Naturals with long, manageable hair....


New Member
Naturals with long, manageable hair....
What products, methods, and/or regimen do you use to make your hair manageable? I've noticed that a few naturals have mentioned that their has become more unmanageable the longer that it has become. Has there been a particular conditioner, moisturizer, etc. that has made a difference in how manageble your hair has been? Does frequent conditioner washes make your hair more manageable? Do you maintain your long hair in twists or conrrows for long periods of time?
I will be all natural sometime in the near future, and I feel like I and others need a little encouragement that we can maintain long, natural hair.
what do you consider long? there's a thread where waist-length (or near WL) ladies are posting info and they all seem to have manageable hair. :yep:
I actually consider SL to APL unstretched kinda long. So anything those lengths or longer. I've noticed that some naturals that are those lengths have decided to texturize, relax, or cut. And there many who are considering doing one of these. However, I know that there are many who have maintained these lengths, and I'm really curious about there techniques.
I think "manageable" hair happens when you finally find a routine that works for you. When my hair was half the length it is now, it was more unmanageable, but that is because I had not found the best way to handle my hair.

For example, if I wash my hair all at once and then condition it and then rinse and try to comb it once I get out the shower and while it is drying, it is UNMANAGEABLE.

But if I wash/condition it in sections and untangle it when it is still wet and while it still has conditioner in it, being sure to take my time and use my wide-tooth comb, it is manageable.

The difference wasn't necessarily a product, but was simply doing my hair in the shower in sections and not trying to comb it out while it was dry.
I doubt my hair will ever reach shoulder length unstretched. It grows up and out, not down. It's past shoulder length stretched. I second what Nay says. Manageable hair is when you find a great routine. I just discovered that I can leave my hair in single braids for more than two weeks. If I can make it last 3 weeks, its going to be my new style. I've washed once so far, and I'm going to wash it again once before I take it down. I love low maintenance styles

I think "manageable" hair happens when you finally find a routine that works for you. When my hair was half the length it is now, it was more unmanageable, but that is because I had not found the best way to handle my hair.

For example, if I wash my hair all at once and then condition it and then rinse and try to comb it once I get out the shower and while it is drying, it is UNMANAGEABLE.

But if I wash/condition it in sections and untangle it when it is still wet and while it still has conditioner in it, being sure to take my time and use my wide-tooth comb, it is manageable.

The difference wasn't necessarily a product, but was simply doing my hair in the shower in sections and not trying to comb it out while it was dry.

Thanks, Nay! This is exactly the information that I was looking for. This is very, very helpful :yep:
I doubt my hair will ever reach shoulder length unstretched. It grows up and out, not down. It's past shoulder length stretched. I second what Nay says. Manageable hair is when you find a great routine. I just discovered that I can leave my hair in single braids for more than two weeks. If I can make it last 3 weeks, its going to be my new style. I've washed once so far, and I'm going to wash it again once before I take it down. I love low maintenance styles


Lys, your hair is probably going to surprise you and grow longer than ever before. This information is very helpful, also.
I think "manageable" hair happens when you finally find a routine that works for you. When my hair was half the length it is now, it was more unmanageable, but that is because I had not found the best way to handle my hair.

For example, if I wash my hair all at once and then condition it and then rinse and try to comb it once I get out the shower and while it is drying, it is UNMANAGEABLE.

But if I wash/condition it in sections and untangle it when it is still wet and while it still has conditioner in it, being sure to take my time and use my wide-tooth comb, it is manageable.

The difference wasn't necessarily a product, but was simply doing my hair in the shower in sections and not trying to comb it out while it was dry.

I agree 100%. :yep:
It's all in how I handle my hair, not the products. My hair has been very unmanageable over the years from time to time :lol: Especially for others who try to comb it, style it etc. Nowadays I know exactly what to do with my hair to make it look the way I want it.
I think it's different for different heads of hair, but finger combing was a break through for me... :)
LadyLibra, your hair looks great! If you have any helpful hints that could help those of us starting our natural journey, that would be great.

you have to learn how to listen to your hair. be prepared to change your reggie/product line-up as your hair grows out. i've had to make alterations literally every year that my hair has grown (not major ones though). focus on keeping your hair healthy of course, but don't be afraid to experiment with different styles/products. you could discover a new favorite thing. :yep:

and patience. yeah it takes me a while to detangle, but i only do it once or twice a week. most of the time i don't mess with my hair. it takes me all day to braid my hair up... but then i don't have to do anything to it for 2 weeks (maybe moisturize every few days, takes 5 minutes). you get what you put into it. some days you wanna get frustrated with it, but you can't get upset and treat it harshly or you might damage it. then you'll regret it and have to fix the damage.
My hair is by no means long, but my hair was more unmanageable when it was shorter than now because I didn't know how to care for it. Washing in sections really is a lifesaver.
I'm at APL (I think I'm boob length, :lol: my hair is starting to touch the top of my breasts.)

The key for me has been a creamy leave-in conditioner. I have to use this after every wash. This keeps my hair soft and tangle free, and makes the washing and combing process a lot easier the next time I have to do it.

My favorites are Giovanni Direct and Elucence Moisture Balancing, but there are others that work pretty well too. You can find them at your local health food store.
Alright, here we go LOL I am BSL stretched, past shoulder but not APL when unstretched. I wash my hair in braids 4-6 with either diluted shampoo (seldom) or shikaikai tea. I squeeze conditioner into my hair (still braided) and saturate it. I do not like watery conditioner. I cant remember the last time I DC I rarely use protein maybe twice last year and even then its light (ORS pack not aphogee). Then I style. I hate the way twists look on my hair so I will either flat twist for a twist out, rod set my hair or straighten it. If its straightened I wont wear it out, Ill wear it pinned up. Right now I have it all braided up. AND the longer it gets it is a big much to handle. But the way I wash it makes it really easy.
I dont consider my hair long....but Ill chime in anyways :grin: Im grazing shoulder length unstretched.

