Naturals, question about your decision

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Bublnbrnsuga said:
What made you go natural? Was it for a change? Hair damage from relaxers? Appreciation of your natural texture? Freedom?

Have you pondered another relaxer? Why/ why not?

Do you use heat to straighten your hair? If so, how often?

Which was easier to manage- relaxed hair or natural hair?

I'm still transitioning but can I chime in?

My decision to go natural was because my hair was so stringy and weak from relaxing for so many years. And my sister-in-law transitioned a few years ago and I'm so in love with her hair. She texturizes but her hair has grown like a weed since she stopped relaxing fully and her twist-outs are the best I've ever seen. I wanna be just like her. Seriously, she was my inspiration to transition to natural.

I ponder another relaxer every time I run into a new difficulty with my new hair but then I learn how to deal with it and move on. I love my new texture too much to go back to relaxing now. Maybe a texturizer at some point in the future if I need help getting my hair under control, but not now.

So far, I haven't used any heat at all but I'm considering blowouts and maybe flat ironing just for a change.

I think my natural hair is easier to manage because I can just CO and pull it back into a puff and go. And I think I've mastered the twist-out so well that I can do about six rows of flat twists at night in about 10-15 minutes, untwist in the morning and go. When I was relaxed, I really had to think about what I was going to do with my hair every day. It was a lot of work.

Thanks for starting this thread, Bublnbrnsuga! It's so interesting to read why other folks made the decision to go natural. Bonus: We have all the naturals in one thread and can lurk all of their albums in one shot!
What made you go natural? Was it for a change? Hair damage from relaxers? Appreciation of your natural texture? Freedom?
Several reasons:
1. I was tired of getting relaxer touchups and feeling the potential burn. I never had significant damage from relaxers or anything. I cringed everytime I got a touchup. So basically freedom from relaxers.
2. Out of Curiosity
3. To embrace my God-given hair texture

Have you pondered another relaxer? Why/ why not?
Never. I will never see that as an option for me or my hair.

Do you use heat to straighten your hair? If so, how often?

Which was easier to manage- relaxed hair or natural hair?
Natural hair. Its so much more fun! :)
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What made you go natural? Was it for a change? Hair damage from relaxers? Appreciation of your natural texture? Freedom?

I went natural 4 years ago because I was tired of the damage from relaxers. My hair is already fine and it was thinning even more.

Have you pondered another relaxer? Why/ why not?

Lately, I've been pondering a relaxer because now that my hair has surpassed brastrap it is getting harder to manage. I haven't made the leap yet because I love my natural texture and I know the damage relaxers can cause in the long run, plus I would hate to transition again if it didn't work out.

Do you use heat to straighten your hair? If so, how often?

I was flat ironing once a month, but I haven't used heat in the last 2 months. I love rollersets to straighten my hair, so I may go back to that.

Which was easier to manage- relaxed hair or natural hair?

My relaxed hair was easier to manage, because I didn't have to wet it everyday.
What made you go natural?
I was getting tired of relaxing my hair and fighting against my natural curls. I workout regularly and I didn't want to compromise the health of my hair by constantly applying heat after I'd sweat it out. I have soooo many more options now that I'm natural. The ease of styling is amazing. It's great to know that with a little water, a little leave-in and a little moisturizer, I can be ready to go in minutes.

Have you pondered another relaxer? Why/ why not?
No, I haven't given any thought to another relaxer. Every now and then I miss having a bone straight look, but I satisfy the urge by doing a body wrap. Invariably, I'm ready to go back to my curls a few days later.

Do you use heat to straighten your hair? If so, how often?
I try not to use direct heat that often -- may once every two or three months.

Which was easier to manage- relaxed hair or natural hair?
My natural hair is definitely easier (and more fun) to manage. Just last night I shampooed my hair, applied my products and went to bed. I had no idea how it would turn out since I usually try to retwist and tie a scarf on at night. This morning, I have this amazing head of curls with a minimal amount of effort
Not natural yet :p
Bublnbrnsuga said:
What made you go natural? Was it for a change? Hair damage from relaxers? Appreciation of your natural texture? Freedom?
I was natural until age 19 then relaxed. I decided to go back to being natural because I had horrible damage from a relaxer (several bald spots) and I also knew my hair texture and knew that I would be able to live and love my hair again.
Have you pondered another relaxer? Why/ why not? I haven't seriously thought about getting another relaxer? As each day goes by I feel that I've made an accomplishment. Why would I ruin that with a relaxer? Also, I am falling in love with my natural hair all over again.

