Do you ever feel like God has turned a deaf ear...

I hate to do a drive by posting:nono: but I am not ready to post my reply in it's placeholder. I still feel compelled to share this with you though...

It's time for the 40 day fast from wrong thinking again...

Today we begin a brand new journey that is sure to change your life. For the next 40 days, we are going on a FAST—not a fast from food; but a fast from wrong thinking. As we take thoughts captive, we are winning the battle of the mind. And when we conquer our mind and our mindsets, we simply cannot be conquered!

Today we're fasting from the thought that says, "Sometimes I feel like God is against me." This mentality sets us up for negative expectations, and expectation is the womb of manifestation.

Let's change it today:

1. Your image of God is EVERYTHING! The opinion we have of Him shapes our entire existence. In Deuteronomy 1:26, because the people BELIEVED GOD WAS AGAINST THEM, they fell in the wilderness. He WAS FOR THEM; but they embraced a false image of Him.

2. Dismiss the idea of a temperamental God. Malachi 3:6--that’s why we aren't consumed. He is not for you one day, and against you the next. His attitude toward you doesn't change with your performance or mood.

3. God is ALWAYS for you—Romans 8:31—If God be for us, who can be against us!

4. It's NOT about you. It's about the Cross. It was at the cross that God said, "I AM FOR YOU." And this will never change.

5. Don't stop Believin'. When you stop believing that Jesus did it ALL—you become proud. And God resists the proud—James 4:6.

6. See yourself IN CHRIST--Acts 17:28. For God to be against you, He would have to be against Jesus, because you ARE HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS. Romans 5:17.

Think It & Say It:

God is ALWAYS FOR ME, not against me. I reject the idea that God keeps changing His mind about me. He declared He is for me, at the cross; and that will never change. I am in Christ; I am His righteousness; and therefore His favor surrounds me like a shield, in Jesus' Name!

Prudent1- you are right on time with this since 3-9-2011 is the start of Lent. Fasting from wrong/negative thinking.
Ms. Highly Favored, I advise you to continue to be patient and never give up hope! Although I am Muslim, we still have something in common and that is we both believe in God and we both know that it is He whom answers prayers.

In Islam, we believe that everything happens for a reason and only at its appointed time. The things that have reached is was never meant to pass up by, and the things that passed us by would have never reached us... Everything is within the divine decree of God.

As far as praying and supplicating to God for our wants, needs, and desires; that is exactly what we are supposed to do. In Islam, we also believe that all prayers are answered, even when they aren't apparent to us; you see... sometimes we may be asking for a thing that is in the decree to happen at a later time, and sometimes asked for a thing and get it almost immediately because it was already decreed for it to happen at that appointed time. And sometimes, unfortunately we may be asking for a thing that will not be good for us, even though it may be a good thing.. perhaps it may be the very thing that will lead us to our downfall, or even worse; it may distract us in such a way that it may prevent is from worshipping our Lord... Catch my drift?

But ultimately God answer ALL prayers. If He don't grant us with the thing that we pray for, He will do1 of 2 things... He will either give us something better in the place of thing thing, or He will prevent a calamity from happening that was decree to take place for us and expiate some of our sins.

Therefore, we are never losing anything by constantly praying and supplicating to God for anything... we are always gaining, whether its apparent or otherwise.

I hope this will make you feel a little better about your situation :-)
OP, don't be dismayed, God has heard all of your prayers. Perhaps He is teaching you to wait on Him. The bible talks often about those who wait upon the Lord.

Just keep your eyes on Jesus and trust in Him that in His perfect time He will bring to fruition the desires of your heart.

James 1:12
12 Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.

Romans 5:3-5
3 Not only so, but we[a] also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us

It took about 30 years I think for the dreams that God gave to Joseph to manifest. It took even longer for Daniel to come to a place of authority. Perhaps it's your testing period. Psalm 105:17-19 talks about Joseph ... until the time for God's word came to pass, the word of God tried and tested Him.

