Naturals: what's the longest you've ever kept a press in?

I've pressed my hair only twice. The first time I made it 24 hrs. This time (this past week), I made it 3 days. Maybe if it was longer I would have worn it straight longer but it probably would have just been up in a ponytail.
For me not even a week. One of my girlfriends did it for 4 weeks, don't judge her :giggle: It looked great the whole time. I keep saying I will have to see her stylist and let her press mine
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A week. I get so bored with straight hair. I love how easy it is to style...but meh.
Probably about 2weeks...when it was time for a wash.
But I straighten my own hair, so it's easy for me to re-iron/curl/style it daily to keep it looking good or iron it back out again after I wash it.
15 days. Professionally done, winter time. I washed it out cause I got tired of it and was ready 4 my natural look again! Might have lasted longer.... But it's work...she has the fHI blow dryer and she used the FHI runway flat iron then came back with a quick pass with the Marcels (old school flat irons).... So I think that, lack of excess moisture-- cause I did exercise, but it WAS cold.......(it wasn't bone straight by day 15 but it still looked good)....and like I said the cold weather kept it up....I got it done in March earlier this year and it was a mess in a week....heat/humidity/frizz :nono:
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In the summer not even 3 days. But in the winter 3 weeks is the longest I have gone with a press. My scalp doesn't get oily and I only use EVCO on the ends. It probably could have lasted longer but I was ready for my natural hair.
Last time I was natural a press lasted about 4 days for me in the scorching Georgia heat! I did it myself though. If it was heat trained or done by a stylist I'm sure it would've lasted longer. This time around when I get ready to get it pressed I'm going to let my new salon do it since they specialize in natural hair.
One day.

I'm going to do a blow out tomorrow, so hopefully, I can keep it in for at least a week. But I get so bored with straight hair.
I went for 2 weeks but at the 2 week mark my husband told me my hair was a lil funky.
So, I can go a week before I just gotta wash it.
2 Weeks. Had it straightened this summer and surprisingly it stayed. I made sure to keep my hair covered in a cute hat when it was humid until I got to work.