Do you use heat to straighten your hair? If so, how often? I've been transitioning for almost 1.5 yrs. I have straightened my hair 3 times so far. I don't use any heat, period. That will probably change one day but for now, no heat.

Which was easier to manage- relaxed hair or natural hair? Don't know yet b/c I am still transitioning. But I know being natural will be easier for me esp. when I accept my hair and love it.
What made you go natural? Was it for a change? Hair damage from relaxers? Appreciation of your natural texture? Freedom?

I never had a bad experience with relaxers. I never had burns or anything. I use to abuse my relaxed hair and it would still grow. I used to have a short pixie cut. I would relax it once a month. I had to get it recut every two weeks. I also had highlights redone once a month. I would wake up every morning and spend an hour recurling it so it would be perfect. On the weeks I didn’t go to the hairdresser I would wash, deep condition, wrap, then curl my hair. The whole process would take over 5 hours. I just realized I had better things to do then spend so much time on hair.

Have you pondered another relaxer? Why/ why not?

Yes, I miss wraps and easily running my fingers through my hair. And I get a ton of shrinkage as a natural so I miss showing my length. It was really hard in the beginning. It was 1996 and I was in college, hardly anyone had natural hair and if you did most people assumed you were afrocentric or an artsy type of person. But now I just go get a press once a year and it’s all good. My pressed hair has much more volume and movement than my relaxed hair and it’s also straighter. I could never achieve bone straight with any relaxer my hair has always been very elastic.

Do you use heat to straighten your hair? If so, how often?

I straighten once maybe twice a year so I can get it cut.

Which was easier to manage- relaxed hair or natural hair?

Relaxed hair was easier to manage because I was really good at styling it. But my routine as a natural is much quicker because I really only wear on style and that’s a wash and go puff. It has been 10 years and I still suck at natural styling. I did one set of twists on myself about 6 years ago that was banging and for the life of me I can’t even come close to that anymore. LOL

What made you go natural? Was it for a change? Hair damage from relaxers? Appreciation of your natural texture? Freedom?

Freedom for me. Either my hair was becoming curlier with age or just plain resistant to relaxing b/c it NEVER got straight, not even close. I also workout a lot and sweat profusely in my hair so my rollersets would get ruined in one trip to the gym so styling my hair only happened on holidays and special occasions!

Have you pondered another relaxer? Why/ why not?

This is my second round being at being natural. If I knew then what I know now, I would have never started relaxing again, so no I will not relax my hair again, it would be a waste of time for my hair type.

Do you use heat to straighten your hair? If so, how often?

I've used heat maybe 4 times in the past 16 mos. In the future, I plan to roll my hair 1st, then use the round brush or flat iron to pull out the curls. Rolling has always been the best method for smoothing my hair for straightening and far less damaging. My hair really doesn't like to be straight.

Which was easier to manage- relaxed hair or natural hair?
Natural hair is by far much easier to manage for me! I just let my hair do it's thing and it's all good! ;)
What made you go natural? Was it for a change? Hair damage from relaxers? Appreciation of your natural texture? Freedom?

I went natural because my hair was damaged and being relaxed was pointless for me. I still had to do the same amount of work because my hair was still curly even with a full blown relaxer so I didn't see the point of it.

Have you pondered another relaxer? Why/ why not?

No, never. I don't want the damage and I love my curls, plus I can get my hair just as straight w/o it.

Do you use heat to straighten your hair? If so, how often?

Usually twice a month.

Which was easier to manage- relaxed hair or natural hair?

Definitely natural.
What made you go natural? Was it for a change? Hair damage from relaxers? Appreciation of your natural texture? Freedom?

Hated the relaxed hair routine and never liked straight hair.

Have you pondered another relaxer? Why/ why not?

No but did consider a texturizer thinking it would make my short hair more manageable but realized that short natural hair is very manageable.

Which was easier to manage- relaxed hair or natural hair?
The relaxer every 4-6 weeks routine got on my nerves but long natural hair is hard to manage unless it's kept braided or twisted all of the time which got on my nerves too.
Bublnbrnsuga said:
What made you go natural? Was it for a change? Hair damage from relaxers? Appreciation of your natural texture? Freedom?

Yes, No, Yes, and Yes.
Have you pondered another relaxer? Why/ why not?

Sometimes-but I'm not willing to go back to that process.

Do you use heat to straighten your hair? If so, how often?

As of now, never.

Which was easier to manage- relaxed hair or natural hair?

Natural by far. :)
What made you go natural?
I started to get tired of the same o same o of relaxed hair. I was tired of dealing with it and so I just cut it all off down to the scalp.

Was it for a change?
Oh yeah!