Waiting on the Lord can be hard but just keep on refreshing yourself with His word and His promises for you. He will surely provide you with what you desire in the right time.

Lots of love ... :kissing4:
Ms. Highly Favored, I advise you to continue to be patient and never give up hope! Although I am Muslim, we still have something in common and that is we both believe in God and we both know that it is He whom answers prayers.

In Islam, we believe that everything happens for a reason and only at its appointed time. The things that have reached is was never meant to pass up by, and the things that passed us by would have never reached us... Everything is within the divine decree of God.

As far as praying and supplicating to God for our wants, needs, and desires; that is exactly what we are supposed to do. In Islam, we also believe that all prayers are answered, even when they aren't apparent to us; you see... sometimes we may be asking for a thing that is in the decree to happen at a later time, and sometimes asked for a thing and get it almost immediately because it was already decreed for it to happen at that appointed time. And sometimes, unfortunately we may be asking for a thing that will not be good for us, even though it may be a good thing.. perhaps it may be the very thing that will lead us to our downfall, or even worse; it may distract us in such a way that it may prevent is from worshipping our Lord... Catch my drift?

But ultimately God answer ALL prayers. If He don't grant us with the thing that we pray for, He will do1 of 2 things... He will either give us something better in the place of thing thing, or He will prevent a calamity from happening that was decree to take place for us and expiate some of our sins.

Therefore, we are never losing anything by constantly praying and supplicating to God for anything... we are always gaining, whether its apparent or otherwise.

I hope this will make you feel a little better about your situation :-)

Covered Jewel - hi and welcomed to the forum. God is Good. I just did a testimony in the employment thread and the wilderness testimony. Glory be to the Lord on my post Prudent1 was just piggy backing off of her.
Inspiring post, and Amein to that! :yep:

I hate to do a drive by posting:nono: but I am not ready to post my reply in it's placeholder. I still feel compelled to share this with you though...

It's time for the 40 day fast from wrong thinking again...

Today we begin a brand new journey that is sure to change your life. For the next 40 days, we are going on a FAST—not a fast from food; but a fast from wrong thinking. As we take thoughts captive, we are winning the battle of the mind. And when we conquer our mind and our mindsets, we simply cannot be conquered!

Today we're fasting from the thought that says, "Sometimes I feel like God is against me." This mentality sets us up for negative expectations, and expectation is the womb of manifestation.

Let's change it today:

1. Your image of God is EVERYTHING! The opinion we have of Him shapes our entire existence. In Deuteronomy 1:26, because the people BELIEVED GOD WAS AGAINST THEM, they fell in the wilderness. He WAS FOR THEM; but they embraced a false image of Him.

2. Dismiss the idea of a temperamental God. Malachi 3:6--that’s why we aren't consumed. He is not for you one day, and against you the next. His attitude toward you doesn't change with your performance or mood.

3. God is ALWAYS for you—Romans 8:31—If God be for us, who can be against us!

4. It's NOT about you. It's about the Cross. It was at the cross that God said, "I AM FOR YOU." And this will never change.

5. Don't stop Believin'. When you stop believing that Jesus did it ALL—you become proud. And God resists the proud—James 4:6.

6. See yourself IN CHRIST--Acts 17:28. For God to be against you, He would have to be against Jesus, because you ARE HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS. Romans 5:17.

Think It & Say It:

God is ALWAYS FOR ME, not against me. I reject the idea that God keeps changing His mind about me. He declared He is for me, at the cross; and that will never change. I am in Christ; I am His righteousness; and therefore His favor surrounds me like a shield, in Jesus' Name!
continued from previous post...

