Tips for the Long Journey of APL to BSL

It took me four months to get from APL to BSL when I first started my hair journey with LHCF. I didn't like the look of buns, so I wore my hair up off my shoulders by clipping it with a jaw clip. I did a weekly shampoo, DC and rollerset reggie; moisturized and sealed my ends every day (sometimes twice a day because I really didn't know what I was doing); trimmed as needed; continued taking vitamins; protected my hair at night in a satin bonnet; absolutely no direct heat and I took pictures of my progess to stay motivated. But most importanly, I prayed about it daily. I was very amazed that I reached my goal so quickly.

My plateau came when I was trying to get from BSL to WL. I don't know if my hair slowed down or if I freaked out and tried to be perfect to get those same results so quickly. I finally broke that plateau by doing the unthinkable to me (at the time) and wearing my hair in a bun during the summer months.

The moral of the story is to be consistent with your reggie, be willing to try things you normally wouldn't (for me that was wearing my hair in a bun almost daily) and keep the faith. Best wishes to you. :-)