Naturals with fotki's

I just started one but I don't have much to look at either, basically showing my Twa grow out through Phases, But I haven't add products or anything like that LOL!!! it is in my siggy also!
Hey everyone,
I'm back from my deployment and really excited because now I actually have a little puff in a low ponytail. I've been transitioning for a year and a month now...11 more months until bc...can't wait. :D Thank you all so much for posting your fotki's :) . I will be updating mine soon. The ends looking terrible but the natural hair is thriving. Thanks again:D .
:D Hi everyone,
Well I was just curious. I see many gorgeous fotki's with women with relaxed hair. I am transitioning and I would really love to see women with natural hair and their fotki's as inspiration. :) I look continually for any natural fotki's but after a time my eyeballs start to hurt. hehe :lol: . If possible could the natural or currently transitioning ladies post thier fotki pages here so if anyone needing inspiration or just like looking at your progress wont have to hunt ya down. :grin:

Thank you soooo much in advance.
Mine is in my signature. Be sure to leave me a shout out!:yawn:
I am a little less than 1 month from my 5 year nappiversary. I got my last relaxer in August 02 and big chopped on dec 5, 2002.
I was just thinking about a compilation of naturals and having hair idols and such. Once I get home I'm gonna check all of you beautiful ladies out. Here is mine

mines in my siggy.
**jus done a little update too**

(cant wait to look at ALL these albums- this threads like a pot of gold!)
Here is another one for the list.
Anyone interested in watching the magical changes of shrinkage!?:lachen:

Check out my fotki in my siggy.
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