I struggle everyday to remain a God fearing women but sometimes I feel like just throwing in the towel and stop caring. Like why am I trying so hard to be a Christian when the one I am trying to know better does not want me near him,- draw nigh to God talk about rejection! Like I am not worthy.Worthy? Who is worthy? Thank God for Jesus and our inherited righteousness from him:woot:! Welcome to life 101. This life is a struggle every day. Every day we press on towards that mark. Every day we fight the good fight of faith sometimes retiring wounded and with loosened teeth, broken limbs, and heavy hearts in the spiritual realm but, we are not hopeless nor defeated. God gives us grace and shows us mercy that enables us to go on when we feel like there is no reason to at all. Have you ever read C.S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters? Screwtape is a high ranking demon who writes a series of letters to his nephew advising him on the proper ways to win human souls for hell. One of the lessons he mentioned that gives demons a total sense of accomplishment is to see humans arrive at the brink of breakthrough and then throw in the towel. How they snarl and celebrate such events. There are many, many patriarchs in the word who waited 30, 40, 50 or more years for their promises to manifest. Think Abraham and Sarah, Joseph, Noah and the time it took him to build that ark from start to finish. I'll wager you have not waited as long as they did.
James 1:4- 4 Let patience finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. Don't let your personal Screwtape continue to whisper in your ears pretty lies of how God does not want you near him. How untouchable and remote God is. That is a lie straight from the pit of hell. He is speaking to you right now through us on this forum. Learn to recognize the voice of your heavenly Father and know that he may speak to you in ways you aren't anticipating. He made you. He knows what will get your undivided attention.

It sickens me to see evil doers just having the easy life and things seem to be going great for them and all I want is a relationship with God that is pure and stable but I can't even have that! ugh!These are tools the enemy uses to distract you- Comparison and entitlement. We are warned again and again not to compare ourselves with others. Your walk in life will not look like anyone else's. My 'big momma':heart2: taught me this scripture as a child, Psa37:1-2 1 Do not fret because of those who are evil or be envious of those who do wrong; 2 for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away.
Prov 24:19-20 19 Do not fret because of evildoers or be envious of the wicked, 20 for the evildoer has no future hope, and the lamp of the wicked will be snuffed out.
Psa 37:25- says 25 I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread.
It sickens all of us. It should. It should not make me get into an area of sin however. We are told to be angry and sin not. Prov 13:22 b says a sinner’s wealth is stored up for the righteous. That stuff is not fair but God is righteous. What good will it do them if they later lift up their eyes in hell? God will not continue to be the butt of human jokes. He will not sit idly by while his children suffer.

I just want to add that I am not praying for material things and not getting them and that is what pisses me off. I am praying to find a home church that I can be spiritually blessed, I've prayed for a mate and at this point it seems like he just does not want me to have that so I done gave up.Prov 27:3-As a man thinketh in his heart so is he. Prov 18:21- Death and life are in the power of the tongue. You will have what you say and what you expect. If you give up, that's what you will get. Change your thinking. Find corresponding scripture>think about scripture>talk about scripture> repeat whole cycle multiple times until you KNOW scripture and can recite it in your sleep.
I want children and my biological clock is ticking so not sure why he does not feel I deserve that either.
What flesh and blood woman knows the mind of God in the natural? What is time to God? Who made you? Gave you your ovaries? Who made the clock? Who winds the clock? Who opens and shuts a womb? Who breathes life into souls, creates babies, and places them in the womb? Who told you you don't deserve that experience? I hear Screwtape talking again:blah:. Stop listening to Screwtape. He is a son of the Father of lies. They are yanking your chain:kneel:.

