Navy ladies please help me


Well-Known Member
Yes I finally paid 6.50 for a subscription and I am posting like crazy. Yes that is what I paid 6.50 for and Imma get my worth out of it because at this point in my life that is a lot of money for me.


Now for bootcamp, I know that they chop hair and that's the enemy to somebody trying to grow their hair out. My hair is past my "collar". Now i just wanna make sure before I go there, it IS alright to wear a sew in, right? And how about after bootcamp, what sort of styles can a girl with natural hair wear? Thank you in advance for the advice!! :)

p.s I'm going in as an I.S :) :) :)
I'm an army vet.

in basic they only chop the hair off of men. women are allowed to have long hair.

you can wear your hair down so long as it doesnt touch the collar of your uniform (both class a and b's). if your hair touches your collar you have to wear it up.

you can wear a sew in but i wouldnt recommend it because you may not have the time to care for it properly and i've seen many a set backs because of that. if you do wear one you will have to keep it up.

the most popular style for us military females is the bun. that's our go to style. i know some branches have banned braids and dreads but i've been out the army for a while so this may have changed.

you should speak to your recruiter and have him look up the policy for your branch to find out what is and isnt allowed. also have your recruiter connect you with other females who are active duty and can give you a better idea on whats going on right now.

i know for me in basic as well as in afg the bun was my best friend. you get real hot and yucky and you're going to want to be able to wash your scalp really good and what not.

I went to Navy bootcamp 12 years ago so my memory may be a little fuzzy but if your hair is below your collar they will more than likely cut it to earlenght or maybe a little lower. I would not recommend getting a sew in seeing how you will more than likely not be able to maintain properly while you are there. I would recommend you getting it cut before you go to a nice even bob (not assymetrical) to avoid them having to touch it at all. I guarantee if they touch it they will butcher it.

After bootcamp and you start "A" school you will be able to wear your hair anyway you would like as long as it is within regulations.

Good luck and welcome to the fleet. Let me know if you have any other questions.
I went to bootcamp in 04. I cut my hair to earlength before I went . When I got there they cut it again. They were trying to take away the fullness I suppose. They failed miserably :lol: one of our RDC's was a white female and she didn't allow weaves, braids, barrettes NOTHING. However there were girls I noticed throughout bootcamp wearing sew ins it just depended on who their RDC's were.

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Hey lady,

Good luck in boot camp. I was an RDC many moons ago.

My advice is to not get a sew-in, I guarantee you will not have time to properly care for your hair underneath.
Try to stay away from braids, they will cut them and the braids will unravel.
If you wear your own hair you will be able to at least get some moisture in there.

Navy bootcamp is HELL on black womens hair and no one cares how bad you will look. Pray for a black female RDC, she may have a little sympathy(not much, because of time constraints).

I will be honest with you, it can be challenging to be natural in the Navy. You will have to learn how to tame your bulk (you can't have big hair) and once you gain length it has to be pinned or bunned up anytime you're in uniform.

Don't worry they will drill the regulations into you.

Most natural haired women wear braids and sew-ins a lot, because it's easier.

Not trying to scare you, just want to give a proper heads up about the Navy.

I always envied the fact that Air Force and Army women had a little more leeway in regards to hair regulations.
Thank you everyone for advice, but I'm still a bit confused. The thing is that I'm natural, so even if I were to straighten my hair and cut it, it would eventally get wet froms showing or swimming, right? Then it would curl up and probably be bulky. What could I do then?