Hair damage from relaxers?
Atcually, I have always had healthy hair. So no, I had no damage.
Appreciation of your natural texture?
I didnt know my natural hairs texture. I was relaxing every six weeks which I didnt know was a no no!

Yep! I was tired of relaxing, blowdrying, and flat ironing.

Have you pondered another relaxer? Why/ why not?
I did one time. The only reason why I entertained the thought was because I had no clue what to do with my TWA. So I did a search and ended up here w/ all this info and I've never had another relaxer thought since.

Do you use heat to straighten your hair? If so, how often?
No heat. The last time I used heat (8 months ago) I did it to see how long my hair was. Now I dont really care to know the exact leanth. I can just pull it to see.

Which was easier to manage- relaxed hair or natural hair?
Natural baby! Fix it and forget it!
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What made you go natural? Was it for a change? Hair damage from relaxers?
Appreciation of your natural texture? Freedom?

All of the above

Have you pondered another relaxer? Why/ why not?
Sometimes because of all the gorgeous relaxed heads at LHCF. I wouldn't just cause I am so use to my natural hair and I know what to do now. I have a routine of sorts that works and relaxing means that I would have to start learning all over again which would n't be too bad since I have learned a lot from LHCF. But I won't be relaxing anytime soon cause I have gotten use to my natural hair.

Do you use heat to straighten your hair? If so, how often?
Yes-I am trying to heat straighten every other month. But it really depends on my schedule.

Which was easier to manage- relaxed hair or natural hair?
I haven't had a relaxer in a long time but when I did relaxed was harder primarily because it was damaged and this was long before LHCF. Natural was hard to manage cause it was trial and error, and at times trying to get my hair to do something it won't do. It was also damaged. Since I have learned more from LHCF my natural hair is pretty easy to maintain.
What made you go natural? Was it for a change? Hair damage from relaxers? Appreciation of your natural texture? Freedom?
I went natural because I was sick of my "beautician" causing my hair to fall out from perming. I would go and get a perm and within days have a dime to quarter size patch of hair missing ing different spots. She said it was stress that caused it. I haven't had a perm since and my hair has done nothing but thrive ever since.

Have you pondered another relaxer? Why/ why not?
Yes, I think about what it would be like from time to time. But I don't think I will ever go back. But see me in a few years, I may change my tune LOL.

Do you use heat to straighten your hair? If so, how often?
Yes I do. I have a Sedu 1" flatiron. I try to use it 2 x a month. So one week will be straight. The other week will be wash and goes or a ponytail. But now that its getting colder Idon't know what I'm going to do. I can't go out the house at 6:30 every morning with a wet head...My goal was going to be straightening just once a month but I don't know how I will get there during the winter months.

Which was easier to manage- relaxed hair or natural hair?
To me they are about the same. Or, I've just gotten used to my texture and no how to work it.

PS, your hair is to die for and you are a beautiful girl!
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What made you go natural? I had enough of growing my hair out only for it to break off. I could never figure out why it broke off. It never occured to me to go natural, until I was told about this website. It would never had happenend if not for the honest responses on this board. Now that I am natural, some days I love it and some days I long to have a relaxer only to have the gorgeous shine and silky hair- it wasn't really but in my imagination it was. I would never do it again though, I never worry about my hair anymore. thats the blessing

Have you pondered another relaxer? Why/ why not?
yes for moments here and there then I remember all the mess I went through and move on to other thoughts.

Do you use heat to straighten your hair? If so, how often?
I tried to straighten but I did not use oils so it reverted five minutes after I finish a row. So technically no.

Which was easier to manage- relaxed hair or natural hair? Natural hair is easier to manage for me then relaxed. I always had to grab the curling iron to fix this piece or curl this end. No thanks. Now I can't wait to get a phony tail --- soon and counting
years ago when i first entertained the thought of retiring from relaxing, i was completely put off by the permie vs. natural debates. why were a bunch of black women arguing and name calling all in the name of hair? i didn't get it and since i was a "permie", i was insulted.

fast foward a few years, i was tired of the hair in my nape never making it past my ears. i really just wanted to find a way to get healthier hair. and decided to "start over" with fresh natural hair to relax. cra-zy, i know. but once the nape started to grow in and just as healthy as the rest of my hair, i knew the relaxer was the culprit. i had to stop. it just makes sense for me. i know its possible to have healthy relaxed hair. and i have learned how to have healthy hair, not just natural hair. but i'mnot ready to go back to relaxers just yet. i'm having too much fun experimenting with my natural hair.

still working on my temples. any suggestions for me would be great. my problem may be well beyond the scope of this board but i'm open.