See I have tried to play by the rules and do things the right way all of my life but recently I have realized I was not suppose to. I was probably suppose to be a statistic and be a baby momma and have a drama filled life but because I went against that I guess I end up alone and miserable. My greatest hearts desires have not happened in my life and it is tearing me up inside. Why does God want me to suffer what did I do? I wish he would answer that question and I would be content, but I am at a lost."
Where's the if you haven't seen it in 'x' time then give up rule at:detective:? It ain't ova until the fat lady sings. If your statement is true then God is a liar. He predestines us to win not lose in the game of life. Why would he create you to be a SM and then decided to fill your life and your child with drama? Doesn't sound like love to me. God is LOVE. It is not something he has and feels only. He IS love. We all suffer. The attitude we exhibit during the suffering is up to us. If we endure suffering with the right attitude, we learn much that cannot be learned any other way. you learn what you are really made of. You learn if the ppl you think are in your corner really are. Patience is produced. Wisdom is produced. Best of all God's strength is made perfect when we are at our weakest. He will show up and show out in ways that will blow your mind!

God has not promised us sunshine everyday. In fact, Solomon the smartest man ever who there will never be another wiser than said rain (unhappiness) will fall in everyone's life from time to time. There are no exceptions. God gives us grace and a very real hope that keeps us going during the difficult times. Hang in there...
Here is one of my favorite ride or die scriptures... 1Cor 15:58

58 Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. Be steadfast, unmovable always abiding in the work of the Lord For ye know
Yes I've been through this, and I don't think there's a single believer who hasn't experienced it. Waiting according to God's timing is hard to do in a world that promises instant gratification. I always enjoy reading the Psalms for comfort during those times, and I especially love Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
I have visited different churches but a lot of the churches I visit just seem like all for show. It just seems like the Pastors are there to make money and the people are there just to show off or whatever. This is why I am having such a difficult time finding a good church because the ones I've been to are a bunch of fakers if you ask me. I will take the advice on here and start reading some scriptures, that i don't do often. I think part of my issue is that I am lazy and rather watch tv then read the bible which is sad and I need to fix it. I don't want depression to consume my life I just want to feel God's presence so I can feel happy and safe.

I COMPLETELY get what you mean (in the bolded). Growing up, I went to church and I enjoyed it for the singing and all that. But the older I got, the more I felt like I wasn't getting anything more than a religious show. The choir would sing, the pastor would so-called "preach" but to me it was nothing more than telling funny stories about him gettin' whoopins or just how he grew up through life. I wasn't being spiritually fed. Entertained? Yep. Fed? No. And everything felt scripted. He would get going towards the end, someone would jump on the piano or the organ, people would clap and shout, and I'd go home feeling entertained but not taught or fed.

There was one Sunday when one of our associate pastors, a very soft-spoken man, preached a sermon. He wasn't loud and over-the-top like most of the ministers that spoke there, but he still had a message. A lot of people, including me, felt like we hadn't had "church," and I had to wonder why. Is flamboyance and flair supposed to get the word out?

Well, as of recently, I've started going to Seventh-Day adventist churches and let me tell you... I have learned more and felt more spiritually fed in the handful of times I've attended than my whole entire Christian life. I am CONSTANTLY scribbling things down. And even when I've attended, instead of doing something else I wanted to do, and sat during a service and thought to myself, "This sermon is not good. I should have just stayed home," the pastor will still end up saying something that was more than worth the entire trip.

I would encourage you to attend an SDA church a few times. It was VERY scary to me at first. People were SO friendly and...I dunno...different...and I didn't know how to react to it. But going has been SO worth it. There is worship and singing but no entertainment. B/c of that, I feel like I get SO much more from the sermons. Actually, I have heard of some SDA churches that attempt to bring up the entertainment value, but most times it does take away from the real reason you're get the word.

I feel so happy and full, and I would love for you to experience some of that. Let me know if you have any questions. You can message if I don't reply fast enough here.

Also, let me convey to you something I heard in a sermon recently: "Discouragement is the anesthesia that the devil uses before he tries to cut your heart" SO BE ENCOURAGED!!!!! :yep:
Mother sent this to me a couple years ago and it still blesses me today. I hope it encourages you.

Prayer That Gets Results
Dr. Creflo A. Dollar

Prayer is probably one of the most misunderstood and potentially frustrating topics because many people don't know how to get results when they pray. The simplicity of prayer has been lost in many people's lives and turned into a religious tradition that has a form but no real power. Prayer is not meant to be a burden or to be used as a badge of holiness. Instead, it is a gift from God that, when used properly, should yield great victory in your life.

