Do you see naturals with beautiful, thick hair - in real life?


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies, just looking for encouragement today. I'm transitioning and wearing twist outs and flat twist outs. I would love to hear your stories, so when you are at the mall, grocery store, work, or anywhere else - Do you see naturals with beautiful, thick, healthy hair?

I have personally noticed many great examples of beautiful natural hair right here on the hairboard...but I would like hear about your real life experiences.

I'm twisting to this day because of a girl that I saw at a wedding show. I was with a friend that is a stylist and this girl had a lot of women around her. I couldn't help but stare at her beautiful natural hair, twisted out and it appeared that she had a "diva" cut. It was beautiful, 4a/b hair (like mine) and I knew in that moment that I wanted my hair to look like hers (if possible). She was a pretty girl, but her hair was STUNNING.

So please share your stories.

1) Who has inspired your natural hair journey in real life, where did you see them and how did they have their hair?

2)Do you see naturals with beautiful, thick, healthy hair?
I live in the DMV and I see it all the time. Mainly at Busboys and Poets hahaha! But yeah, many of them have their hair in protective styles. Locs are also really popular around here.

Most of the girls I see with really big and full hair are heat trained naturals. All my best girlfriends here are natural too. One is a year into her transition and usually does PS. My other friend has longs down to her shoulders. gorgeous. My last friend has hair down to her waist that's totally natural (since 2004 I think) but she hates dealing with her hair and said she may loc it as well.

Really good inspiration and I wish I had that kind of patience.
1) Who has inspired your natural hair journey in real life, where did you see them and how did they have their hair?

A good friend of mine (she's AA and 52) inspired my transition. She transitioned about 7 years ago and her hair was so thick and lush. Unfortunately she got caught up in weaves and now her hair is thin, edges are gone.

I live in Boston and there are so many naturals around me. I see these woman (young, old, in between) on the subway, at work, cafe's, supermarket, etc.. I see wash and go's, twist outs, straight, blow outs

2)Do you see naturals with beautiful, thick, healthy hair?
Luckily yes I do. These past 4 years I see it more and more.
In my day to day I guess I see about 30% natural. At least 50% of my friends have gone natural since I went natural.

But I was natural before it was a big thing here so I wasn't inspired to go natural. But one of the most inspiring in the beginning was a young woman I met at a black dress party. I was still wearing my hair in a 1" twa. She had the prettiest set of two strand twists that just seemed to "hang" perfectly. I say hang but they really didn't come past her eyebrows. I asked her how long her hair and she pulled the front twists down past her chin. That was the first time I ever saw "shrinkage". I have been trying to get my hair to look like that ever since :lol:

I work downtown and springtime around here is going to be like a garden of natural blooming :lol: All types of hair and styles will be popping out and it will be a beautiful sight to see. In my building alone there are twa's, locs, buns, twist outs, just plain wild somethings going on.

I am one of those people that wants to put my hands in everyone's head. I know! I know! I don't but I want to :yep: Sometimes when I go out I just feel like I'm going to pass out from the overwhelment of it all.

This city is behind the time in many things, but we have got the natural thing going on.
Yes I do. There's this one woman that I saw in Whole foods and OMG That hair was LUSCIOUS, damn near made my mouth water:lick::lol:. It was big and full and natural. I would LUV to have hair like that.

My mother is another that has some thick arse hair. her strands are so thick they have their own shadow. She took a year off from relaxers and cut her hair to ear length. Her hair is down her back now and its gorgeous. The sad fact is that my mother could double relax and dye her hair in the same week and it would STILL look good! (yeah I'm hatin:lol:)

So the key words here are beautiful thick hair natural hair. I don't see a lot of ladies wearing their hair out. I see a lot of natural ladies now and even more each year but few that actually show their thick natural hair out. Lots of dreads and twists.
Last month I was at the BSS. This woman in her late 40s to 50s w/healthy fine strands & medium to almost thin density--DOWN TO HER WAIST it was either flat ironed or pressed. It was about like mine (though I have a TWA w/shrinkage) I just about fell over! Thinking of her hair keeps me going.

I see a lot of full braid outs, puffs, and kinky wild coils that make me yell at my little 'fro to HURRY UP and GROW ALREADY! lol
So please share your stories.

1) Who has inspired your natural hair journey in real life, where did you see them and how did they have their hair?

2)Do you see naturals with beautiful, thick, healthy hair?

