Naturals: "How'd you get your hair like that?"


Well-Known Member
I was just wondering if any naturals get this question a lot when they do wash and gos.

Before I cut my hair I was asked this a lot.

I never really knew what to say to them. "Umm I conditioned it and rinsed...":look:

Do people ask you this? What's your response?
yuuup. The other day this lady yelled at me across a parking lot and asked me how I did my hair. When I told her how I did it and what products I used she was like "oh..." and my white people techniques. People never wanna hear that.
i get that alot too! lol i usually dont kno what to say. i dont want to go through my whole regimen!!
I had that question a few yrs ago before the relaxers and it was from a co-worker at a training school, my hair was wavy from a wash and go, she asked "how did you get your hair that way" (white of course) I was like "just washed and left hair spray in." She had the nerve to say "It's very pretty, so that's ur natural texture huh? I didnt know black peoples hair could get like that. no offense." :ohwell:
A cashier at Walgreens asked me how I got my twists to stick together and did I use gel or something. I told her no it's natural so they just stick together. It was cute because she said she used to be natural back in the day and kinda forgot what it was like.
I've been getting the 'where did you buy it' or 'is it real?'question more and more as my hair gets bigger.

Some women ask if my wash n go is from 'braiding or twisting my hair up'. I just tell them it's my natural texture and that's usually the end of the conversation.
As I was leaving the grocery store, a woman with a lovely accent and braids ask me what I did to get my hair to look like it did. I said, “Combing it every 4-6 weeks, finger-combing in the shower with oil and conditioner to get shed out.”

“Oh, so it just grows like that.”


“What do you use on your hair?”

I laughed a little. I don’t get that question at all. “Cheap conditioners with honey and rosemary essential oil added. I just started experimenting with oils and gels. If you have the internet, there are tons of hair forums…”

“Yeah, I know, but they don’t have my type of hair.” Her temples had the teeny-tiniest coils I had ever seen in my life, like little bumps they were.

“There are a few on the Long Hair Care Forum. Some prefer to keep their hair stretched, you know with twists, washing with them in, washing in sections. Just check them out.”

It seemed she did not believe me, but what can I say? We said our good-byes and that was that.
All the time. I tell them that it's the leave-in conditioner even though that's the extra simplified version. I only get into deep conditioning, shea butter, ect if they push since I'm not one to go on and on about hair in real life.
That question is asked of me too darn much for every hairstyle. I swear I'm a magnent for those with natural hair or who are transitioning.

RESULT: I created my YouTube channel.

Now I don't have to use/waste valuable shopping time or work productivity...I just direct them to my YouTube channel. Save a lot of time in dealing with visual learners.
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ALL the time. When I tell them its just from conditioning and moisturizing, people usually reply "that's your natural hair?" When I say yes, some people seem skeptical. I even had a natural coworker accuse me of not telling her what i was "really" doing to my hair when I recommended KCCC to her (only after she asked what I used), and she didn't have the same results. Oh well, what can you do?
Considering that most black women IRL are not natural it makes sense that you all would get that question. And considering the abundance of wigs, weaves, and chemicals most black women use most people would ask this type question and automatically assume you used the above to achieve your hairdo.

The answer is simple, "It's natural." Most people aren't really asking to be educated on haircare practices or hair forums. They are only interested in how to style their hair similarly or just trying to find out how you achieved such a nice style. That's it. It's not serious at all and it doesn't require a whole lot of hair board or hair care info unless the person specifically ask for it.
I've been getting the 'where did you buy it' or 'is it real?'question more and more as my hair gets bigger.

Some women ask if my wash n go is from 'braiding or twisting my hair up'. I just tell them it's my natural texture and that's usually the end of the conversation.

Ha, I get this a lot now with every experimental hair style I do!!! Sheesh, us black women cant have any hair without someone questioning if Iťs real.
I get it so much I lost track a long time ago :lol:. Most of the time I answer it point blank. "I stopped relaxing it. I condition it. I detangle it. I add moisturizer and then I let it air dry. That's it."
Yup I spent a lot of time (last weekend) running away from a lady who was convinced I was holding out, as conditioner couldn't get hair looking like mine:rolleyes:
OMG!! Yes...usually on my twist out (I have yet to doa WnG) or how I got my hair so big one day and the next, it looks half the size. I try my best to keep my answers as simple as possible, but there is/has been (or so it seems) this underlying side eye at my explanations. As long as I feel that you are sincerely interested and I have the time, I'll entertain the questions. But once that dormant "side-eye" bogarts the conversation and I feel its hot breath on my's a wrap---interview time is over.

Yea only once though. My boss who is Indian asked me how I did my hair the first time I wore a wash and go to work.

I started telling her how I leave some conditioner in, shake my head like a rabid dog, rake gel through, shake again and she was like "yea yea but how did you get the style, all the little ringlets" I said the gel and water and conditioner

She spent abit of time in disbelief then said "oh I thought you set all the curls individually" I was thinking, yea I used a thousand tiny thin pencils to set this style, before coming into work at 9am and without even waiting for it to dry lol
I just tell them what I did in simple terms. No need to go all lhcf on non hair board people. lol

Twist Out - put my hair in twists and undid them.

Wash n Go - washed/conditioned and this is my natural texture.

If they show more interest, I would go into more detail. (hasn't happened yet)
I get that question all the time. Then when I say, "It's my natural texture, my hair just does this when I wash it," they look all :nono: and start talking about how their hair can't do like mine. I just reply, "You never know until you try it." If they are receptive I'll tell them that there are entire Internet communities (like here!) and Youtube channels and blogs dedicated to this.

I always, ALWAYS emphasize that there is a LEARNING CURVE also. Let them count the cost before they get started on the journey.
Considering that most black women IRL are not natural it makes sense that you all would get that question. And considering the abundance of wigs, weaves, and chemicals most black women use most people would ask this type question and automatically assume you used the above to achieve your hairdo.

The answer is simple, "It's natural." Most people aren't really asking to be educated on haircare practices or hair forums. They are only interested in how to style their hair similarly or just trying to find out how you achieved such a nice style. That's it. It's not serious at all and it doesn't require a whole lot of hair board or hair care info unless the person specifically ask for it.

Agreeing...its not that serious. The inquiry is usually complimentary.

I get asked often "how I got my hair like that" and I reply that I washed it and left conditioner in. No need to say anything else, cause that is the answer, regardless of my complete hair regime.
Yeah, i get asked every now and then. I just say it's natural. No further exclamation unless they ask what products I use on my hair.
All the time. I answer that I do nothing. I rarely get believed, I then get grilled about how I wash and condition and what I use and do after that... it doesn't bother me, but I do wish people would believe what I say when I say nothing.
Sometime i hate going into detail. When i tell them what i do to acheive the look they dont believe me (like im lying to them). Then i hate when trhey come back in state that i wash my hair to much and its going to fall out. I had one ask me how to you get your hair so nappy, i just shake my head..... Some people are just rude.
I was just wondering if any naturals get this question a lot when they do wash and gos.

Before I cut my hair I was asked this a lot.

I never really knew what to say to them. "Umm I conditioned it and rinsed...":look:

Do people ask you this? What's your response?


Now all I say is just say "I just wash it and apply a styling product."
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All the time. I answer that I do nothing. I rarely get believed, I then get grilled about how I wash and condition and what I use and do after that... it doesn't bother me, but I do wish people would believe what I say when I say nothing.

I've only been natural for about a week, and have already gotten countless questions on how I 'got my hair to do that' when its in a wash n go. I got the same questions when I would wear my bantu-knot outs while transitioning; I just take the question as a compliment, answer, and KIM.