In many cases, the missing element in prayer is confidence. But why do people lack confidence in prayer? Because they don't know the will of God concerning their prayer request. God's will is simply another way of describing what God wants to have happen. It is what He desires for your life as outlined in His Word. If you don't know God's will for your life, you will tolerate the life you have when it could be so much better.

There are only two places to go to discover what God wants for your life-the Bible and His presence. When we pray, our prayers must line up with His Word. The only prayer that God will hear and answer is a prayer that is based on what He has said in His Word. If you pray according to the Word of God, then you are praying the will of God. We can only have confidence in our prayers when we know that what we're praying for is something that God desires to bring to pass.

People often get confused and frustrated because they don't know what God has already said in His Word. How can you pray for healing when you don't know that God wants you to be healed? How can you believe God for an increase in your finances if you don't know that God wants you to prosper? The truth is-you can't. When you don't know what God has said about your situation, your prayers will be fear-based and they won't get results.

The beauty of prayer is its simplicity. Prayer is simply saying to God what He has already said in His Word. This will protect you from getting off into areas that are not the will of God. Regardless of the area of your life, the first thing to do is to find out what the Word says about your situation. The Bible covers every problem that you will ever have.
What does God's Word have to say about your bills, your marriage and your children? Find out what God says and then your prayers will be effective.

Many people cancel out their prayers, once they've prayed according to the Word, because they look to their circumstances to see if anything has happened right away. However, just because your problem or situation hasn't immediately changed, it should not hinder your confidence that God has heard and answered the prayer you prayed according to His Word.

Finally, the most powerful prayer comes from the heart of a person who knows that God loves him or her enough to answer the request they've made. It's ridiculous to think prayer will yield results if you don't believe the God you're praying to, first of all, loves you. Even in the natural, a child who doubts his or her parents' love will be hesitant to ask for or expect things from his or her parent.

God loves you and gave you His Word so that you can have great results in your prayer life. Pray with confidence in the Word, knowing God loves you and will answer your prayers.

Success is....knowing your purpose in life, growing to reach your maximum potential, and sowing seeds that benefit others.

I am trying to understand what it says so that I could probably do according, but I am a little confused. The bolded statements make it seem that prayer only works in accordance with the Bible. Yet, there are tens of thousands of religions which don't use the Bible as their holy book and prayer serve as a religious ritual for them. I have a hard time believing anything which limits itself to only Catholicism/Christianity and prayer is something that I definitely don't think should be confined to a religion. So I'm finding it hard to believe this, can you break it down for me?

Maybe the OP's prayers aren't getting answered because she is confining God to a human entity (which Christians and Catholics do). OP, know that God is a force bigger than mankind himself. He is the energy that radiates throughout the world, BELIEVE that you are not marked by any boundaries and you can do anything through His grace. When you believe that He can do anything, He will!

BTW: I'm a Christian.
I COMPLETELY get what you mean (in the bolded). Growing up, I went to church and I enjoyed it for the singing and all that. But the older I got, the more I felt like I wasn't getting anything more than a religious show. The choir would sing, the pastor would so-called "preach" but to me it was nothing more than telling funny stories about him gettin' whoopins or just how he grew up through life. I wasn't being spiritually fed. Entertained? Yep. Fed? No. And everything felt scripted. He would get going towards the end, someone would jump on the piano or the organ, people would clap and shout, and I'd go home feeling entertained but not taught or fed.
I'm not SDA but I can totally relate to finding a bible based church home where your spirit is being fed the unadulturated word of God. The difference is night and day:spinning: between being entertained and being fed. Continue to pray asking God for direction and seeking him. He will be found by those that seek him.
I feel like this sometimes. I want a full time job in my career so bad and i pray for 'direction' on where should I go but I get nothing. I don't know what's going on and all my classmates have full time while I'm stuck being a per diem =\ I been thru a lot with this career and I think it's time to move on to something else but I don't know what to do....
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I'm not SDA but I can totally relate to finding a bible based church home where your spirit is being fed the unadulturated word of God. The difference is night and day:spinning: between being entertained and being fed. Continue to pray asking God for direction and seeking him. He will be found by those that seek him.

