Nature's Bounty Optimal Solutions Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies

Just finished my third bottle. I have a bottle of MR that I may take for the next month so I may take a break on the gummies. We'll see.
I've watched this thread for a while now and I see most people say they can't tell if it's working for hair but notice differences elsewhere. I've noticed a slight difference in my hair. I haven't had any unwanted facial hair. I started off with 2 a day and half way through the first bottle I upped to twice a day. At first I got a few pimples when I upped to twice a day but by the end of the first bottle they went away. Probably just needed to adjust. My nails are growing faster and my hair is shinier. I also notice more length faster in the front. The rest of my hair seems to be growing normally. On the end of my second bottle. But this one was much larger than the first and I got it from Target.
I've watched this thread for a while now and I see most people say they can't tell if it's working for hair but notice differences elsewhere. I've noticed a slight difference in my hair. I haven't had any unwanted facial hair. I started off with 2 a day and half way through the first bottle I upped to twice a day. At first I got a few pimples when I upped to twice a day but by the end of the first bottle they went away. Probably just needed to adjust. My nails are growing faster and my hair is shinier. I also notice more length faster in the front. The rest of my hair seems to be growing normally. On the end of my second bottle. But this one was much larger than the first and I got it from Target.

When you say your hair is shinier, do you mean the new growth since you started taking them?
Pulled these out this week to take for about 30 days with Phytospecific Cap Energy Vitamins.

ETA: I'm only taking x2 once a day.

Very sorry Ladies I didn't realize this was an Active Challenge
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just fyi and sorry to interrupt the challenge but i took some of this brand of pills for a while and i found that they didnt work, compared to the gnc brand. my skin always clears up and nails get stronger with that one. when i took this one i saw no effects whatsoever.
Do I have starting pics? No but I can say for sure I have a lot more hair than I did when I started taking them. I would argue a lot more than normal. This is after taking down twists.


I've been taking these fairly regularly for the past 3 months. I've seen some growth. I don't have before/after pics but I cut off about 2 inches 2 months ago and I think I'm back to where I wa plus an inch or so.

Only negative is my nails have been jacked up since taking these. Not sure why.
I took a break for about a month but I bought a new bottle and started taking them today. I'm not sure if it's due to taking gummies as I also use nail envy and take Lessman HSN vits, but my nails are the best they have ever been. Yesterday someone asked if my nails were real. That's never happened before. Waiting for the day when someone asks that about my hair.
just fyi and sorry to interrupt the challenge but i took some of this brand of pills for a while and i found that they didnt work, compared to the gnc brand. my skin always clears up and nails get stronger with that one. when i took this one i saw no effects whatsoever.

Cara, can you provide the full name of the GNC brand? I've tried the others but my face broke out horrible bad. Thanks,
I ordered yet another bottle of this and it arrived partially melted. You can still see each separate gummy for the most part but you have to sort of pull them apart and they are a bit harder to chew. Do you think the potency is affected by this?
Can't really tell if this is an "Active" Challenge or not, so Imma post here.

Finished up my 1st bottle and went back on Biotin (10,000 mcg).

I still have x3 bottles of the Gummies. Will rotate them with the Biotin.
The biotin caused my skin to break out so I had to cut back to one gummy a day. I have three more bottles. After I finish the first bottle I'll take 2 every other day and 1 on the other days.