Ivonnovi forgive my ignorance, but what do you mean? Do you mean black women receive insults because of their hair texture and their looks?
Ivonnovi, these rules are based on having everyone look basically the same. A homosexual woman does not look any different than a straight woman if she is under regs. A woman with a six foot afro, however, does. During basic, all woman are supposed to look the same. I do not believe that they have any other motive for limiting natural hair than to have some sort of neatness and uniformity thats been practiced for decades. :)
Army Reservist for 4 yrs here. I wore singles for two months and cared for my hair really well with extensions in Basic. Then I took them out in my training(AIT) after Basic. I recommend the crown and glory method remixed for basic lol.
I went to bootcamp (Navy) last year in January. I would advise against a sew-in. They will most likely make you remove it. They will cut you hair if you leave it out. In bootcamp I wore cornrows the whole time. I'm sure someone in you division will know how to if you cannot do it yourself.
Edit: they will cut the ends of the cornrows in the back if it goes past your collar. One girl had the ends to her shoulders and they cut the ends off. The way I avoided this was using rubberbands the tuck the ends (if this makes since) to make it look shorter. I survived without one hair cut. I dealt with a lot of crap in bootcamp because of my hair. (before the cornrows...)
I'm wasn't in the Navy but I was raised in a military town. I second the weave thing. Things may have changed but if they haven't you are not going to have time to remove it properly and the trainee guide states no foreign material added to the hair.I would leave it alone for now.

You really need to talk to your recruiter about braids/cornrolls first thing . Ask if he could read the Navy recruit trainee guide to you the section on hair/females (I think they must be less than1/4th of an inch wide no foreign material aka added hair) Make sure they (cornrolls) are in a neat small bun style that will not interfere with equipment like gas masks, uniform caps/hats, etc.... That's if you can have them in bootcamp.

How thick is your hair? If your hair is collar length, can you wear it in a bun? Is the front long enough to reach the bun? Cutting it is going to make wearing the bun harder because the hair bulks when wet. The more length you have the better a bun stays in place after getting wet.
I went to bootcamp (Navy) last year in January. I would advise against a sew-in. They will most likely make you remove it. They will cut you hair if you leave it out. In bootcamp I wore cornrows the whole time. I'm sure someone in you division will know how to if you cannot do it yourself.
Edit: they will cut the ends of the cornrows in the back if it goes past your collar. One girl had the ends to her shoulders and they cut the ends off. The way I avoided this was using rubberbands the tuck the ends (if this makes since) to make it look shorter. I survived without one hair cut. I dealt with a lot of crap in bootcamp because of my hair. (before the cornrows...)
Excellent idea!:yep:
OP make sure your rubber bands match your hair. And thank you for serving.
I went to bootcamp (Navy) last year in January. I would advise against a sew-in. They will most likely make you remove it. They will cut you hair if you leave it out. In bootcamp I wore cornrows the whole time. I'm sure someone in you division will know how to if you cannot do it yourself.
Edit: they will cut the ends of the cornrows in the back if it goes past your collar. One girl had the ends to her shoulders and they cut the ends off. The way I avoided this was using rubberbands the tuck the ends (if this makes since) to make it look shorter. I survived without one hair cut. I dealt with a lot of crap in bootcamp because of my hair. (before the cornrows...)

Alright now you're speaking my language lol could I have like a detailed tutorial? Was your hair straight and you used rubberbands? They didn't see the rubberbands and try to take them out? TIA!
I'm wasn't in the Navy but I was raised in a military town. I second the weave thing. Things may have changed but if they haven't you are not going to have time to remove it properly and the trainee guide states no foreign material added to the hair.I would leave it alone for now.

You really need to talk to your recruiter about braids/cornrolls first thing . Ask if he could read the Navy recruit trainee guide to you the section on hair/females (I think they must be less than1/4th of an inch wide no foreign material aka added hair) Make sure they (cornrolls) are in a neat small bun style that will not interfere with equipment like gas masks, uniform caps/hats, etc.... That's if you can have them in bootcamp.

How thick is your hair? If your hair is collar length, can you wear it in a bun? Is the front long enough to reach the bun? Cutting it is going to make wearing the bun harder because the hair bulks when wet. The more length you have the better a bun stays in place after getting wet.