I'm not SDA either, but I love what I've learned from attending. One of my first times going, someone asked me something and I said, "Yeah, I'll try to be back next Sunday." I didn't realize I'd said it until someone pointed it out to me. :lachen:
Yeah, like some people have already said, sometimes it may feel like your prayers aren't being answered but maybe it's because it's not time for you to obtain it yet or maybe it's not for you at all.

God knows whats best for you, so you have to keep praying and reminding yourself of that.
This post is right on time for me. I met with a client this morning and he had no idea what has been weighing heavy on my mind for the last month or so and he said some things that have been mentioned in this post. This man did not know me from Adam but he said all the right things. This little old man almost brought me to tears, he understood me without me telling him one thing.

It was my job to help him and he ended up helping me.
I must come back and read this thread carefully. Thank you OP for creating it and ladies for answering. xoxo
Thank you so much for this. I am in agreement and I really appreciate your post. I needed to read this today.
I am so sorry you feel this way. The Lord never abandons his children even if it feels that way. Do not trust your feelings of doubt. God has not given us a spirit of Fear but Power, Love, and a Sound Mind. If its fear, it aint God so throw it away.

I am also going to share with you somethings that I've learn over the years about my faith walk and prayer life. These are all personal things I have learn and use daily to remember that God is near to me. Its also what I remember of my God, we are a team, Father and daugther, we he speaks I lesson and act accordingly.

I pray this encourages you and helps you think about your situation in a different light.

1. Hebrews 11:6 says And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

I used to come to God timid. But the Word is clear to come to him knowing that he rewards those that seek him. In order to seek him, you must believe first that he exist, that he is God, source of answered prayer.

2. Matthew 14:29-31 says Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”. Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”

Doubt is the direct enemy of prayer, faith, and belief. If you doubt that your prayers are being answered, you deny the power of God. When you deny the power of God, he does little to no work. This is shown when is Mark 6 which says 4 Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own town, among his relatives and in his own home.” 5 He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them. 6 He was amazed at their lack of faith.

3. Answered prayer does not always come the way you expect. Sometimes it comes in steps, sometimes its a immediate complete change. The best thing to is acknowledge your circumstance as is but BELIEVE more change is coming.

4. Am I focusing on the positive or the negative? If I am honest with myself, I've probably been focusing on the negative more than the positive. So my situation seems bigger than God sometimes because I foget to remember that nothing is too hard for him to do. What good is in your life? Am I so tied the get my request that I am forgeting all the Lord has blessed me with today? Do I love my request more than I love and enjoy spending time with my God? Am I treating my God like an ATM machine? Are my hearts intentions pure?

4. Romans 15:4 For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.

Wait. Patience is hard. Another word for patience is long-suffering which means to suffer for a long time. LOL. Its difficult but its a fruit of the Spirit that the Lord wants to develop in us.

5. James 2:14-17 says 14 What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? 17 Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

Are you doing your part? Have you done all you can? Are you waiting to be saved or are you acting in faith that the Lord will prosper your way? Pray to God for what to do next. Pray to God for understanding of your direction. Pray to for wisdom to know what to do. Pray for peace in your circumstances.

6. READ the Word of God everyday. Start small with a few scriptures or dive in which you prefer. The more I read the strong my faith grows, the less I desire things of the world, and the more I want to read. Even sometimes I dont feel like reading but I push myself because I understand I need the Word to sustain my relationship and faith in Him. The Word of God purifies you intentions and your mind. It changes you to think like the Father.