Near Death Experience


New Member
I was on the way to the post office one day and suddenly blacked out. When I opened my eyes, I was 2 miles down the street and my car was completely totaled. I got out of the car and didn't even have a scratch on me.

I know there is a GOD. I could have been killed. But he saved me and I give him ALL THE GLORY!!!!!

Did GOD save you from a near death experience? What was it like?
Hi Metamorfhosis:)

I had a near-death experience back in 2000. To cut a long story short, I was sitting down reading a book when I 'heard' a voice telling me to go to the kitchen. I knew I wasn't hungry but the voice kept telling me to go. I finally did and couldn't find anything I wanted, so I went back to my original spot. As soon as I got to the door the brick chimney just fell right onto the spot where I had been sitting less than a minute ago! (We were getting our house renovated and I guess the builders weren't thinking about safety). I still get chills when I think about that and I'm glad I listened to the 'voice.' That was my miracle, thanks for sharing yours!
In September of 07 I was working 2 jobs full time. I knew my body was tired but I just kept on thinking about all the things that I wanted...not needed:rolleyes:. Anyways while driving home late one night 3:45 am I was felling groggy behind the wheel. I did everything I could to stay awake; drive with the windows down, turn up the music way loud but nothing worked. I closed my eyes for what I taught was a few seconds but I heard a voice saying "wake up! wake up!" when I opened my eyes I was driving in the opposing section of traffic, and almost ran right into an Escalade! I was so out of it, I didn't realize what happen until it was over. Luckily I got out of the way in time and went home. I left my other job 2 weeks later, the experience made me realize that money is not every thing and never to ignore my body or its' needs.