Great post Loo! I don't plan on making it to APL as a natural until late next year and I don't want any setbacks. Most of the naturals I've seen with tight coils who make it utilize protective styles, minimize heat, and keep their hair hydrated with DC's and moisturizers. I plan to follow suit.

Thank ya, Lou! Yea, it looks like I'll follow suit too. I thought twistouts were sufficient but nah ... the longer my hair gets, the more tangles, the more potential for damage. 2009 = more protective styling!
I didn't have (or notice) a hump because I kept my hair in individuals, twists or cornrows (I realize a lot of ladies want to wear their hair loose, so this isn't a great option for some). On top of that I spritzed it with moisturizing and/or strengthening leave-ins almost everyday.

Thank you! Hopefully with all these suggestions I can get over the hump. :yep:
I had that problem getting to BSL, I got stopped at APL for a couple months. So I just kept my hair up, kept it simple, and went on with my life, and I noticed a couple weeks ago that my hair has been thriving. I just needed to let it go. You'll get there. Just try not to get too discouraged.

What she said is soo true. I was at one point beginning to think I had a terminal length issue, but I kept up with the protective styles as well as low or no manipulation and finally got over that hump.

I also learned that my hair does not grow as fast as others on this board so I had to stop guaging my growth like theirs or I was going to drive myself crazy.

I had to get my head around the thought that I was going for goals my own hair had never reached before so I had no way of understanding how fast it would grow in getting to different lengths and just watch it do what it was going to do.

It is frustrating because I would see someone who started with the same length as me and their hair was soo much longer than mine was, but remembering it is a process and that you are going into territory your hair has probably not gone before will help.

Much of that time it was the journey I had to appreciate versus the goals.

Now I that I have reach some of my goals, I know now it will just be a matter of time so I don't panic or get discouraged as quickly.
I'm a fingertip shy of shoulderlength now and since I'm tall, I'm dreading the extra time it'll take me to reach APL. :( Thx for the tips ladies.
Thanks much! (Still taking notes.) I'll check out that shampoo method that you mentioned ... sounds interesting.

When I leave my hair out, it's usually a twistout puff. I used to get away with that when my hair was little shorter, but now I can't. After 5 days of wearing the puff, my ends are a wreck; so now I just do it for 2-3 days. I'm still not comfortable with wearing twists (don't like the way they look on me at this length) but I guess I've gotta suck it up if I want to retain more length.

I'm glad you mentioned "listening to my hair" ... I'm been bad at that lately.

Thanks again!
I go back and forth between liking them and not liking the way to look but it's been my go to style since my BC. I realize that it is probably one to the best things to do for my hair. :grin:
Thanks! I'm glad you mentioned your experience with braid extensions. I'm getting braids this weekend, but now I'll be extra careful. Also, I was thinking about getting back to back braids for protective styling ... but now I'll rethink that.

Loolalooh, I think braids can be an excellent way to protect your hair, many women have done it successfully; you just have to be careful. I think you should still consider using them as a protective style, just be sure you're moisturizing your hair correctly.
Great thread. I am trying to get over the hump also. I think my mistake was underestimating protecting the ends. I was lazy in moisturizing the ends daily. Also, those single strand knots are the debil! Maybe I'll be there by my 2 yr nappy b-day in May 2009.