i don't entertain the idea of getting a relaxer. but i do wish my hair was longer at times. i think it just looks better on me. i just need more patience.

the only times i ever airdryed before i went natural was when i was being too lazy or my blowdryer broke. now, i air dry all the time. i bought a diffuser but i didn't use it long enough to dry my hair. i don't really have the time for it.

since i decided to go natural, i had my hair straightened once before i big chopped. and i'm about to get it straightened again to put some braids in.

i think relaxed hair was easier but thats because i didn't do anything to it. i didn't moisturize, i didn't wash it. i didn't do anything except comb it to death. everything i learned about how to "do" my hair i had to unlearn. so taking care of my natural hair is definitely harder. but way more worth it and gratifying.
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I wanted to go natural because I knew meanwhile I love having straight hair, but the effects of the relaxer were not worth it. Headaches, dandruff (that I had never had before might I add!), receeding hairline, poor hair condition, and the undeniable BEAUTY of my new growth all made me go natural! I had always noticed i loved it but what really made me realize it was how thick my new growth was! I mean to the point where my straight ends were looking really really STRANGE with the new growth and I couldn't mask it anymore so it was inevitable. But for the most part I couldn't help but say how jealous I would get of women with naturally thick, long, beautifully defined hair curly hair...I wanted it too so I let go and just did it!

I think about it wouldn't necessarily be because thats what I want... I never liked how they made me feel when I was younger but you do tend to miss how quick it looked like you attained length and how people's jaws dropped when they saw how beautifully straight your hair was...but I think curly hair is so much more sexy than i used to think...

I never use heat AT ALL! I haven't done it in months and I think my hair is so much better for it!

My natural hair isn't so hard to manage because its very similar to my relaxed hair when i just let it go curly and didn't attempt to straighten it...I think it might just be easier now because for the most part I slap some oils in it and keep it moving versus trying to style a big poof of hair!
Do you REALLY have to do a major cut when growing your natural hair? I really don't want to cut my hair off while in the process. Can I just keep my ends clean and deep conditioners?
SaucyWow said:
Do you REALLY have to do a major cut when growing your natural hair? I really don't want to cut my hair off while in the process. Can I just keep my ends clean and deep conditioners?

NO you don't ;) I grew my hair out for a year and then cut the relaxed ends off...some ladies have gone longer than a year just trimming it little by little until they are satisfied with the length of their natural hair and then they cut the relaxed ends off. it's whatever YOU want to do, but by no means do you have to do anything you don't want to :D
What made you go natural? Was it for a change? Hair damage from relaxers? Appreciation of your natural texture? Freedom?

I was having a hard time with my relaxed hair, and had had it in extensions for about 7 months. I had a car crash, and while I was off work found a book called no lye in my library. Then I went on the net, found, and went from there.

Have you pondered another relaxer? Why/ why not?
At first I did, but now I don't even think about it.
Do you use heat to straighten your hair? If so, how often?
I got my hair pressed out once, and ended up having to cut off the burnt bits, so I'm in no hurry to do it again.
Which was easier to manage- relaxed hair or natural hair?
For me, natural hair.
What made you go natural? Was it for a change? Hair damage from relaxers? Appreciation of your natural texture? Freedom?

I've always been natural, but for the first sixteen years of my life I wore it pressed. In 11th grade, I decided to stop getting my hair pressed on a weekly basis.

Have you pondered another relaxer? Why/ why not?

I've never had a relaxer, but I have thought about getting one. I know I wouldn't because it would drive me bananas to deal with two textures.

Do you use heat to straighten your hair? If so, how often?

I use heat (my maxiglide) about three times a year max.

Which was easier to manage- relaxed hair or natural hair?

Well, I'd much rather deal with my unpressed natural hair than pressed natural hair.
Bublnbrnsuga said:
What made you go natural? Was it for a change? Hair damage from relaxers? Appreciation of your natural texture? Freedom?

Well, when I was relaxed in college, I was wearing weaves and what not so I figured, what's the point of me getting my hair touched up when I'm not wearing it out. I also wanted to see what my natural texture was like.

Have you pondered another relaxer? Why/ why not?

I actually did apply a relaxer to my hair after I transitioned for a year. I wasn't happy with the results so I decide just to start over with the transitioning.

Do you use heat to straighten your hair? If so, how often?

Nope, I really never learned how to straighten my hair plus I would just sweat it back out in a matter of hours so what's the point.

Which was easier to manage- relaxed hair or natural hair?

I never had a problem with matting or tangles when I was relaxed but my natural texture just loves to bunch up together so the tangles do kick my but every once and a while but I found out how to deal with it.