NATURALS: what does your hair look like after three days?


Well-Known Member
the hair on the left is what mine looks like. :drunk:

anyway, i wanted to share a post on a cheap way to shingle and condish on wash day and to get 1st day hair back after a few days of wear.

normally, my hair looks fro'd out a lot because i like to wear it that way. it will have a touch of curl to it but mostly i pull them out during the day. i need to go to hand in hair 12 steps. :look:

first day hair:


i wanted to share this idea with you ladies. on wash day, i will load my hair with condish. enough so that it's not flaky or white and wear it "shingled." that way, when i get ready to wash tonight, all i have to do is detangle a bit put in my twists and wash as normal.

this is also a cheap way to shingle on dry hair and keep some of your length without the shrinkage we get from water.

After three days of proper care, e.g. regular moisturizing and sealing, etc.? Or after three days of minimal attention? There's a big difference between the two for me.
My hair is much flatter and more elongated than usual. On day one and two my hair sticks out to the side, but on day three it points straight down. I haven't yet tried four day hair, but I think it would look very oily and dirty.
My hair looks better as the days go on for some reason. The first day is always a mess but after that it looks pretty good.
My hair looks better as the days go on for some reason. The first day is always a mess but after that it looks pretty good.

Me too!! If I blowdry/airdry, my hair looks better after day 1. Guess it picks up more moisture? Close to wash day (day 5-6) might have to start pulling into a pony but still love it!

Kurlybella- your hair is real pretty!
Well, if I don't do anything (including wearing it in a stretched style), my hair ends up shruken down to almost 2 inches. It is tangled like crazy with knots everywhere.

Lol, that's how my hair is right now. I am about to go co-wash, so it will rise from the dead again.
Kurlybella - are yu saying that you apply the condish to dry hair, then shingle and dry- no rinsing? I wanna make sure I'm getting it right before I try it- cause your's looks great!
I usually air dry in a puff and it looks pretty much the same everyday.. just the moisture that affects how defined my curls are..

I haven't tried shingling yet so with that method it might be another story...