Oh wow. When I asked my recruiter this question she advised I wear sew ins or braids. Thanks everyone for advising my against this, I would hate do have all that work done and need to take it out. My hair is somewhat layered and will not all fit in a bun. My hair is like half an inch above shoulder length when it's straight. It's ear length curly. Thank you for your advice.
I like Successfulmiss suggestion too. Ladies could I wear single braids? For some reason my mom said I shouldn't but I don't see why. My hair is in single braids without extensions right now and it's the easiest hair style I've worn so far. My worst fear is going there with a hairstyle and being told to take it out.
You could get one if you wanted to, IF you think it could hold up that long with out being properly cared for. As for braids that depends upon your rdc (instructors) because I know mine didn't allow us to wear braids it had to be combed down to the sides so therefore a haircut couldn't be avoided. But in other divisions they where allowed to wear braids and sew ins as long as it's above the collar. So basically it's dependent upon your rdcs and what they want. And as far as when you get out of bootcamp you can do as you like as long as you can put it in a regulation bun, it's above your collar, it's out of your face, and can fit under your cover.
How could I know what my rdcs want? Is it basically 'good luck' when I go off to bootcamp and once they tell me how to style my hair is when I find out? Oh lord....
Hi there! I'm active duty army but I'm at a school with all branches right now and most of the. Navy females wear buns but of course its not basic training but from my personal experience. My recruiter. Told me I should cut my hair nd I regretted it all through basic... My drill sergeants gave me hell over my hair! Luckily I found buddy to help me flat twist my hair... And when I got out of basic which was only 2 months I was still struggling to keep my hair within regs until it grew long enough to keep in a bun... So I would suggest you think about the long run and go with @gforcroy suggestion about the braids so you dont have setbacks or regrets once you get out of basic...

Side note homosexuals serving openly and wearing "african american hair styles is not comparable... The regulations on hair have everything to do with looking like a cohesive unit... No one needs to stand out or wear trendy hairstyles when there is a mission to accomplish... And there are no regulations requiring aa women to alter their hair texture... Im totally capable of staying within regs and maintaining my natural hair... Im also capable of serving this country while maintaining a relationship with my girlfriend... What they have to do with each other I have no idea but for the record neither effect my job
Hi there! I'm active duty army but I'm at a school with all branches right now and most of the. Navy females wear buns but of course its not basic training but from my personal experience. My recruiter. Told me I should cut my hair nd I regretted it all through basic... My drill sergeants gave me hell over my hair! Luckily I found buddy to help me flat twist my hair... And when I got out of basic which was only 2 months I was still struggling to keep my hair within regs until it grew long enough to keep in a bun... So I would suggest you think about the long run and go with @gforcroy suggestion about the braids so you dont have setbacks or regrets once you get out of basic...

Side note homosexuals serving openly and wearing "african american hair styles is not comparable... The regulations on hair have everything to do with looking like a cohesive unit... No one needs to stand out or wear trendy hairstyles when there is a mission to accomplish... And there are no regulations requiring aa women to alter their hair texture... Im totally capable of staying within regs and maintaining my natural hair... Im also capable of serving this country while maintaining a relationship with my girlfriend... What they have to do with each other I have no idea but for the record neither effect my job

Thank you so much for your advice.

And I love every single word of this post
I hope this isn't too much but here is a part of the navy's grooming standards under hair:

b. Women. Hairstyles shall not be outrageously
multicolored or faddish, to include shaved portions of the
scalp (other than the neckline), or have designs cut or
braided into the hair. Hair coloring must look natural and
complement the individual. Haircuts and styles shall
present a balanced appearance. Lopsided and extremely
asymmetrical styles are not authorized. Ponytails,
pigtails, widely spaced individual hanging locks, and
braids which protrude from the head, are not authorized.
Multiple braids are authorized. Braided hairstyles shall
be conservative and conform to the guidelines listed
herein. When a hairstyle of multiple braids is worn,
braids shall be of uniform dimension, small in diameter
(approx. 1/4 inch), and tightly interwoven to present a
neat, professional, well groomed appearance
. Foreign
material (i.e., beads, decorative items) shall not be
braided into the hair. Short hair may be braided in
symmetrical fore and aft rows (corn rowing) which minimize
scalp exposure. Corn row ends shall not protrude from the
head, and shall be secured only with inconspicuous rubber
bands that match the color of the hair.
Appropriateness of
a hairstyle shall also be judged by its appearance when
headgear is worn. All headgear shall fit snugly and
comfortably around the largest part of the head without
distortion or excessive gaps. Hair shall not show from
under the front of the brim of the combination hat,
garrison, or command ball caps. Hairstyles which do not
allow headgear to be worn in this manner, or which
interfere with the proper wear of protective masks or
equipment are prohibited. When in uniform, the hair may
touch, but not fall below a horizontal line level with the
lower edge of the back of the collar.

