Naturals - Need your input


New Member
Ok, ladies -- Maybe I am just feeling a little sensitive today. Maybe due to alot of reasons, my backbone isn't as tough as it normally is.

Today...I RECEIVED MY FIRST INSULT on my natural hair!

I was walking down a hallway from lunch today, and someone whom I thought was a friend - just happened to be walking behind me. Soooo, I saw the individual and turned my head and spoke.

As I proceeded along the hallway they made a comment out loud "Humph~ what is that in your hair -- DREDS!". I turned around, and looked -- and replied "NO they are curls....MINES" and kept going.

So she said -- didn't you just have braids. (I wore braids for 1 week) I replied, yes...and I got bored and took them out!

Now, I have done this person's hair free of charge in the past. Her hair is STRINGY\DAMAGED\OVER PROCESSED and she is always using the term "My Beautician". Now the part that got me is it what ME who got her hair growing back with my braiding technique and trimming her bad ends --and MN (input).

Sooooo, as you can see from my Avatar I cut my hair down to a complete bc, and am headed to a 1yr post at the end of this month.

My hair has grown completely back (though I haven't straightened), and my curls are popping. Isn't it amazing how people around you can be jealous of something that you've accomplished?

I'm looking for your input ladies -- and some stories of your own to share, if you got it in you today!

*Note: PS -- ignore the smirk on the I was taking a quick shot with the cell phone.


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She's just making snarky comments because she can see all the progress you've made. The green eyed monster is coming out....she's jealous!

Just keep doing you. Your hair looks wonderful!
Your hair is cute. Don't let anyone shame you for what grows out of your head naturally. You are going to get lot's of good comments and lot's of good stares and when you do make sure to appreciate them so you can build up that confidence. Even if you don't get comments, which is not true because I love how your curls look, but if you don't you are not your hair so that shouldn't matter. In your hair's defense, it's very classy and don't let anyone tell you otherwise :)
I think you and your hair are absolutely beautiful! Ignore that ignorant comment from that broad. I BC'd almost 2 weeks ago and the few ignorant comments I have received came from other "sistas":rolleyes: Comments like "You better than me, I couldn't walk around with my hair nappy". I think the reason why we receive that type of feedback is because "we" have been conditioned to hate our natural hair. So many of us have chemically treated our hair for so long, we really don't understand our natural hair. I think thats why a lot of people do not appreciate the natural for what it is.

Keep doing what you do! She'll have a great appreciation for it as she's seeing more progress while hers is at a standstill.
I don't know if she meant any harm by it or not, if she didn't maybe she didn't think you'd take it personal.
Thanks Ladies, you have definitely made my day! I appreciate all the positive input that you have provided me!

I love my LHCF'll are FANTASTIC!
Anew ~ I'm sure she did mean it as an insult. I think that most people believe that when a sistah cuts ALL of her hair off, it will take a long time to grow back. They can't believe that your hair is longer than THEIRS, must less in it's NATURAL state!

I've had plenty of sistah ask me when do I plan to straighten my hair. It's not so "I" can see my length, but so they can. I only straigthen my hair to trim. I wont trim again until early next year in my own home. Other than that..I am happy with my hair! (too bad it bothers them...lolrofl)
Ignore her, she's just jealous. It's amazing how some people just look for ways to be mean. When I was transitioning, a 'sista' told me: 'I could never wear my hair that way' (screwed up face and all) and I told her, 'No you couldn't. It takes a certain personality to wear natural hair.' Of course that pissed her off. Years later now the same woman is asking me 'how do you get those waves in your hair', 'its so curly, what products do you use.' PLEASE!

Your hair is awesome! Hang in there. The ones that make comments are so insecure in their own skin they can't handle those of us that are. :yep:

Whew, time for a hot chocolate break. :lachen:
I've had plenty of sistah ask me when do I plan to straighten my hair. It's not so "I" can see my length, but so they can. I only straigthen my hair to trim. I wont trim again until early next year in my own home. Other than that..I am happy with my hair! (too bad it bothers them...lolrofl)

Amen!! :bighug:
To be honest some naturals curls (4's) looks like its on the beginning stages of being locked. It doesn't look bad since I like locs but I can see how people can misinterpret the style. Continue to love your self and your hair journey. As long as you love it it doesn't matter and please don't let this discourage you as far as helping people with their journey.
Stay blessed. :-)
you know I might have turned up my nose at natural hair a few years ago. I've grown and expanded my world and what it means to do 'me'. Now I don't touch relaxers at all.

thankful that I found this board