Naturals: Speedy Twist Regimens?


Well-Known Member
What are your twist / re-twist regimens? Please also let me know how much time you spend. I'm looking for faster methods.
I spend roughly an hour twisting my hair, longer if I want them to be small. Since I rarely have the time or patience for that, I tend to wear medium to large size twists :) I haven't go a special method, just I'm not to fussy about the roots being fuzzy so it doesn't take so long if you see what I mean? How long is it taking you?
For me it's just grab a section, twist, and go on to the next one. The only products I use are a water based moisturizer and either coconut oil or raw shea butter. It takes me between 10-30 minutes depending on the size of the twists.
Subbing for future reference. As a transitioner it takes me 30-40 minutes to twist my hair. I have to part my hair with a comb, so it takes me longer to get done.
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Thanks ladies! Y'all are doing much better than me. It's taking me 2 1/2 to 3 hours to re-twist weekly (including time to finger detangle). I would love to get it down to an hour or 30 minutes. Lol. Maybe I need to make them bigger.
I guess because I do mine so small it takes me around 6-7hrs and thats with one!!! I am doing something wrong I guess. Maybe when my hair gets longer it will go by faster...I hope:grin:
Thanks ladies! Y'all are doing much better than me. It's taking me 2 1/2 to 3 hours to re-twist weekly (including time to finger detangle). I would love to get it down to an hour or 30 minutes. Lol. Maybe I need to make them bigger.

It takes me this long on a regular basis. Detangling takes a long time too.
Yes...even with my short hair, it takes about 45 min to an hour to twist. I do twists as large as I can get away with.

Right now, I am in kinky twist extensions, so I don't really count, but that's how long it takes me when my hair is loose...

I twist right after washing with a wide-toothed comb, and it's really easy to do it then. It's a little more difficult and I am more paranoid about pulling with dry hair.

I hope more people chime in for you.

I usually take about 2 hours, sometimes a bit longer, but usually no longer than 3 hours. This is because I like my parts to be neat, and I like to apply product to each individual twist. If I grab and twist, it takes less than an hour.

I recently experimented with adding product to my hair in sections, then twisting as usual. It took less time than my usual method. The twists were a little poofier than usual.
i have been wearing twists for 2 months now and I redo them every week. It takes me about an hour. I part my hair in four sections then moisturize. My twists are medium size and I usually just finger part then twist.
I can do mine in about 45min-1hr. I do them almost immediately after wash. At this point my hair is still in six sections so I undo one section and twit that and then move on to the next section. I like mine medium size....washing itself with the henna and deep conditioning take forever so I dont need to be standing in the mirror doing my twists for hours.
Neater twists take about an hour, rougher weekend twist jobs take about 30 minutes. I use ecostyler, IC aloe or ors lock/twist gel to hold them. I start at the back, do sides then top, front for a style last. I often divide the too large ones after I'm done. Anytime I want a 'go out' twist I pay to have them done.
I just finished a set that took about 9 hrs...but I was working from home, stopped to watch AMC, went to my Mama's house and then picked up some dinner & cough medicine :) I've been known to take up to 3 days to finish a set of twists. It's worth it 'cause now I don't have to comb my hair for at least 10 days!
It takes me about 1-2 hrs to do my twists on freshly washed hair. I don't do parts except to section out some hair. I apply my leave-in, then depending on my mood I add Aloe gel and VCO to each individual twist or I do the entire section then twist. I just grab and twist and try to keep them all the same size. I find that not parting my hair and making them smaller makes it look fuller until my hair gets longer.

Today's Twist (excuse the dirty mirror & blurriness)


***I too want to cut down my time. How do you keep them tight to the root? My hair always seems to puff out after I finish but they don't unravel.
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Dang, Can some of ya'll who do it in 1 hour or less post some pics of your finished twists and also list your hair type?

I wish I could do it that fast. My hair is thick and getting longer and I've never done any in less that 2 hours except one time when I only did 7 big fat twists but that was just to go to bed.

Loolahloo and I have very similar hair.
These are my latest. (the smallest I've ever done) and I took my time
Mini Twists! -

They feel nice and moist and nourished.
I used Bee Mine Mango Curly Butter, Bee Mine luscious moisturizer and water. all together I did them in about 6 or 7 hours - did 2 hours last night and then did them on & off today for about 5 hours.


I want to wear these for a month.
Dang, Can some of ya'll who do it in 1 hour or less post some pics of your finished twists and also list your hair type?

