Naturals with fotki's

Although my hair is always changing :look:... I have pics of all my times being and going natural. Link in my siggy!
so1913 said:
I have one, however, it will be expiring next month. Until then, feel free to check it out!
Dang your hair is pretty! I could stare at your hair in your siggy all day!!! LOL
How do I add a picture to my signature. I have been clicking buttons and trying to figure it out for the longest.
Oh yeah, if you wouldn't mind :D , I would love to find out how your hair care journey has been in the past or is currently. I know I am not the only curious person, hehe.
Mines have been rough, I actually a couple of times kind of snapped the ends of my hair. :eek: ouch... I would put it in a ponytail wet and put it in a bun, but if I didn't like the bun I would pull it and hair (the ends) would come out with the ponytail holder. It wasn't tight it's just that I didn't know I had wrapped my hair in it and in the process rip the ends. Boy what a mess I know my hair has got to be uneven. Even with the butcher trim a "hair stylist" I use that word loosely, gave me. I have to think of the "trim" as just making my transition go quicker just so I wont cry. Oh well,just one of my stories of hair drama. :p
I'm currently at 3 months post relaxer. I'm trying to transition for a year. My fotki is in my siggy. Password is in my profile.
I'm lovin this thread!!!! You ladies have such beautiful hair. I would like to leave comments, but I noticed that some of the albums are not open for comments.