Nature's Plus Ultra Hair Vitamin's


Well-Known Member
Hello ladies, I am new to the boards. This is a great site and the product reviews, tips etc. have been extremely helpful to me.

I was wondering if anyone has used Nature's Plus hair vitamins and had good growth results?

Disclaimer: I've got an aversion to vitamins after all these years on the boards. Take my advice with that in mind... :lol:

I took the Nature's Plus brand. I don't know if they worked tho, because they were so huge I felt like I was trying to swallow a brick. I hear they have fantastic ingredients tho, so if ever there was a vitamin that COULD work, this is one of them. Lots of good aminos and stuff..... ;)
I'm on them now. Actually I'm taking the Ultra Hair Plus (the other formula, Ultra Hair doesn't have MSM). I'm on my second bottle and I like them. It took a month for them to kick in but now I'm getting 3/4-1" of growth per month. I supplement them w/a Silica supplement which also contains MSM, Biotin and Vit E (more for health, but helps hair a bit as well). I opted for them b/c they are very similar to the GNC UltraHair Nourish, but they are more complete when you compare the quantities of the vits and minerals and they aren't bleached.
I used though...well, I guess actually, I use them, because the only reason I am taking something else now (Vitrol, I think) is because they were out the last time I went to restock and this brand looked pretty good. Like Sengs, I also use the Plus with the MSM. I also chose them because I compared them with several other options and they had the most of every vitamin and mineral overall. So far, so good, but I don't ever really know what's working and what isn't because I'm doing so many things (is it the eggs? is it the co washing? yaddayaddayadda) and I dare not stop anything lest I miss the boat :look:.
I started on NP Ultra Hair right after I had my daughter. I NEVER suffered any postpartum shedding. My hair was in great condition and I was neglectful of it (pre-LHCF). I stopped being consistent about a year ago and then decided to try some other products. Nothing worked has worked as well for me on hair and nails. I've been meaning to pick up another bottle but now that you've reminded me I'll be going to the Vitamin Shoppe this w/e. Caveat: They are HORSE pills. I sometimes broke them to swallow the pieces, the taste was not great but it helped me get them down.
Thank you ladies.

Since these vitamins are readily available at the health food store in my area, I'll pick up a bottle and start taking them in February. I was looking for something to give me a boost with growth this winter.
sengschick said:
Ummm, :look: you forgot Surge Plus 14 too Dreems. :p

:lol: :lol: I know...I left it off on purpose so I don't become the Surge-Pusha:cool: ! Really, you all don't even know how much I talk about Surge :lol:!

Please keep us posted on your results, Nikki, but I think you'll like them :).