I have been through the natural cycles plenty of times, but it wasn't until spring of 2009,

when we had a new coworker that I really admired natural hair on someone else. until

then, i was the only one i ever saw as 'natural' at our workplace and i was relaxed at the


her twists were so perfect and she did them herself. I think the beauty of it, was that her

stance was so effortless as if the whole not being into hair thing made her hair more

lovely. i missed my natural hair, the hand in fro, texture, wash and go...sooo much after


needless to say, not even a few months later when i had about 2 months worth of new

growth i was a new natural. [again] and have been since [with chops here and there]

Sometimes in passing i see naturals outside. and it really reinforced my take on product

junkie'ism. these ladies' hair is so nice, and these are the ones companies use to advertise

their products. These said ladies probably wouldn't be caught dead with some of the stuff

advertised to us today. LOL.

I saw this [attached] photo in a nov 2012 issue of glamour and thought it rocked. 'probably will resemble my hair in another two years...


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Yes :yep: I was just admiring my coworkers thick, long and beautiful natural hair in the kitchen at work today.
1) Who has inspired your natural hair journey in real life, where did you see them and how did they have their hair?
No one. My inspiration came from the internet.:lol: I rarely saw healthy hair in real life and (I hate to say it), but those with long, thick hair didn't have my tighter curl pattern so that didn't count in my book.

2)Do you see naturals with beautiful, thick, healthy hair?
Once every blue moon. Seriously, about once ever 6 months. I live in the land of chewed up relaxers and Dollar Tree weaves.
When I visit philly to see my family I do, but where I live? Very seldom.

I used to wear my hair natural constantly but it was always in pony tail. I never went beyond using conditioner or something like hair lotion from motions. But then I had an ex when I was about 18 or so tell me that my natural hair looked like "poodle hair." I'll admit that I didn't really know how to wear it then, but that made me feel ashamed. So from that point I NEVER wore it natural and flat ironed it constantly, even after we broke up. Years of that nonsense eventually damaged hair. I couldn't figure out why my hair was just so dull and lifeless.

Last year I stumbled across this board and really wanted to try going natural (and put down that damned flat iron.) My hair is so much healthier now. It looks like it did in my gradeschool pictures.
All the time. Actually, most naturals I see have beautiful hair. No matter the length. I've seen fros, twist outs, twists, braids and all other beautiful dos. Just seen a really nice one yesterday. This girl had the softest looking braid out ever! Lol
Yes, i live in Washington DC area and we rock and show our hair.

Yes you do :yep:

hmm, I take that back. I was inspired by something. I forgot that I hung out in DC for a while. That probably was my inspiration. DC people are just unique in so many good ways.
My sister she is almost waist length natural. I did not know this since she keeps the same twisted bun all the time. I took a pic and posted on my IG.
My 8yr old daughters. They have beautiful WL hair. That's all I got. Oh, my nieces natural hair is beautiful and thick as well. I'm transitioning now. I want my thickness back.
I live in Atlanta and I see beautiful natural hair all the time!! Certain areas I see it more than others.

Most of my natural hair inspirations at the time I went natural was from here and YT. It wasn't until I was about a year into my hcj that I started noticing more women with beautiful natural hair wearing beautiful, creative styles.
I saw a young lady at the bus stop this week with a twist out and I wanted to ask. I caught myself. I don't know that girl :lol:

I have chased down strangers going in and out of stores, the post office, work, the gas station, wherever to tell them I love their hair! A lady I followed out of the post office once had the most beautiful crinkly twists. After I told her how gorgeous her hair was, she explained to me the process she used with pipe cleaners.

1) Who has inspired your natural hair journey in real life, where did you see them and how did they have their hair?
No one. My inspiration came from the internet.:lol: I rarely saw healthy hair in real life and (I hate to say it), but those with long, thick hair didn't have my tighter curl pattern so that didn't count in my book.

2)Do you see naturals with beautiful, thick, healthy hair?
Once every blue moon. Seriously, about once ever 6 months. I live in the land of chewed up relaxers and Dollar Tree weaves.


For myself, it wasn't anyone as an inspiration. My first time going natural was because I thought I was having problems with relaxers, but now I know it was really because of constant manipulation and wearing my hair down all the time. There was an occasional French roll, but never wore a bun in my life. The second time going natural was due to a relaxer and then a rinse two weeks later taking out most of my hair to the scalp. :nono:

There is a young sister in pharmacy school here at work and I would steal her hair off her head if I could. Don't worry. I told her, so now I can't do it. :lol: But she has thick, probably 4b hair, that she wears in twists, twist outs, braid outs or tight curls. I have no idea how long it is, but every now and then, I will stop by her desk and talk hair with her. She's the one who's got me itching to try a clay or mud wash and pure shea butter.
1) Who has inspired your natural hair journey in real life, where did you see them and how did they have their hair?

I went natural with my younger sister, she's my hair buddy. My older sister and mom are now natural too. Idk how much longer they will stay natural because they talk about relaxing...

Pretty much everyone on my fb feed is natural or transitioning under weaves/wigs.

2)Do you see naturals with beautiful, thick, healthy hair?