The rubberbands where black (the small thin almost invisible kind)... my hair is about the color 4 weave maybe lol. My hair is natural and around this time last year my hair was ear length shrunken. Someone in my division cornrowed my hair every sunday after
I washed and conditioned. The only moisturizer my RDCs let me use was pink hair lotion :nono:. In my brother division the females where allowed to buy different hair products (depends on the RDCs you have).
it looked like this kinda... just rubberbands on the ends so it wouldnt hang onto the collar...


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gforceroy thanks times a million! That definitely helps me out. Do you think its a good idea for me to arrive with my hair cornrowed already? I'm not sure how everything happens going into bootcamp. I'm guessing I'll be given a really hard time if I come in with shrunken hair, though. And pink lotion? Lord have mercy. I'd be better off to use bottled water as a moisturizer :(
That's basically what I'm saying. It doesn't matter if u get braids or a sew in you have a 50/50 chance of being made to take it. Different rdc's prefer different looks but i think if you were to grow with braids you are better off having braids to the back rather than singles. And pink oil moisturizer is what you should expect to use for the next two months. As for the actual navy hair regulations those won't exist to you or your rdc's until after boot camp
Dropping in to Explain my statement in the earlier post. (Post #7)

Lifestyle choices was not my interest nor my point, I used that as an example of where the Mil, is now.

What my point was, was that with all the changes improvements / sensitivity) the Military is making, I would think they would stop this "silent" attack on "those whose hair does not part naturally" (borrowed from the ARMY's reg).

I get upset each and every time I hear someone ask/post the "I want to join the service but I don't know what to do with my hair". (with fear of being harrassed or looking crazy). I also got upset when I saw a natural haired sister, don a wig just to feel comfortable (accepted/ unharrassed) when on duty.

I've never had a "straight" haired person ask me that question (with the same dispair).

Having walked the walk, and talked the talk. I feel highly qualified to voice that rant. 28+Years baby!

This was the same heartaches we had when I went in during the early 80"s
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My recruiter (who is natural also) told me to go in with a bob sew-in. She said that twists with my hair were a no-go and they'd make me remove any individual braids and then proceed to cut my hair.

But now it sounds like it's up to the RDC and whatever they're in the mood for. If I can get away with cornrows, I will save the $300, because I will be pissed if they take it out.
At Kay.dee it is up to them. Some don't care and some do. If you get male rdcs or Caucasian rdcs more than likely they won't know the difference so you could get away with saying it's yours. It's your personal preference if you want to take your chances and spend the money but at the same time do you have 100% confidence your hair can hold up for 2 months with barely getting any attention and pink oil moisturizer
Whatever you decide to do, carry the regulation with you. You may have to be firm and show your RDC that you are within regulations. Army and Navy regulations are different, so take your advice from the Navy ladies. I think they have given you some good advice.

I changed my hair (permed) when I first got in because I got tired of informing people of the regulation. Eventually I just got over that and now my hair is natural. My hair is always within regulation. With more AA women wearing their natural hair, it is getting better.

Just do what you have to do to make it through basic. Find out what they will allow you to bring. They may allow you to bring in lotion. You can use the lotion bottle to keep the hair moisturizer of your choice (don't get caught) and just borrow lotion from someone else. Even if they do cut your hair, it will grow back.

Good luck! Thanks for your service.