As far as length, Im having the opposite experience.... the longer my hair gets the easier my hair is becoming to manage. It used to take me about an hour literally to get my hair into a ponytail. Now, it takes less than about 10 minutes. As it gets longer, the weight of the hair makes it less coily and easier for me to style. I think its also what the other posters said about finding the regimen that works for you.

I think my hair is manageable because I only have to style it once every 2-3 weeks. Twists can last about three weeks, a twist-out about two weeks, straight hair 2-3 weeks, etc. I just keep it moisturized in between and keep it moving.

So overall, I think that the right styles+the right products equals manageable natural hair at any length.
I think "manageable" hair happens when you finally find a routine that works for you. When my hair was half the length it is now, it was more unmanageable, but that is because I had not found the best way to handle my hair.

For example, if I wash my hair all at once and then condition it and then rinse and try to comb it once I get out the shower and while it is drying, it is UNMANAGEABLE.

But if I wash/condition it in sections and untangle it when it is still wet and while it still has conditioner in it, being sure to take my time and use my wide-tooth comb, it is manageable.

The difference wasn't necessarily a product, but was simply doing my hair in the shower in sections and not trying to comb it out while it was dry.

I've just come to the realization that I HAVE to do this - it cuts down my detangling time by half, EASILY, cuts down the frustration infinitely, and reduces the size of the hairball I end up with.

I really think that managability is all about the process, more so than the products - and I've learned that certain hairstyles = a hellacious mess to detangle, for me. There's no way around that, and I have to choose between the style and my wrists... :lol:
My hair is around BSL stretched and close to APL unstretched.

I always wash my hair in sections and DC once a week or once every other week. It depends on what my hair needs at the time.

I also moisturize it daily and seal with avocado butter. This keeps my ends soft and tangle free.

I think "manageable" hair happens when you finally find a routine that works for you. When my hair was half the length it is now, it was more unmanageable, but that is because I had not found the best way to handle my hair.

For example, if I wash my hair all at once and then condition it and then rinse and try to comb it once I get out the shower and while it is drying, it is UNMANAGEABLE.
But if I wash/condition it in sections and untangle it when it is still wet and while it still has conditioner in it, being sure to take my time and use my wide-tooth comb, it is manageable.

The difference wasn't necessarily a product, but was simply doing my hair in the shower in sections and not trying to comb it out while it was dry.

Nay girl you aint lied!!!! that s exactly what happened to me. growing my hair from bald head and going through all the stages to apl, i was not prepared to deal with it once it grew to a length i never had before, and kept washing the same way i did when it was shorter. i had no idea you supposed to wash your hair not all at once and the longer lengths you get YOU HAVE TO CHANGE YOUR HAIR ROUTINE. the only advice i can give even though i m no longer natural, dealing with my hair is whatever you do as it grows you have to change your routine and really take the time to baby it and detangle. i not only became frustrated as my favourite styles would take more time. but the most terrible thing for me washing the hair as i always did, i had so many knots and was so frustrated, even broke my comb in my hair:wallbash: it was just in one hour, dropped everything went to the store buy a perm to get rid of tangles, i still did not succeed and two days later had to relax again at the salon my knotted mess.

If i could do it over again, i would know now that as it grows longer you have to wash it in sections. my main problem as for me and i still have no solutions for that if i ever decide to go back to my naps (i would keep a shorter length lol) except maybe msm lol, is dealing with knots and tangling i so hate washing time, i have no patience. My real pb is after the wash once that wet hair dries, oh boy if the hair has not been braided beforehand i CANNOT untangle it!!!:wallbash:

i really think curl activator and wgo were God sent for me. That s funny it was really manageable until it reached armpit then i did not know what to do with it and new it was impossible i go to waistlength natural until i learn or found a way to deal with unmanageable hair. Sometimes i run my fingers in my head, i miss the thickness and all the hair but i chose manageability over my thick mane. maybe once i reach waist or taillbone relaxed, i may consider going back natural but no longer than apl though
Hey, Ekomba:

It's nice to see you active on the board again.

And I'm sure that you look just as fierce with your relaxed hair as you did when you were natural ;-) It's all good as long as it's healthy!
Hey, Ekomba:

It's nice to see you active on the board again.

And I'm sure that you look just as fierce with your relaxed hair as you did when you were natural ;-) It's all good as long as it's healthy!

awwww thanks Nay!!! you one of my first hair idols with Chicoro and some others upon joining this board and its good to hear from you.. Thanks for the encouragement. i m touched. i think i'm mostly sad cause i chopped all my progress this winter:wallbash: and i havent gotten over it yet lol but anyways it grows back lol and as you said hehe its all good as long as it s healthy! i like that:yep:now my mission: grow it back!:lachen::grin::blush:lollll
My hair is now shoulder length in its natural state. I don't experiment with products any more, I just stick with what works. Elucence shampoo and Kenra conditioner. And I use regular Kenra conditioner like a leave in.
I agree with Nay, the biggest thing for me is washing in sections. I used to wash in four sections, as my hair gets longer I find I need to make my sections smaller. Now I wash my hair in 8 braids. My hair is soo easy to deal with when I do this. I am planning on cutting my hair though, not because it is un-manageable but I need more body and volume if that makes sense.
Aww thanks Nay!

Now that I'm fully natural - I am back at shampooing/conditioning my hair in two sections. It's just so much more manageable that way!
Thanks everyone for the helpful comments. It looks like washing in sections is the key for most people. This is VERY useful information! I am looking forward to some day reaching my goal of waist length natural hair. :yep: