*NATURLS* Last Minute plans... what to do with my hair?


Well-Known Member
So we've all had those nights were a friend calls us up with plans that we cannot pass up. Of course we except, get the outfit all together makeup planned out, but what about hair? What do all you naturals do with your hair when last minute plans pop up?:ohwell:
Oh and pictures if you have them:grin:
Last night I had this very problem and I ended up doing a half up ponytail with a hump... it was cute I guess. I kinda wish I had more quick and cute ideas :yep:
Here are a few of me and my newly bc'd last minute hair style.

Me and my bestie/roomate

Me and my other bestie/roommates... she's been natural for years
I usually create a pony puff and jazz it up with a funky headband or if my curls haven't been stretched out too much I rock the h*ll out of a mo/frohawk :D
It depends on how much time I have- if it's down to like 30 mins- i'll just moisturize then put my hair in a bun -try to make the bun somewhat big. Then I will slick down and scarf the edges and wear some drop earring or large hoops.

Half wigs also work too
my hair is short so, either wash and go with a flower or alone
puff with a cute headband
twisted up with a cute clip, flower or alone
That happened to me last night. I wore my hair in a saturated twist bun to work, had dinner with family, and went home to a napping SO. I jumped in the shower and threw on my Betty Boop flannel night gown to settle down for the night. SO was up when I got out of the bathroom basically reminding me that we had to go to a nightclub for a friend's birthday party!

Sooooo, I took down the damp twists and did a wild (teasing and teasing to make it as big as possible) twist out/shake and go. It wasn't as full as I'd have wanted it if I'd had more time, but it still ended up cute. There were like only four other naturals there, so I think my hair stood out in a good way.
I'm a bit lazy and styling challenged, so I would just wet my hair completely, put conditioner on it, detangle with a Denman, rinse, slap on some leave-in conditioner and wear a ponytail or wash n' go. It would have taken me 5-10 minutes depending on if my hair was tangled or how long it had been since my last shampoo/cowash.

It would probably look like this (I shingled my hair and it took five minutes or less):


Or this (where I didn't wet it all the way, and didn't detangle--I just moistened it and added some leave-in):

I know, I'm lazy and "uninventive." But I like to keep things simple even when I do have a lot of time.
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Well If I have about 30 mins or a good hour, I'll con wash, moisturize and blow dry into a big arse afro and then pin the front down with some pretty accessories or put on a head wrap with the big puff out. I like big attention grabbing hair.