I wish I could do it that fast. My hair is thick and getting longer and I've never done any in less that 2 hours except one time when I only did 7 big fat twists but that was just to go to bed.

Loolahloo and I have very similar hair.
These are my latest. (the smallest I've ever done) and I took my time
Mini Twists! -

They feel nice and moist and nourished.
I used Bee Mine Mango Curly Butter, Bee Mine luscious moisturizer and water. all together I did them in about 6 or 7 hours - did 2 hours last night and then did them on & off today for about 5 hours.

I want to wear these for a month.

These are gorgeous!!! Mook your hair always looks so nice and :lick:. I love the look in your siggie, too!!! They are so shiny and soft looking...ok I'm done staring and drooling.
LUV THESE TWIST:grin: I cant wait for the day!!! Yah I would be keeping those in for a long time!!!

Dang, Can some of ya'll who do it in 1 hour or less post some pics of your finished twists and also list your hair type?

I wish I could do it that fast. My hair is thick and getting longer and I've never done any in less that 2 hours except one time when I only did 7 big fat twists but that was just to go to bed.

Loolahloo and I have very similar hair.
These are my latest. (the smallest I've ever done) and I took my time
Mini Twists! -

They feel nice and moist and nourished.
I used Bee Mine Mango Curly Butter, Bee Mine luscious moisturizer and water. all together I did them in about 6 or 7 hours - did 2 hours last night and then did them on & off today for about 5 hours.


I want to wear these for a month.
For slow twisters, how long have you guys been fully natural?
That could be why it takes so long. It gets easier/quicker the more you do it.
maybe its because my hair is short but I've decided to chop my regimen down to supersimple due to lack of time

I twist on the weekends, just grab and go, it takes me an hour to 1 1/2 hours. I twist wet, on hair that has leave-in in it, but no gel (my hair hates gel). After it is done, I bun my twists and sleep in the bun to stretch it out. When I wake up i take the buns out and tada. my style for the week. When the weekend comes I take it out, wash/dc, then twist it back for the week. That's about it. They start to look fuzzy around friday (and usually the section in the back of my head with no real defintion has completely come unraveled) but I don't really mind. I put them in pigtail buns if they're really that bad.
You know, twists may be my all time favorite hairstyle in the whole entire world.

I just finished a set this evening...i started at around 5:30pm and didnt officially finish til around 10:45-11pm. I took a few breaks tho, but it still takes me such a long time.

I am good for the next 2 weeks though, im going to attempt to make it to 3 weeks.
For slow twisters, how long have you guys been fully natural?
That could be why it takes so long. It gets easier/quicker the more you do it.

BC'd in June but I think its partly due to me making them extra small. I dont like to see scalp:nono:!!! Its fine with me I normally do it on a Sunday night when I have to get on schedule for my third shift job. Just looking forward to the day when I can make them bigger:grin:
I twist every two weeks on damp hair. I usually shampoo and deep condition prior to twisting. It used to take me over 2 hours to twist but now it only takes me a little over an hour to an hour and a half. My hair is about 4-4.25 inches long. I apply my leave-ins and then grab and twist. I put a little gel on each section before twisting. I honestly haven't done anything different except I stopped taking breaks and just continue to twist non-stop.
Thanks so much ladies! I'll try twisting every two weeks and making the twists just a little bigger. 2 1/2 hours spread across two weeks isn't so bad, right? :grinwink:
It takes me about an hour or so to do small twists, but once in, maintenance is a breeze coz I never undo them. I just touch up a few at a time as needed. I wash in them and just shake and go or style them when damp when they are easier to stretch.

When twisting, I too just grab and twist because I found parting neatly led to permanent parts that are hard to "erase" after long wear so I prefer not to have clean neat parts.

Oh, I don't use any products on my hair when wearing twists or while twisting. I also twist on dry.
Thanks ladies! Y'all are doing much better than me. It's taking me 2 1/2 to 3 hours to re-twist weekly (including time to finger detangle). I would love to get it down to an hour or 30 minutes. Lol. Maybe I need to make them bigger.
Your hair is gorgeous! WOW!:blush:
For slow twisters, how long have you guys been fully natural?
That could be why it takes so long. It gets easier/quicker the more you do it.

I have been twisting my own hair since I was 12, and I've been natural forever...
For me its just that I am picky, I hate when one is loose...
and I get tangled so easily...
Next time I am going to try putting the hair in 4 braids first and see if that helps with tangled loose hair