Naturals: "How'd you get your hair like that?"

I'm starting to get that question alot more now that my hair is getting bigger and the curls are really popping. I usually get the side eye when I tell them its all me and its natural. I even got a scalp checked once, but it was a family member so I didn't mind.
Yes. Two women stopped me in the mall once and asked me this. I told them I just rinsed with water and leave-in and oil. "But what did you do to make it curl like that?" I wanted to shake my head, but I just kindly told them that it just does that and that I was natural. Btw, my curls aren't that defined at all. Before we parted, she said "I wonder if my hair would ever do that..." It was messed up that she really never knew.
I had that question a few yrs ago before the relaxers and it was from a co-worker at a training school, my hair was wavy from a wash and go, she asked "how did you get your hair that way" (white of course) I was like "just washed and left hair spray in." She had the nerve to say "It's very pretty, so that's ur natural texture huh? I didnt know black peoples hair could get like that. no offense." :ohwell:

:perplexed :nono:
I have a friend that has heat damage hair and she ALWAYS ask me what I do to my hair! After constantly giving tips... I told her about the forum but she started talking about something Sandra Rose said about LHCF!:rolleyes: So I gave up on her! Everyone else I give them a simple answer and keep it moving!
I usually say, "oh, it's called a twist out, I twisted it up like small pony tails, then I untwist them"

I once had a curly bantu-knot out. I was going through screening at the airport. The lady was soooo into the pic. She was like, "omg that is so cute, how can I do my hair like that"

I looked at her hair (she was relaxed - short cut) and told her, " my hair is natural. I twisted it up to look like this". She had such a look of disappointment on her face. I just KIM after that.
The most logical, straight-forward answer has been right under my nose this whole time! lol :drunk:

I get the question too. I simply say: It's natural.

wow. :nono:

I had that question a few yrs ago before the relaxers and it was from a co-worker at a training school, my hair was wavy from a wash and go, she asked "how did you get your hair that way" (white of course) I was like "just washed and left hair spray in." She had the nerve to say "It's very pretty, so that's ur natural texture huh? I didnt know black peoples hair could get like that. no offense." :ohwell:

Thanks. I'm not offended or anything. I just never realized people didn't know it was natural. I thought it was just obvious. Now i know it may not be to others.

Considering that most black women IRL are not natural it makes sense that you all would get that question. And considering the abundance of wigs, weaves, and chemicals most black women use most people would ask this type question and automatically assume you used the above to achieve your hairdo.

The answer is simple, "It's natural." Most people aren't really asking to be educated on haircare practices or hair forums. They are only interested in how to style their hair similarly or just trying to find out how you achieved such a nice style. That's it. It's not serious at all and it doesn't require a whole lot of hair board or hair care info unless the person specifically ask for it.

Yea only once though. My boss who is Indian asked me how I did my hair the first time I wore a wash and go to work.

I started telling her how I leave some conditioner in, shake my head like a rabid dog, rake gel through, shake again and she was like "yea yea but how did you get the style, all the little ringlets" I said the gel and water and conditioner

She spent abit of time in disbelief then said "oh I thought you set all the curls individually" I was thinking, yea I used a thousand tiny thin pencils to set this style, before coming into work at 9am and without even waiting for it to dry lol

lol i thought people could tell it was just my natural texture since the curls aren't all perfectly uniform.
^^ I honestly think she is surprised my hair can be manipulated to hang down or do anything apart from an afro.

She has asked why if I am natural my hair doesn't look like an afro, I explained that afros (especially the nice big cloud like ones) are usually achieved by picking out/combing dry hair and yes I can have a fro but I don't like combing my dry hair very often and that a wash and go is much easier. She was very interested and now she knows. :)
I get that a lot with my wash n gos. My answer is, "I wash with conditioner, don't fully rinse it out, apply moisturizer, apply leave in conditioner, and then scrunch." That way it sounds like SOMETHING instead of, "this is just how my hair is"
^^ I honestly think she is surprised my hair can be manipulated to hang down or do anything apart from an afro.

She has asked why if I am natural my hair doesn't look like an afro, I explained that afros (especially the nice big cloud like ones) are usually achieved by picking out/combing dry hair and yes I can have a fro but I don't like combing my dry hair very often and that a wash and go is much easier. She was very interested and now she knows. :)

Oh ok some people just don't know. That's sweet that she's interested though. :yep:
i hate when people ask me. because seriously, it would take a million hours to do a straw set and make my hair like this! i also hate the jerri curl jokes. :sad: i be so shamed lol. ♥
Yes, is it the #1 question I get asked regarding my hair. I don't mind it though. What I can't stand is when people act as if they don't believe you...why ask me if you've already drawn your own conclusion? Folks are a trip....
I get this question a lot and for people who already know that I'm natural I tell them "conditioner." I get a lot of "oh..."

Does anyone else hate when people ask you "Oh, so you're going natural?" I'm already natural...there is no going, I'm already there. Idk, I find that question to be the most annoying.
I get this question a lot and for people who already know that I'm natural I tell them "conditioner." I get a lot of "oh..."

Does anyone else hate when people ask you "Oh, so you're going natural?" I'm already natural...there is no going, I'm already there. Idk, I find that question to be the most annoying.

:blush: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

ETA: I find that a lot of people see "it" (whether it is the transition phase or if you didnt transition then just being natural) as a journey that never ends. Since many people don't see it as just a hair choice and more of "going against the man" or "striving to be different".
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Only people who are obsessed with curl patterns ask me that. I don't have much to say except what I really did to get it like that.
I started to get this question a couple of months ago, while wig shopping no less. I had a crushed wash & go (due to my hat) and woman asked how did I get my hair to look the way it did. I just told her I'm natural.

My stepson asked me on Father's Day how did I get my hair to curl like it did. I explained to him off an on for a while that it was just the way my hair grows (not a set) and to prove it, I dunked my head in water.

My good friend asked me on Sunday if I had a straw set done.
She is natural too, 3b/3c, and I just told her it was a wash & go.
My own sister asked me She said what's that, referring to a picture, a Jerri curl? I laughed and said no, that's my natural texture.
everyday lol. my answer varies depending on what they ask me afterwards. I'll say "God", or "It grows like this".
Only people who are obsessed with curl patterns ask me that. I don't have much to say except what I really did to get it like that.

word. one woman would ask me a few times a week that same damned question. now if i told you once, maybe twice....get the hint. then she would always pull on my hair. i finally swatted at her hand and she left me alone. sticking her stinky cigarette smelling fingers in my hair.
my niece is natural for about 5 years now, way before my Bc (this is my second time around) and I hadn't seen her in a couple of months until a father's day dinner. she's been hounding me ever since asking me what i use and how did i get it like this and she tried my prods and techniques and why hers still wasn't curling up like mine. my little cousin got the bug to BC after seeing my pics and now i give her tutorials as well. imma take them shopping and see if we can find concoctions that will work for their individual hair type.