I see naturals in the mall (working there) and on college campuses but not so much elsewhere. Most naturals I see have a TWA or a small fro. I don't see many with hair longer or bigger than mine. I probably get asked about my hair every time I leave the house. I should probably come up with an elevator speech-type regime, lol.
Yes, they are everywhere but with straight hair, (yes I'm that weirdo that's complements people on their hair to see if they will tell me if its relaxed on natural lol)

The other day I was waiting for my SIL to come out of a store and this girl walked passed me with Gorgeous Hip Length Natural Straight Hair... I was drooling, I'm sure she thought I was a perv. But yea I see them a lot, maybe because I'm subconsciously looking for them but I don't see to many naturals who don't wear straight hair with big full Afros tho
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1. My biology professor. Her hair was just :drool: I'd look at her hair instead of listening to her lecture. :lol: She had the nicest, thickest, lushest hair and she always wore it different styles. I was already bored with bone straight relaxed and wasn't leaving them on long + stretching. I wouldn't say she inspired me to go natural exactly but she was inspiring to me.

2. I sure do :yep: A couple of my friends have the nicest natural hair ever. When I'm out sometimes I just see stunning hair. I just kinda stare or do a double take.
So please share your stories.

1) Who has inspired your natural hair journey in real life, where did you see them and how did they have their hair?

2)Do you see naturals with beautiful, thick, healthy hair?

1. The ladies of LHCF have inspired me greatly. I can't recall all of the screen names but one that comes to mind is Glamazon... Her hair is/was gorgeous and it really inspired me. Fine4s was another.... Nonie..... and several others that made me want to go natural. I was the first of my siblings to go back to being natural so I didn't have any "real life" role models. My mom and sister followed. :yep:

Edited because I was tired and didn't follow directions :lol:

2. I went to the bank to run errands with my mom and I saw a woman with an EPIC puff. It was fricken GOOOOOORGEOUS!!! :love: She had 3c/4a hair that was shiny and moist, and puffed up nicely and it looked soooo healthy and beautiful! I told her that I want my puff to look like hers when it grows up. :lol: I see lots of beautiful naturals from caesar cuts to long sister locs to BAA's.... it's all beautiful to me.
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1) Who has inspired your natural hair journey in real life, where did you see them and how did they have their hair?

No one in real life really inspired the journey I was on when I joined LHCF. I went natural because I wanted to transition and rid myself of damaged relaxed hair so I could relax a new crop of hair. I only ever relaxed because I thought it would allow my hair to grow since I would be able to comb it w/o it snagging on the comb. My hair grew in its natural state longer than I ever had it before and I learned how to care for it so stayed natural.

When I was young and in high school, about 75% of my schoolmates were natural and there was a girl in my class with APL hair (which to my 4 inches was loooooong) and then in the class above mine there was a girl with BSB hair. Both 4B. Then there were several with CBL hair which again was hair I could only dream of. There were many type 3's with BSL/MBL hair, but I expected them to have long hair. In my neighborhood there was one girl with between APL and BSB 4B hair. I also went to college with a girl who wore short straight hair weaves but she had APL natural hair, which to me again with my SL hair was so long. At an old job there was a girl with big 4B hair whom I used to compliment all the time. CWing a lot was her regimen.

I don't think any of those people inspired me, but I did admire them. I didn't think I had the genes for long hair as my mom's hair wasn't longer than 6 inches (but I now know she hates long hair so cuts it to keep it short) and my granny had short hair too. So while I dreamt of having long hair, I didn't think it was possible so never really cared to know how they got long hair. The CWing lady just volunteered the info when I complimented her on her gorgeous mane.

2)Do you see naturals with beautiful, thick, healthy hair?

I am usually lost in my own world that I hardly notice what folks are wearing let alone how long their hair is or what state it's in. (I didn't even notice when a coworker didn't have her dentures and had been talking to me for some time--so that tells you how oblivious I am to stuff.) But every now and then, like when waiting with nothing else to do but look around, I do notice other people. Like when I rode Metro I found myself complimenting women on their hair after it dawned on me what a beautiful, natural mane they were sporting--and some would be natural (I only compliment beautiful, healthy-looking hair). At our office building, there's a lady with beautiful 3C/4A hair that is CBL--not sure how long stretched. I noticed her when she was in queue ahead of me at the cafeteria. So it would not surprise me if there are more people that I missed.

I suppose earlier in my healthy hair journey I might have been on the lookout for other people's hair but the obsession waned a long time ago which is why the hair forum is no longer where I hang out the most. I don't even put any effort to care for my own hair anymore let alone be interested in other people's hair. I used to visit albums and watch videos when I learned of updates earlier in my journey. I can't tell you the last time I actually bothered to look up someone's progress. Maybe I'm just getting old and disinterested in everything. :lol: