Naturals: Speedy Twist Regimens?

Dang, Can some of ya'll who do it in 1 hour or less post some pics of your finished twists and also list your hair type?

I wish I could do it that fast. My hair is thick and getting longer and I've never done any in less that 2 hours except one time when I only did 7 big fat twists but that was just to go to bed.

Loolahloo and I have very similar hair.
These are my latest. (the smallest I've ever done) and I took my time
Mini Twists! -

They feel nice and moist and nourished.
I used Bee Mine Mango Curly Butter, Bee Mine luscious moisturizer and water. all together I did them in about 6 or 7 hours - did 2 hours last night and then did them on & off today for about 5 hours.


I want to wear these for a month.

6 or 7 hours?:blush::giveup::giggle: You are my shero!:lachen:
Dang, Can some of ya'll who do it in 1 hour or less post some pics of your finished twists and also list your hair type?

I took my cornrows out, detangled my hair thoroughly, and put in medium sized twists. It took about 3 hours. I was rather distracted and I think the twisting only took an hour or so. I'm a 4b too, but I see my texture is quite different to yours.

I take a long time to do twists. If I do them really big, I think an 1 1/2- 2 hours is my norm. Otherwise around 4 or so. But it's ok because they last for a long time. Without washing often, I used to wear the twists for a week and then the twist out for another week. Now that I'm washing often, I just have been mostly keeping the twists in.

Wet twists take less time to do than dry twists.

Twists on dry hair, took about 4-5 hours I think:


Twists on recent wet hair, took probably less than 2 hours I think:

Mine take 2-3 hours, depending on how small I make them. The longest was 4.5 hours, but they were super tiny. I'm hoping I'll get faster as I get better, I just started twisting this year and have been natural since March 2008. I finger section and part, but I can't just grab and go because they don't hold as well. I tried it once and was done in 1.5 hours, but I had to constantly redo them and didn't get all the hair in :giggle:. So right now it's just safer for me to section, part and twist.
These are gorgeous!!! Mook your hair always looks so nice and :lick:. I love the look in your siggie, too!!! They are so shiny and soft looking...ok I'm done staring and drooling.

I second that emotion! I can't wait until my hair is long enough to pull off that siggy look.
Also here is a KEY thing that i do when I want smaller twist.

I always start off with large twist. Say i do them day 1. Day 2 or 3 I decide i want them smaller. I just separate 1 of my large twist and make 2 or 3 twist out of it. And it doesn't take long b/c my hair is already separated into sections. And it the twist pattern is a bit off, I just add a little water to my hair while twisting smaller.

If you don't have 6 hrs, but desire smaller twist, try doing it in stages.
I want to start twisting my hair but I want it to get a lil longer. Plus I don't know if I have the patience to twist my hair. I can't get mines to stay tight at the roots.

I did see something on the children's board about a lady who does twist outs on her babies hair and she used the small duckbill clips to hold down her daughter's roots until the next day/morning and I might try that when my hair gets longer.

With it being short it would take longer to twist right?
Also here is a KEY thing that i do when I want smaller twist.

I always start off with large twist. Say i do them day 1. Day 2 or 3 I decide i want them smaller. I just separate 1 of my large twist and make 2 or 3 twist out of it. And it doesn't take long b/c my hair is already separated into sections. And it the twist pattern is a bit off, I just add a little water to my hair while twisting smaller.

If you don't have 6 hrs, but desire smaller twist, try doing it in stages.

I have done this before and find it works well. :yep:
Thanks so much ladies! I'll try twisting every two weeks and making the twists just a little bigger. 2 1/2 hours spread across two weeks isn't so bad, right? :grinwink:

2 1/2 hrs for 2 weeks of hair style is not bad at all.

I've stopped doing small twists for now. I just don't have the patience. Washing, conditioning, finger detangling, and retwisting into 25-30 twists takes me about 3 hrs weekly. Sometimes I can do it in under 2 if my hair is not that tangled. I do not like my twists, though, and I especially dislike my big twists, so I always wear them up in a bun, ponytail, or updo or as a twist out.

I have short hair. The longest parts are probably sl. I have parts that are cb length. It takes me 10-15 minutes. I cowash and then twist in about 10-12 twists. I use coconut oil, avocado butter and a really runny ( for lack of a better word) conditioner. I do twists this large because I do them daily. I take them out and then wet them fluff and put a silk hair band around my head in the morning. Fairly simple.