Naturals - What is best for retaining length?

Hi, Bublin- I'm at chin length myself. Have you tried 2 strand twists on your own hair. That is what i am currently rocking. Prior to this, i had cornrows for 3 weeks and before that i was wearing my fro daily. I love henna though and i really think that is has benefited my hair in terms of health, color and thickness.

Thanks for the replies ladies.

Right now my hair is at an awkward length and won't seem to get any longer. It also seems to no longer like twists (without extensions) it acts as if its trying to lock itself up :nono: - then of course undoing them and detangling is a nightmare.

I can't get all my hair into a bun to protect the ends and i hate using extensions.

Cornrows (even without extensions) irritate my very sensitve scalp

Seems like right now all i can do a wash n' go's style.

Relaxing is very tempting at the moment but i won't do it.

Anyone have any suggestions for me?
Right now my hair is at an awkward length and won't seem to get any longer. It also seems to no longer like twists (without extensions) it acts as if its trying to lock itself up :nono: - then of course undoing them and detangling is a nightmare.


Bublin...what products are you using with your twists and how often are you doing them? Do you wash your hair with the twists in?

I would use more lubricated oil-based products...I have had great results with Carols Daughter Mimosa Hair Honey mixed with the Healthy Hair combo ever for soft, shiney, moisturized twists.

I would also seperate the twists, add deep conditioner, use your fingers to gently work out all the kinks, then sit under the dryer for the DC before shampooing and then gently detangling with a comb. ACV rinses are also good for sealing the cuticle and reducing unncessary tangles.

If you are having this problem, I wouldnt wear the twists longer than two weeks and I wouldnt wash them in between (if you can stand it). I think the midway washes cause more tangles and kinks.

Hope that helps. Be strong. That length is akward...but it will pass and Im sure you will find flattering styles that are healthy for your hair in the meantime. **Hugs**
oiling and braiding at night
low maintenance styles (I wear buns and ponies)
giving extra attention to the ends (leave-ins and oiling)
Protective styles, cornrows, weaves etc are great for me, leaving my hair out all the time tangles it and breaks. Since you don't like the look of cornrows on your head have you tried single plaits with only your own hair?

I feel my hair is at an akward length as well so I've been cornrowing and rocking instant weaves and I've been retaining like crazy. I just put in a weave a few days ago though but still going to stick with my co-washes once a week and a full wash and condition 1x a week HTH :)
Thanks for all the suggestions ladies. I'm going to and have applied some of them.

2 days ago i put my hair into individual braids (without extensions) for the first time.

I think my hair likes this better as the twists encourage it to lock up.
Washing my hair whilst in twists - well - i wouldn't even attempt it as i know i'd have to chop it all off:nono:.

I have full head baggied at night and added a leave-in conditioner plus coconut oil in the morning.

So far so very good.

My plaiting ain't the best so i may just go to the salon and get them done so they'll last longer.
:sekret:Texlaxing got my natural hair from collarbone length to shoulder length. It just knotted up and broke off at the ends when it was all natural.

You know what? I think texlaxing would have to be the solution to my problem as well. It doesn't matter how much I baby my hair, it acts as if it's in a 'terrible two' stage and knots up and breaks off at the ends. Before I try the texlaxing solution, I will speak with balisi first when I set up an appointment with her.
my hair loves to be left alone so i wash it once (twice max) each week. i keep it in twists or plaits for about 3days then wear a braidout until i wash again. however like this week i didnt undo my twists so iv put my prepoo in and ill retwist after iv lightly pooed and added conditioner. i only comb my hair on wash day.

When I first started my haircare journey I was co-washing and baggying everynight, my hair grew like a weed and I was retaining everything.....instead of sticking with what was working my dumb @$$ decided to try a different path (braids) that was a MAJOR mistake for me (my first serious setback during this journey) one would think that I would go back to the "tried and true" but nooooo :wallbash: I saw how pretty my hair looked with the pincurls and the daily compliments that I would received from family, co-workers, strangers boosted my ego so of course I continued on that path for awhile, but thank God I saw the danger on the horizon (2nd setback) and I quicky changed course mostly unscathed....NOW I'm back to the tried and true :rolleyes: daily co-washes and my new love WNG and baggying nightly. I suspect I will have the same growth and retention that I exeperienced at the very beginning of this journey. :yep:

I have to keep the experimenting side of me in check if I have any chance of reaching my hair goal lengths. :look: :perplexed :blush:
I notice that I retain the most length when wearing protective styles like twists with/without ext, and cornrows. I don't retain any length when I wear a wng. It tangles on itself and form knots. The thing is I like wearing my hair in a wng, because it is just so easy and a no hassle style, but it is detrimental to my length. Also moisturizing and sealing helps no matter what style you're wearing.
I notice that I retain the most length when wearing protective styles like twists with/without ext, and cornrows. I don't retain any length when I wear a wng. It tangles on itself and form knots. The thing is I like wearing my hair in a wng, because it is just so easy and a no hassle style, but it is detrimental to my length. Also moisturizing and sealing helps no matter what style you're wearing.

What's wng' :scratchch
Low manipulation and protective hair styles like braids, buns, pony puffs etc.
That has been the best way for me. :)
When I first started my haircare journey I was co-washing and baggying everynight, my hair grew like a weed and I was retaining everything.....instead of sticking with what was working my dumb @$$ decided to try a different path (braids) that was a MAJOR mistake for me (my first serious setback during this journey) one would think that I would go back to the "tried and true" but nooooo :wallbash: I saw how pretty my hair looked with the pincurls and the daily compliments that I would received from family, co-workers, strangers boosted my ego so of course I continued on that path for awhile, but thank God I saw the danger on the horizon (2nd setback) and I quicky changed course mostly unscathed....NOW I'm back to the tried and true :rolleyes: daily co-washes and my new love WNG and baggying nightly. I suspect I will have the same growth and retention that I exeperienced at the very beginning of this journey. :yep:

I have to keep the experimenting side of me in check if I have any chance of reaching my hair goal lengths. :look: :perplexed :blush:

I can so relate to this.

All i did during my first year was wash and go and baggy at night.
Hair grew like weeds.

Now i am chopping and changing so much my hair is finally saying no more....i mean i have gone from moisturizing baggying every night to constant combing and blow drying.

I really think individual plaits - without extensions - are the way for me....and no hair dryer.
What works for me:

Low manipulation. Once I stopped treating my hair like a science experiment all the time, it was much healthier.

Protective styling. I do best with twists and braids. I wng and pony puff occasionally.

Moisturizing. This one I've been strugggling with lately because I've been such a slacker. I pay special attention to my ends. I use either braid spray or water and then seal with coconut oil.

Low heat styling. While I do go through periods of wanting straight hair all the time, it's usually short lived, so my flat iron doesn't get a lot of use.
minimal combing and manipulation I suppose. Its not on purpose. the longer it gets the more i get lazy and slap it into a ponytail:ohwell:. My hair thrives with WNG's too so I have not experienced the excessive knotting and tangling like soem other people have.