Thanks everyone for the advice, the prayers, and the scriptures im really going to use them to stay positive and focus. I know now that if i have god on my side i can handle anything and that he can make all things better through faith. I will continue to pray about it and keep everyone updated on the situation. again thank you so much
You be encouraged! :heart:We are all praying for your situation to be changed for the better soon! God has definite plans for your life and the life of your daughter(Jer 29:11). Each one of us is born into the exact time we need to be born into. If we allow him God will equip us with all that we need to not just survive but to thrive(2 Cor 4:7-11).Jesus over came all obstacles in this world and we inherited that abiltity. As a new Christian you are growing in your walk with God. Be patient. Just like you had to learn things in a natural sense there are many things to learn in a spiritual sense. In fact none of us will ever stop learning unless we choose to do so. Do you have a good church home? If so go to them and ask for help. If not, pray and ask God for one. Do you have other relatives or friends who may be able to help you? Is your child's father going to be an active part of her life? Is there someone in his family who may be able to help you? Some things you can do right now are to listen to good praise and worship music (David played music for Saul in the bible to calm things down spiritually-1 Sam 18:10), keep praying, say aloud scriptures as confessions (God's word is alive- Heb 4:12), learn how to praise God (God inhabits our praise, praise actually stops negative things from happening and can derail Satan's plans). Can you think of any talents, skills, abilities you might be able to do to generate income for yourself? Here is a website that may help generate some ideas for you. Remember, God is no respector of persons(Rom 2:11). What he did for one person he will do for you. God is the same God always(Rev 1:8). He does not change. He cannot tell a lie. He is always able and willing to meet all of your needs!
Praying for you all,
Hey sweetpea, my heart just broke after reading your post. I can only imgaine what you are going through as I am going through something similar myself. I tell you you if I didn't know the Lord, let's just say I would probably have lost my sanity by now.

Just know that God does have a plan for your life and you are not forgotten precious. It does get harder, especially when you become a new Christian because the enemy just wants to discourage you and get you back to your old ways instead of trusting in God. I know that the Lord is working on your behalf, behind the scenes. Pray for everything you need and then seek. He will open doors for what you need. I will also be praying on your behalf. You defenitely cannot be in that type of environment with that type of stress.

Some of the ladies here mentioned some great resources and things to do. I would defenitely take some initiative and look into those things if I were you. You only have one life. Don't be afraid take risks! I know your mom may need you but I'm sorry those children are her responsibility, not yours. Help if you can but rearing them should not consume your life. I hope you won't feel guilty for moving out, but you are expecting yourself and will need to be in a less toxic and stressful environment. Feel free to pm me anytime hon.

16Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
2 Corinthians 4